M.O.N.E. Business Meeting
April 28, 2015
Topic / Discussion / Action/Follow-Up /I. Welcome and Role Call / Barbara Jacobs welcomed the participants. She did a roll call of the hospitals and organizations at today’s meeting. Various members announced their organization’s achievements and awards since the last meeting. B.E. Smith, Walden University, No Ventri and Passport USA sponsored the meeting.
II. Business Meeting
Planning/ Programming
Nurse Manager Consortium
Treasurer’s Report
Nurse Residency Program
Research Council
Guest Speakers
Poster Presentations / Barbara Jacobs announced that MONE is an affiliate of AONE. State wide organizations have to be non-profit status. All state wide organizations have to have liability insurance. Board members must be members of AONE.
Alison Burrows reported our current membership as 192 members. Our goal is 200 members. Danielle Wilson greeted participants at the MONE table at the Maryland Patient Safety Conference. Nurse leaders expressed concern that they thought the membership of MONE was solely for nurse executives. Members can vote soon electronically if we should change our name to the Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders.
Alison Burrows stated that today’s meeting will be the annual EBP Research Poster presentation. The September 24th Meeting will be on “Population Health And The Role Of Nursing” with MHA and MHEI. After the seminar, there will be a MONE Meeting. The November 19th meeting topic will be determined based on the members’ survey results from today’s meeting. The January 2016 Meeting will be about the “State Of The State” presented by Carmela Coyle from MHA. The annual poster presentations will be in April 2016.
Eugenia Powell and Christine Bish are the co-chairs of the MONE Nurse Manager Consortium. The most recent consortium was held on April 17th at Carroll Hospital Center. CNOs in Maryland and Washington, D.C. can send 6 to 8 staff to the program per session if their hospital is a member of the consortium. Every organization that is a member of the consortium also needs to agree to provide a room to host the event.
Jody Porter stated our total assets as of 3/31/15 are $98,349.08. The report will be filed for audit. Also, there is a fee charged by MONE for organizations to advertise open positions on the MONE website.
Mary Ann Greene is the coordinator for the Nurse Residency Program in Maryland. MONE supports nurse leaders to support a standardized nurse residency program in Maryland. Data is needed for new graduates who maintain their jobs for the first year after their nurse residency program. MONE is the lead organization for the Program. So far, 19 hospitals are active in the Program. Maryland hospitals in the collaborative have 1,202 new graduate RNs in 2014. So far, only 4% have resigned from their positions. The national resignation rate is 3.5% for new graduate RNs. The contract with UHC will need to be renewed by December 2015.
Pat Woltz stated that the abstract workshop will be moved to an earlier date in 2016 to assist the membership on how to write an abstract for the poster presentations.
The topic for today’s meeting was, “Using Statistical Process Control Charts For Outcome Measurement And Evaluation” by Meg Johantgen, PhD, RN, Assistant Dean, University of Maryland and Kristen Seidl, PhD, RN, Director of Quality and Safety, UMMC and Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, School of Nursing.
Quality Improvement:
“Using Best Practices, Nursing Education, and Lean Daily Management To Improve Exclusive Breastfeeding”. (GBMC)
“Aspiration Prevention: Don’t Get Choked Up.” (Northwest Hospital)
The Nurse Residency Program Winner:
“Buffing Up Safety: An Interdisciplinary Approach To Improving Safety In An Emergency Department.” (UMMC)
“The Development Of An Electronic Bedside Shift Report Tool” (Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center)
Meeting adjourned / Next meeting: September 24, 2015.
Respectfully submitted: Marcie Dawson, Secretary