Morecambe Bay Electric Bike Network 2017

Background briefing document for prospective hire & charge points, and other service providers

What is the Morecambe Bay Electric Bicycle Network?

  1. The network is being launched for Easter 2017 along the length of the Bay Cycle Way, supported by a grant from the Coastal Communities fund given to Morecambe Bay Partnership (MBP).
  1. It will consist of a number of ‘Hire Points’ (probably about 5-10 in the first year) where people can rent electric bikes, plus standard bikes/other equipment as available. There will be approximately 30 electric bikes as part of the Network in the first year, in addition to any additional hire bikes that add into the branded ‘fleet’.
  1. At intervals around Morecambe Bay and along the Bay Cycle Way there will be a series of ‘Charge Points’ where e-bike users can top up e-bike batteries. Charge points will typically be food/drink establishments or local attractions so that, whilst users are waiting for the batteries to recharge (about 30 minutes to an hour) they can enjoy something to eat, drink or visit.
  1. The establishment of the EBN will hopefully encourage other businesses to develop ancillary services eg. luggage and bike delivery/transfers/pick ups; tours, servicing etc.

What is an electric bike?

Electric bikes offer additional power but still have to be pedalled and make hills much easier and also extend the distance that can be cycled. They are applicable for a wide variety of people. Most electric bikes are just like any other bicycle – you still have to pedal and you have a range of gears to use. However, at any point you can choose to switch on the electric power and select different settings to give you increasing levels of ‘boost’ to help you ride up the hills with relative ease and no sweat. Be warned - it is a very addictive feeling!

E-bike use in the UK is growing rapidly as people become more aware of the flexibility they offer, both for leisure and utility trips – something our neighbours on the continent discovered a long time ago!

E-bikes are legally allowed on bridleways and cycleways, like any standard bike. They have a maximum top speed from the assist of 15mph. You have to be over 14 to ride an electric bike.

Fig 1 – Map of the Bay Cycle Way route

How will the Morecambe Bay Electric Bicycle Network operate?

  1. Grant funding will be available via Morecambe Bay Partnership, to kick-start the network by providing some e-bikes & equipment, training, and initial publicity to the network of hire and charge points and associated businesses. They will be expected to use this initial funding to grow the network into a sustainable venture.
  1. Charge points will be expected to provide a free battery charging service for users, in return for the promotion and publicity gained as being part of the Network. Users would unlock the battery from their bikes and bring it inside, along with their charger to be plugged into any 3-point plug. To fully charge an e-bike battery costs between 5-10 pence. Charge Points might wish to ask for voluntary donations towards a local charity in return for the free charging.
  1. Bicycle service providers can also apply for funding to expand their offer for Electric Bicycle Network users (eg. bike/luggage delivery or transfers, tours), as well as engaging directly with hire points to help support their delivery eg. with bike servicing an emergency pick up.
  1. A Network Co-ordinator will be in post during the first year and will help businesses set up, co-ordinating meetings, delivering centralised marketing, collecting data and helping to develop an on-going sustainable business model.
  1. Users will be able to hire a bike by contacting a hire point and hiring it for varying periods. It is anticipated that many of the trips will end with the bike being returned to the hire point (A to A) but hire points will be encouraged to explore opportunities to enable dropping the bike at a different hire point or at an agreed location (A to B).
  2. MBP will set a recommended range of hire fees for day/part day/multi-day for the first year. All the income from the rentals will be retained by the hirer,though there will be costs such as insurance, servicing and repair which the hirer will bear. Hire points will be able to create packages beyond these hire fees for instance, A-B hires, luggage transfer, supported tours. In future years hire points will be expected to replace equipment and contribute to the overall co-ordination of the network.

How will the Network be promoted?

A dedicated web page will be developed to help publicise the Network. Hire and charge points will be listed for free on this site. There will also be a range of centrally produced publicity and informational materials including: fliers, hard copy maps showing locations of hire/charge points for users; network window stickers.

The electric bikes and equipment that are grant funded will be branded up, as part of the Network. Brand Guidelines will be issued, which participating businesses will be expected to adhere to.

Is the e-bike hire network only for visitors?

The network will be open to anyone wanting to hire an e-bike. The e-bikes will be for use in the Morecambe Bay area but local people as well as visitors will be welcome to hire any of the grant provided e-bikes for a maximum of 5 days. The aim is to encourage local people to ‘try before you buy’ or to use an e-bike for work or shopping for example.

How will the grant work?

Following the expression of interest and selection process, existing cycle businesses will be awarded a capital grant with which to purchase equipment directly with their preferred supplier. For other businesses, such as holiday parks and visitor attractions, a central procurement of bikes and equipment will be set up and hire points will apply to have a small fleet of bikes (2-4 bikes per hire point) and associated kit including helmets, locks, lights and panniers.

Applicants looking to set up or expand support services, such as bike and luggage transfers will also be eligible to apply for grant funding to help them to develop the service.

The e-bikes and equipment will become the property of the grant applicant who will be responsible for them, however, there will be a service level agreement in place, with various terms and conditions for all participating businesses, including a requirement to assist with some monitoring and evaluation.

When will the Network be established?


  • August/September- a call for interest in being part of the scheme via features in the local media and also by direct contact .
  • 13 September - an Information Day when more details about the scheme will be provided. There will be opportunities for networking with other interested businesses
  • midSeptember – early October: following the information day formal applications for a grant for e-bikes and associated equipment will be invited along with details for businesses wishing to provide charge points.
  • From 14th September the Expression of Interest form and other background information documents will be available on
  • The closing date for receipt of Expressions of Interest is the 4th October 2016
  • Mid November: outcome of the application process will be announced. Successful applicants will be asked to sign a contract to receive the grant and be part of the e-bike hire scheme.
  • December: equipment will be procured/ capital grants awarded (the latter for businesses such as bike shops who wish to procure through their normal suppliers).


  • January – March: branded equipment will be distributed along with training sessions.
  • February: website goes live, marketing materials distributed and ‘soft’ launch of Network
  • March: Network goes live

Electric bikes – some facts and figures

Sales of electric bikes worldwide are increasing – 34 million in 2014 expected to be in excess of 40 million by 2020. Research shows that:

  • e-bikes are popular with people taking up or returning to cycling
  • encourage women to cycle more often and men to cycle further
  • e-bikes are good for those who feel less confident about their fitness to cycle
  • help people travel further, cycle in hilly areas without getting too tired or sweaty
  • e-bike users generally cycle more often and for longer distances and experience increased health and wellbeing benefits
  • an e-bike has low CO2 emissions 2.6 – 5 grams of CO2 per mile compared to 150 grams for most electric cars and 136 grams for scooters
  • 50% 0f the millions of car journeys people do are less than 3 miles – ideal distances to do on an e-bike

For more information:

Richard InghamJanet Barton

Cycle Planning Consultant Morecambe Bay Partnership

E-mail -mail

Mob 07952 31220Mob 07760 883408