Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance of
Web Sites and Web Pages

The purpose of the Benton-Carroll-Salem School District web pages is to enhance instruction of students as designed by faculty and to provide the students and community with information about the District, the individual schools, and school activities. Employees, with the approval of the appropriate administrator, may construct and post web pages on the District’s Network servers that share the goal of furthering the District’s purpose. The District does not intend to open a forum of any kind to students, faculty, administrators or the public for free expression, as those opportunities are available in other forums.

Creators of web pages (including blogs, wikis, etc.) must adhere to the following procedures and responsibilities. Failure to do so may result in the loss of authoring privileges or other more stringent disciplinary measures according to the applicable collective bargaining agreement and/or Board policy. Given the rapid change in technology, these Guidelines are subject to change at any time and users are required to obtain and follow current policies.

General Guidelines

1. The District will maintain a web server and may post web pages that advance the mission of the District. All documents and web pages posted on the District’s Network must conform to the District’s Acceptable Use Policies and Guidelines. Copies of these documents are available in all school offices, the Board offices, and on the Network. Persons developing or maintaining web pages or documents are responsible for complying with these and other policies.

2. School, activity or employee web pages stored on servers outside the District that are linked to the District’s servers or web pages or to which students or the general public may be directed for homework assignments, work assignments or other school activity or District information should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate administrator. Further changes to such pages must continue to meet District guidelines, and must display prominently the following disclaimer:

This site is not sponsored by the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District. Furthermore, the views and opinions on this web site are not necessarily those of the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District.

3. District web pages will likely contain links to web pages outside of the District’s control; accordingly, the following disclaimer must be used on all District web pages:

Throughout the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District’s web site are links to external sites. These external sites contain information created and maintained by other public and private organizations and are provided for the user’s convenience. The District does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, completeness, or appropriateness of this information. The information or opinions contained on external links do not necessarily represent the views of the Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District.

4. Individuals may post their own web pages on servers of their choice, but these may not affiliate with the District in any way or imply District responsibility or endorsement for such pages.

5. Copyrighted materials outside of the scope of fair use may not be published without obtaining prior written permission from the copyright holder. A copy of the permission for each work used must be provided to the District. Please see the District’s Use of Copyrighted Materials Policy for additional requirements.


By creating a web page, the creator of the page accepts responsibility for its maintenance and content.

1. Subject Matter:

a. All subject matter on web pages must relate to curriculum, instruction, school- authorized or affiliated activities, or general information about the departments, the schools, or the District. The District does not intend to open a forum of any kind for expression by individuals or organizations.

b. All web pages must be well-written, spell-checked and organized. The web pages may have links to appropriate educational or curriculum-related material.

c. Documents may not contain or recommend objectionable material or link directly to objectionable material. Objectionable material is defined as material that does not meet the standards for instructional resources or which would be in violation of the District’s Acceptable Use Policy.

d. Web pages may not be linked to personal home pages of employees, students, or other individuals, as it is not the intent of the District to open a forum for individual speech. Web creators who link pages to the District web page and include links to other sites must periodically check those links to ensure the links are still active and still meet the educational standards outlined in these Guidelines.

e. All proposed web pages or alterations to existing web pages must be approved by the appropriate person. This individual’s decision on the appropriate content and links shall be final. The District reserves the right to delete or modify any links or web page content that exists on its server at any time and without notice.

2. Confidential Information Safeguards:

a. Any e-mail addresses that are listed on a web page shall be restricted to District employees only or to general or generic e-mail addresses (such as “webmaster” or “info” or “help”) where arriving e-mail is forwarded to a District employee.

b. With the employee’s authorization, web pages may include an employee’s name, photo, department, certification, educational background, professional awards or recognition, professional publications, school sponsorships, and e-mail addresses.

c. Web pages shall not include a student’s last name, e-mail address, phone number, mailing address, names of other family members, names of friends, or other personally identifiable information.

d. A student’s work or a photograph or video that identifies the student may not be published unless the student’s parent/guardian (or the student, if over the age of 18) has signed a written authorization permitting publication.


All web pages hosted by the District shall comply with the following standards:

1. Each web page shall have an instance of “Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District” (trademarked text or trademarked District logo) and the department or school name displayed on the page.

2. At the bottom of the web page, there must be a name and e-mail contact of the person responsible for the web page, most likely the building webmaster.

3. Web pages must have a clearly defined navigation system that includes links to the school and/or department home page and to the District home page.

4. All web sites must be “508 compliant”; i.e., in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (1998): web sites must be designed to be accessible by individuals with disabilities who may use a screen reader or other tools to access the web page. Use alt tags to ensure compliance. For additional information on 508, visit .

5. All files used on web pages must conform to copyright regulations and the District’s Use of Copyrighted Materials Policy. The following should appear once on each website: “Should you find that any material in these pages appears in violation of your copyright, please contact the webmaster immediately.”

6. All web sites must be designed to accommodate individuals who use different software, different browsers, or slow internet connections. For example:

a. Graphic, video, and audio files should be of a reasonable size so as not to impede the downloading of the web page.

b. Color schemes or graphic or patterned backgrounds should not make text difficult to read. Pages should have consistent backgrounds, color schemes, fonts, and such.

c. Flashing materials or marquee banners should be used sparingly.

d. All files used on web pages must conform to formats conducive to effective internet use; for example: graphic files (40-100K) sound and multimedia files (Flash animation and MPEG audio and video standards).

7. Web pages must conform to current internet coding standards. Each page created must be tested in at least two internet browsers to ensure accuracy.

8. Each page requires a Title tag with a unique title that describes the page. All meta-tags associated with any page must accurately describe the page and not include improper references to copyrighted or trademarked material (if the copyright or trademark is not owned by the web page operator) or other misleading material designed to increase traffic to the page (or for any other reason).

9. Downloadable files (e.g.: Flash animations, audio/video files, PDF documents) must be labeled as such along with their document type. These files must not require the user to download third-party software outside of the following typical software such as Adobe Reader and Macromedia Flash Viewer.


All web page creators must test the pages for accuracy of the links and conformance to these Guidelines prior to posting.

It is the responsibility of the web page creator to keep the materials on the web pages and links current and accurate.

Publishing a Web Page

1. Design web pages in conformance with these Guidelines.

2. Test your web page(s) with at least two different browsers to make sure the color scheme, pictures, and formatting work on different systems. Also test your web page for accessibility for a user with disabilities: using a text only browser or a reader, would someone be able to easily display and navigate your web page?

3. Review the web pages to ensure that they conform to these Guidelines and relevant Board policies, which are located in each building’s administrative offices.

4. If the web pages require the assistance of the Webmaster to post, provide an electronic copy of the web pages to the Webmaster. The creator should list which pages in the District’s web site that the creator would like to have link to the creator’s web pages. Such links must be approved by the Webmaster. The Webmaster will review the pages and then may publish them to the web site. He/she will then notify the creator of the pages that the web pages have been published.

5. All proposed web pages or changes to existing web pages must be approved by the appropriate person. This individual’s decision on the appropriate content and links shall be final.

6. As soon as web pages are published the creator should visit the pages to ensure they are operating as designed. Creators should visit the pages periodically to ensure they are operating appropriately.

Ownership and Retention

All web pages on District servers are the property of the District. The District reserves the right to delete or modify any links or web page content that exists on its servers at any time and without notice.