Guidelines for Parents

Absences (see sickness)

Please call the school office (732)705-4000 if your child will be absent.

Birthday Parties

Birthdays may be celebrated in the classroom with a simple snack (nut-free). Parents are welcome to join us in the classroom for birthday celebrations.

Class Lists

The teacher will provide first names only of students in the class. Phone numbers and addresses will not be distributed. Personal correspondence between families will not be distributed through the classroom.

Classroom Observations

Classroom Observations may be scheduled through your child’s case manager.


If you are late in dropping off your child you must report to the office before bringing your child to the classroom.

If you are late in picking up your child please call the office (732) 705-4000. Your child will wait for you in the office .

Parent Volunteers

Parent volunteers are welcome in the classroom as scheduled by the teacher. Please contact the teacher if you would like to volunteer.


If your child is sick (vomiting, fever, green/yellow discharge from nose, diarrhea, etc.) he/she must stay home. Please call the school nurse (732) 705-4032 and advise her of the absence.

If your child becomes sick in school he/she will be sent to the nurse. The nurse will contact you to pick-up your child. If you cannot be reached the nurse will call your emergency contact person and ask that your child be picked up from school. Your child will remain in the nurse’s office until he/she is picked up.

*****A note on colds and coughs

Young children share germs quickly and easily by coughing on each other and by wiping noses with hands. He/she should be able to manage his/her runny nose and know to cover his/her nose and mouth for a sneeze or cough to help maintain a healthy classroom. Children who are spreading germs in the classroom will be sent home.


There is a bathroom and sink in our classroom. The children may use the toilet whenever needed. They are supervised in the bathroom and at the sink. We encourage independence to those who are able.

Diapers are checked throughout the day. Send your child in diapers, not pull-ups if he or she is not trained. We are happy to work on toilet training with your child. It is easiest if we both train your child the same way. Please let us know when you begin the process so we may continue it in school.


Bus riders

Any changes in bus transportation must be made in advance with the transportation office (732)705-4018.

Car riders

Please notify me in writing of any changes in adults picking up or dropping off your child.


Please park your car in a designated parking spot and walk your child to the sidewalk to wait for his/her teacher.


Park your car in a designated parking spot and walk to the sidewalk to wait for your child.

Cambridge Park

School office (732)705-4000

School nurse (732)705-4032

Ms. B’s email