Enrollment Form Application



Postsecondary School authorized by

Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC)

Presents Professional Medical Coding Curriculum (PMCC)

Sponsored by American Academy of Procedural Coders (AAPC)

Certified Professional Coder- Instructor---Donna M. Martin

MBA, BS-Healthcare Management. CPC-I; CPC; COC; CPC-P; MCS-P, CCS-P

ICD-10-CM Trained/Proficient-AHIMA, AAPC

33 yrs. experience: Current Physician Terminology (CPT®), ICD-10-CM Coding & HCPCS Level 2


2017 Classes: c January 21st –April 29th c July 15th–October 21st (Dates subject to change)

15-week Professional Medical Coding Course includes:

1 Medical Compliance & Third Party Reimbursement

2 ICD-10 CM- Principles

3 ICD-10 CM- Applications

4 Intro: Documentation

5 Intro: Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) and HCPCS Level 2

6 Evaluation & Management (E/M) Principles

7 Evaluation & Management (E/M) Applications (Chart Auditing-Documentation)

8 Surgery Package & Modifiers & Integumentary (Documentation)

9 Surgery: Musculoskeletal & Respiratory Systems

10 Surgery: Cardiovascular & Digestive Systems

11 Surgery: Urinary, Male & Female Reproductive Systems

12 Surgery: Eyes, Ears, Nervous Systems

13 Anesthesia & Radiology (Documentation)

14 Pathology (Documentation) & Medicine

15 Review session (Study Guide) c 4/29/17 c 10/21/17 (Dates are subject to change)

16 Individual Class (workshop/seminar) c 2017 c 2017 c 2017 c 2017 c 2017

c Full-time: c Part-time:

Time: 9:00-til 1:30 pm or lesson completed (4-6 hrs)

Location: 8 South Dunlap Humphreys General Education Bldg. (GEB) Room B134

Total Tuition $: 2025 -15 classes that includes a review session: Other required fees (subject to change): PMCC workbooks ($95), plus National (AAPC) ($90) & Local (MSAPC) membership. Other required current year textbooks are not included: AMA CPT Professional, ICD-10-CM; HCPCS Level 2. Check website for textbook (bundled sets). Examination fee is not included.

Full-Time: Student ID No. (office use only)

Name: Signature:

SSN: (if faxing, only add last four digits: Contact CUHA with remaining numbers)

Home Address City State Zip Code

Home Phone ( ) Employer Name

Employer Address: Employer ( ) Fax ( )

Title: Email:

AAPC certified coders are welcome to choose individual courses.

CEU’s are available for individual classes: No. $

Choose classes from above list (individual class fees vary according to membership & hours taken).

· c $49-$99 (Certified Members) c $135 Non-Members

Payments accepted: c Cash c Money order c Credit Card c Check (# )

c Paid in Full:$ c Official Receipt provided

c Self Pay:

c Employer

c Other Source:

Set up fee $30.00 is due with initial payment. Other payment options are subject for review: Student is required to pay the down-payment of $800 or more during the final enrollment meeting.

c Payment plan: check one cDown-payment fee:$ Date:

c Monthly: Dates:

c Bi-monthly (half/half): Dates:

c Every two weeks: Dates:

CIRCLE: VISA MASTERCARD American Express DISCOVER: etc. Fee Processed:$ Date:

Only provide last four digits ID#: (contact CUHA to provide all 16 numbers)

Expiration date (month/year) Number of back of card:

Name as appear on card: Zip Code:


If using payment plan, please sign below to give CUHA permission to process credit card payment each pay date agreed upon:

c Pay dates/Approval (office use only):

(Payable to Codes Unlimited Healthcare Academy, 4458 Kayla Cove, Memphis, TN 38141) Contact Donna Martin at

(901) 336-3677. Fax number is (901) 366-3468.

In the event of a cancellation for the 15-weeks Professional Medical Coding Curriculum (PMCC); cancellation fees are based on the stated cost ($2025) on the enrollment application and the cancellation date. Last Day of 100% ($2025) refund period less administration cost $120 (cancellation fee and workbook, last day to withdraw is the first day of class for that enrollment period. Last Day of 75% ($1518) refund period less administration cost $120 (cancellation fee and workbook, last day to withdraw is the second day of class for that enrollment period. Last Day of 25% ($506) refund period less administration cost $120 (cancellation fee and workbook, last day to withdraw is the third day of class for that enrollment period.

The 2016 FY Graduation Placement Data is stated at www.cuhaonline.com or http://state.tn.us/thec along with the pre-enrollment form.

Disclaimer: CUHA does not guarantee passing of American Academy Professional Coders’ (AAPC) national certification exam. Students are responsible for submitting national exam application to the AAPC four weeks in advance of the next scheduled exam date. Please reference catalog for additional disclaimers.

Student has received an exact copy of this agreement: Signature of Student: Date:

(Office use only) Enrollment form Received:

(Office use only) Date: Schedule Date:

Place: Time:

CUHA, Confidential 1 2/22/2017