Society of Novus Spiritus ®
Gnostic Christians Sylvia Browne, Founder
Putting out an urgent call to all Mystical Travelers,
Mission Life Entities and Gnostic’s.
In all previous incarnations, Gnostics have failed to complete their “mission” of bringing their message and philosophy on a world-wide basis. In prior centuries, Gnostics have been burned as heretics, called devils and godless, ostracized and faced negativity of astronomical proportions from society in general throughout history.
Sylvia’s guide, Francine, has said there are only about 95 years remaining for this planet. With all the strife, despair, and dire circumstances facing the world today, the time is right to complete our mission to bring this philosophy of an all-loving, all-merciful God and to enlighten people spiritually with tools to help them survive during this perilous period. What’s more, our Novus Spiritus founder, Sylvia Browne, is getting older and cannot work any harder to achieve our goal. Nor should she have to do this alone. It is up to all of us who subscribe to the Gnostic beliefs and way of life to carry the torch forward. Study groups and our churches play a significant role in advancing our mission. If there is a Novus Spiritus church in your area, we urge you to attend and bring a friend or loved one with you to give them the opportunity to experience our spiritual services. If there isn’t a Novus church in your area, join or start a study group to share our Gnostic philosophy with others.
Of equal importance to help with this enormous task, we are asking for donations of any amount to enable us to achieve our goals. Listed below are “Thank You” gifts for the different levels of donations as appreciation of your support.
God Bless You!
Sylvia C. Browne, Founder
Society of Novus Spiritus
For more information about Novus Spiritus ® or to donate 1 to our spiritual community, please send your donations to:
SUPPORT NOVUS SPIRITUS ® or call (408) 440-3266
6000 HELLYER AVE STE 150 or Fax (408) 365-1955
or visit
1 Society of Novus Spiritus ® is a nonprofit religious corporation as defined by the IRS Code 501(c)(3), which was granted on September 7, 1990. In addition, we are a religious corporation under California code RTC 23701d, which was granted on May 8, 1990. Donations are tax deductible. Each donation of $250 or more will receive a letter for the IRS.
Society of Novus Spiritus ® was originally founded under the name the Church of Novus Spiritus by Sylvia Browne in July 1986.
Be sure to update us with your current email address on our New website: Our website is the best place to keep informed of Novus Spiritus ® events as well as Sylvia’s appearances, special events, salons and more.
Most of you know Sylvia has never advocated tithing and that’s not what we are asking for now. If you can help out with a one-time donation or even better a monthly donation, you will enable us to continue spreading this “light in a dark and lonely desert”.
YES, I have benefited from Sylvia’s spiritual philosophy and wish to help the Society of Novus Spiritus® continue to move forward.
My one-time donation of ______OR I pledge a monthly support of:
Thank ____ $10 ____$25 ____$50 ____$100 ____over $100
You Gifts - Wristband Lapel Pin DVD Book Autographed Book
Send Checks to: Please let us know who you are: Pls PRINT;
Support Novus Spiritus ® l NAME ______
6000 Hellyer Ave Ste 150 l ADD ______
San Jose CA 95138 l CITY ______ST _____ ZIP ______
l Day Phn (______) ______
l Email: ______
Or credit card: (MC, VISA, AMEX or Discover) or call (408) 440-3266 Mon-Fri 9-5 p.s.t.
CC# ______Exp _____/_____ CVVD # ______(Security Code)
or for Credit Cards, please visit
Sylvia appreciates your support, God Bless You and may we all
have a spiritual, healthy and prosperous New Year! The Society of Novus Spiritus ®
6000 Hellyer Ave Ste 150 – San Jose, CA 95138
(408) 440-3266 voice - (408) 365-1955 fax