Count: 64 Wall: 2 Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris (June 2017)
Music: Your Song - Rita Ora (iTunes) /
Intro: 16 Counts on Vocals
S1: Side Rock, Recover, Ball Side, Together, Side Rock, Recover, Ball Side, Forward.
1-2& Rock L to L side, recover on R, step L next to R.
3-4 Step R to R side, Step L next to R.
5-6& Rock R to R side, recover on L, step R next to L.
7-8 Step L to L side, step forward on R.
S2: Rock Recover, Ball Back, Back, Back Drag,Ball Walk, Walk.
1-2 Rock forward L, recover back on R.
&3-4 Step L next to R, step back on R, step L next to R.
5-6 Step large step back on R, drag L towards R.
&7-8 Step L next to R, walk forward R-L
S3: Rock, Recover, 1/2 Shuffle, Step, 1/2, 1/8 Sweep.
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover back on L.
3&4 Make 1/4 turn R stepping R to R side, step L next R, make 1/4 turn to R stepping forward on R
5-6 Step forward on L, make 1/2 turn to L stepping back on R. (12.00)
7-8 Make 1/8 turn to L as you slow sweep L out to L side. (10.30)
S4: Sailor Step, Sailor Step, Forward Drag, Ball, Together, Back.
1&2 Facing 10.30 Cross step L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L side.
3&4 Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R to R side,
5-6 Step forward on L, drag R towards L
&7-8 Step R next to L, step L next to R, step back on R. (10:30)
S5: Point, Behind Side, Rock,Behind, Point, Behind Side, Rock, Step.
1-2&3 Point L to L side, cross step L behind R, rock R to R side, recover on L ( travelling back slightly )
4 Step back on R. (10:30)
5-6&7 Point L to L side, cross step L behind R, rock R to R side, recover on L ( travelling back slightly )
8 Step forward on R. (10:30)
S6: Rock, Recover, Back, 1/2, Side, Hold, Ball Side, Together.
1-2 Rock forward on L, recover back on R.
3-4 Step back on L, make 1/2 turn R stepping forward on R. (4.30)
5-6 Make 1/8 turn to R stepping L to L side, Hold. (6.00)
&7-8 Step R next to L, Step L to L side, step R next L.
*Restart: Start the wall at 6:00, Restart at 12:00
S7: Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, 1/4, 1/2 Hitch , Walk, Walk.
1-2 Rock L to L side, recover on R.
3&4 Cross step L over R, step R to R side, cross step L over R.
5-6 Make 1/4 to L stepping back on R, keeping weight on R make 1/2 turn L as you lift/hitch L.
7-8 Walk forward L-R. (9.00)
S8: Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, Side, 1/4, Cross, Hold.
1-2 Rock L to L side, recover on R.
3&4 Cross step L over R, step R to R side, cross step L over R.
5-6 Step R to R side, make 1/4 turn to L stepping L to L side. (6.00)
7-8 Cross step R over L, hold.
Restart Wall 2: *R* Dance Up To and Include count 48 Section 6 Then Begin Dance Again.