Terms of Reference

Child Protection Strategy development - Consultant

1.  Background

Besides child protection needs and opportunities, there is a general lack of funding and support to child protection programs across West Central Africa. In order to plan ahead, SCI RO has scheduled a document outlining the strategic intent for our child protection programming and advocacy in line with our global Ambition 2030 and strategy 2016-2018 and our Africa-wide Appropriate Care Strategy 2015.

This strategic intent document will provide the basis for focusing investment and resources on selected critical actions and interventions that are likely to have the highest potential for scaling up and accelerating the delivery of equitable results for the protection of children from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation in West Central Africa. It will also enable us to ‘market’ and communicate better Save the Children’s child protection work across the organization, with our donors and the public in the countries we work and internationally.

In order to produce this strategic intent for child protection in West Central Africa we will reach out to country offices, child protection technical advisers from other sectors (education, health, nutrition..etc..), members and the Child Protection Global Initiative to gather the information necessary to produce an analysis which can profile Save the Children’s child protection work and provide the strategic direction. This will include existing promising practices that can be built on or replicated as well as areas of work in which we can test and invest.

2.  Objectives of the assignment

SCI Regional Office (RO) for West and Central Africa will work in collaboration with the Child Protection Initiative to produce this strategic intent document and provide a tool for the RO to raise the visibility and profile of child protection, promote this critical area of work more effectively across Save the Children and engage leadership, members, donors and partners around our strategic intent.

3.  Expected outputs/specific deliverables

A consultant will be hired to:

·  Design a relevant Monkey Survey and conduct some stakeholder interviews

·  Review the secondary data on the child protection situation in West and Central Africa and provide an analysis of key child protection violations and needs, particularly in the countries where SC is working. This should include child protection in emergencies

·  Outline why child protection work is crucial for children in WCA

·  Highlight Save the Children key achievements on CP and successes over last period and indicate how these programs could be replicated and scaled up.

·  Identify new areas that SC could embark on

·  Identify funding gaps and challenges that need to be addressed going forward and develop key asks on how to address them

·  Map out members areas of expertise and interest in WCA and opportunities to fund the strategic intent across WCA.

SCI RO for West and Central Africa expects from the process:

·  A holistic, cross cutting overview, sufficient to take informed long term (2016-2018) decisions as well as identify future thematic priorities.

·  A robust analysis and strategic orientation on where we should focus our unique strengths and resources in order to improve children’s protection


At the end of the process the consultant will deliver a strategic intent document of 10 pages, excluding annexes, with the following content. In addition s/he will produce a PowerPoint presentation. CPI will then produce a maximum 2-3 page communications piece based on the longer strategic intent document.

Part I

·  Introduction, background (short SC history on child protection in the region), methodology/CSRA process

·  Facts and data on child protection issues (1 /2 page maximum on level of VAC in region)

·  Program data (existing programs)

·  Success stories, quotes, photos from children and families (concrete examples of great programs with quotes etc.)

·  CP Strategic directions in WCA going forward. (Based on CSPs and global CP strategy and Africa Appropriate Care strategy)

Part II

·  Funding gaps and challenges (funding and technical capacity)

·  Key asks (what is required for good investment in CP programming in WCA. Use the example of DCOF grant in Liberia over 5 year period which enabled SC to set the care reform agenda and work with government nationally to transfer the care reform picture; we could also include other examples such as from Nigeria, Niger and any other country)


·  Detailed methodology and tools used (including questionnaires)

·  Consultations conducted during the CRSA

·  Database (in Excel or other software) of all data (secondary and primary) used, as per agreed format and thematics.

·  List of secondary sources used

·  Other annexes if needed

Upon finalization, the consultant will provide a PowerPoint presentation on main findings together with the report. CPI will then produce a 2-3 page ‘marketing’ communications piece.


The consultant will submit a technical and financial proposition including methodology to be used. Data collection tools and interviews/focus groups questionnaires will be developed in close collaboration with the program technical staff (and SC partners). An agreed comprehensive working calendar will guide the process.

4.  Profile Of The Consultant

·  Advanced university degree in Social Science (Sociology, Anthropology, law etc.,), International development,

·  At least 6 years of professional work on social development or Child Rights issues

·  Proven experience in designing methodologies for research, writing short analytical papers on social issues, doing situation analysis or other types of research

·  Ability to work in a team and good communications skills

·  Good knowledge on legal instruments regarding Child Rights, child protection and other SC’s thematic issues

·  Fluency in written English

·  Knowledge of and experience in West African context preferred

5.  Duration of the assignment

The consultancy will be for 10 days.

6.  Reporting lines during the assignment

The selected consultant will work under the direct supervision of SCI West and Central Africa RO Regional Program Development and Quality Director.

7.  Consultancy fees

Senior consultant fees are 350 USD per day.
