Job Description

TITLE OF POST Chief Executive Officer, CARSS


RESPONSIBLE TO: The Board of Trustees, Care And Respite Support Services (CARSS)

OVERALL PURPOSE :To lead and manage the strategic development, sustainability and expansion of CARSS. To maintain the delivery of high quality service and training whilst enhancing the profile, and working partnerships of the organisation, and ensuring the organisation is equipped with an appropriate business and financialmodel, for continuing future success.

  1. Key responsibilities

• To lead CARSS as an organisation that provides high quality support and respite tocarers and for those with care needs.

• To provide trustees with appropriate, timely and comprehensive

information and advice to assist their decision making.

• To develop a comprehensive and sustainable business strategy for CARSS, taking into account the needs of carers and legislative and economic factors.

  • To ensure delivery of agreed organisational objectives and targets.

• To identify and develop beneficial new opportunities, partnerships and relationships.

• To ensure effective management and staffing structures are in place to fulfill the strategicobjectives of the organisation.

• Tolead CARSS’ operation, ensuring effective riskmanagement, data protection and health and safety of staff and clients throughagreed policies and procedures.

• To ensure that policies, procedures and practices are consistent with relevantlegislation and regulatory requirements, CARSS’ Quality

  • CQC Inspection standards, and are fully complied with.

• To understand legislative and policy changes to make proposals on developments to trustees.

  1. Development, Growth and Partnership

• To work with organisations in the statutory, voluntary and

commercial sectors to develop relationships with funding bodies.

• To identify opportunities for new partnerships, and to raise the profile of the organisation.

  • To be an effective ambassador for CARSS and to represent the interests of careers to the media, public bodies, donors, beneficiaries

and the wider community, and ensure CARSS is represented in relevant forums.

• To manage client contracts and produce service specifications for partnership contracts.

  1. Staff / Performance Management

• To ensure staff fully understand CARSS’ values and strategy.

• To manage, motivate and develop staff.

• To ensure that effective HR practices are in place including training, supervision, appraisal and development.

• To work closely with the Senior Management Team to recruit, train and deploy staff toprovide high quality services.

• To manage all aspects of CARSS’ performance effectively, and to review and report on contract performance to trustees.

• To manage and support staff, maximising their contribution to the success of the organisation, by maintaining high levels of staff morale and motivation.

• To ensure that the organisation fulfills its legal obligations to employees, volunteersand contractors, including all statutory duties including Health and Safety.

  1. Financial Management

• To manager CARSS’ finances effectively, working closely with the Finance Manager, ensuring financial priorities are adhered to and sound financial

control procedures are in place.

• To maintain a sound financial position, with an appropriate level of reserves, which meets the needs of the organisation.

• To ensure systems provide accurate and useful management information for trustees and other stakeholders.

  1. Income Generation and Fundraising

• To put in place a fundraising strategy that takes into account possible

sources of income and to lead on its implementation

• To ensure that CARSS has sufficient resources to fulfill its plans to maintain

and develop its services and to research and develop new projects, which diversify income and provide greater sustainability.

• Toidentify new tendering opportunities, and to lead the tendering process.

  1. General

• Torespect and work in line with CARSS’ policies and values.

• To respect the personal choice and lifestyles of colleagues, careers and

people with care needs, ensuring that Equal Opportunity principles are

applied at all times.

• to participate in training and other relevant personal and professional

development as necessary.