
/ Item / Discussion Points/Decisions / Action
1. / Children in Need / ·  Boys and girls loved last year's theme of wear your jammies to school
·  They would like to do the same again this yea
·  Pupils asking if some teachers would be willing to participate in a 'Soak the teacher' - extra donation to soak the teacher / ·  We will inform classes at assembly of this year's theme
·  Display will go up on 'Carmyle Gives Back' notice board in hall
·  Will ask Mrs Baird about 'Soak the teacher'
2. / YouTube Channel / ·  .Pupils seemed to like idea of YouTube channel
·  Asked for tour of the school video, sharing good work video and videos taken during golden time / ·  Miss MacDonald to work with group on Tuesday afternoons to get YouTune channel up and running
3. / Playground Pals/New Signs / ·  Some positive comments about new signs
·  Some pupils were told that they weren't allowed to play football in football zone / ·  Miss MacDonald and Mrs Menzies will continue to monitor and discuss zones
4. / Switch Off Fortnight / ·  Switch Off Fortnight packs discussed with boys and girls
·  Discussion about competition launch 'Save Energy' posters
·  Energy checks to be carried out during playtime and lunchtime next week / ·  Miss MacDonald distributed packs to classes
·  Ailey and Kiera (P7) will carry out energy checks next week
5. / Halloween Discos / ·  Positive response regarding Halloween Discos
·  Boys and girls had a great time
·  Some asked if they could have more time for dancing next year and less games
·  Some asked for different games next year / ·  Miss MacDonald to pass on to Mrs Baird and Mrs Jamieson and will discuss before next year's disco

Minutes for meeting 1/11/16