Molly Muller (the lamb chops mutineer) this is good news week we can now point you in the right direction to locate details of HMAS Vendetta's 1961 – 1963 FESR Service. At last official details of your heroic service can be made public through these journals.Of course you could always release some of the secret documents you claim to be in your possession:

" I was then, by way of opportunity to the Royal Navy and the ACNB simply by being in the region automatically involved in the Indonesian Konfrontasi against the PKI in the North of Borneo and this situation persisted between 1963 and 1964 but although I hold (previously) Secret documents stating the nature of our involvement, the RAN has apologised that due to circumstances not under their control, the Log Book of the HMAS Vendetta for this entire period (so we are talking about several books) have been LOST and with the regret of the RAN, they are unable to collaborate my service in the region".

We present you with the Australian Archives reference details free of charge - see below. The $594 cost for you to acquire the documents will be an investment because with this new evidence you may soon be receiving Special Rate TPI disability payments for your "war caused" disabilities. - Yeh and pigs may yet fly.

Should you investin the docs you will find nothing to support your lies just as DVA found nothing, DVA knows you are full of crap just as the veteran community now knows.

Series no./ Control Symbol / Barcode / Item title / Charge per copy (AUD) / Tick to order / Total (AUD)
SP866/1 / 1176111 / Vendetta 1962 (12 vol) / $16.50x12 / $198.00
SP747/1 / 1170299 / Vendetta 1961 (12 vol) / $16.50x12 / $198.00
SP805/1 / 10944270 / Vendetta 1963 (12 vol) / $16.50x12 / $198.00
Total cost (AUD) $ / $594.00

By the way, Muller, not having heard from you since our first letter of exposure it seems that you may have retired from the "bulldust" wannabe game you have been inflicting on the genuine veteran community for years. You now look really stupid having constantly lied about heroic service, when all along you were a pussy cat Visual Signals sailor with a penchant for telling stinking lies to your Mad Galah mates who are so tied up in conspiracy theories and tales of their own "derring do" that their nick name "National Lunatic Association" is most appropriate.

And another thing it appears you have told another "porky" in describing your gallant RAN service. On the 22 April 2008 you said:

Forfeited Time: - 10 days Cells Served at HMAS Albatross (Nowra Naval Air Station) for delaying ships departure by 2 hours due to a missed connection of a Train at Spencer's Street Railway Station 1962."

Your trip to the cells was from 31st May to10 Jun 1963. Vendetta was tied up at the time. You went straight from Cerberus, a land based Training Establisment, on 31st May 63 to the clink at Alabatross, now if you held the ship up for two hours surely you would have sailed with it after it waited for you. They would not hold the ship up waiting for you and then send you straight to jail. Molly please enlighten us at to the real reason you got ten days clink in May- Jun 1963.

Come on Molly, just a month ago you were swaggering about making arrogant witticisms to an eminent ex senior Army Officer and insulting a decorated ex senior Army Warrant Officer you even went to the point of telling everyone you had recently had time off because of your "war caused PTSD."

Let's hear from you now that you are a person of ill repute, bereft of integrity, and outed as an offensive wannabe.

An apology to all you have deceived, would be an honourable step in the right direction, however we all know that honour is not a requirement for membership to the Mad Galah movement."