The Elsevier Foundation - TWAS
“Sustainability Case Studies” Competition
Our planet faces critical challenges: an exploding population, food security, climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, poor sanitation and energy resources, to name a few. Unless we understand these issues and embrace a new way of thinking, we will continue to compound these issues rather than identify solutions. Education and awareness are key, but societies must also develop better policies and new scientific and technological ways of tackling these issues. The new Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda represent the best attempt to date to address sustainability issues on a global scale.
As part of our overall response to the SDG’s, the Elsevier Foundation and TWAS are launching a “Sustainability Case Studies” competition for early career researchers from developing countries. The competition is designed as a catalyst to boost the involvement of young researchers from developing countries in sustainability science as a whole. Through their case studies, early career researchers will consider how their research helps to tackle some of our greatest challenges. Early career researchers are often focused on a very specific slice of science and the goal of the competition is to encourage a deeper understanding of how science—and developing world scientists—can contribute to society and the SDGs at large.
The Competition calls for case studies which present issues and challenges for sustainable development through real life situations. Submissions should:
- identify the roots and causes of the problem placing it into its social, national and/or international context.
- make reference to the impact of the current situation
- outline on-going or possible solution(s) explicitly specifying the role of science and/or policy making
Finally, case studies should remain focused on key principles such as sustainable future, ecosystem services and quality of life for human societies.
The Elsevier Foundation and TWAS are pleased to announce the launch of the first “Sustainability Case Studies” Contest; the call will open on the 1st of December 2016 and will close on the 1st of February 2017. Full guidelines are provided below.
The Elsevier Foundation - TWAS “Sustainability Case Studies” Competition
Ø The “Sustainability Case Studies” Contest is open to all current TWAS and OWSD PhD Fellowship recipients.
Ø Only one submission per person is permitted.
Ø Write-ups will be accepted on one of the 6 sustainability topics listed below:
o Green and Sustainable Chemistry
o Energy
o Agriculture and Food Security
o Water and Sanitation
o Science Education and the Workforce
o Climate Change and Disaster & Risk Reduction
Ø Special consideration will be given to case studies which feature how a gender dimension has been applied to their area of research.
Ø Case studies should not exceed 500 words.
Ø Papers should be written in English for an educated lay audience.
Ø Each submission will include i) an electronic entry form (, and an ii) essay written in English and saved in MS WORD DOC.
Ø Only one submission per person is permitted.
Ø The best essay in each of the 6 categories will be rewarded with a prize of 1,000 USD.
Ø Evaluation of essays will take place in March 2017 and will be carried out by a panel of judges. Winners will be announced before May 2017.
Ø Complete submissions should be received by email to before and no later than the 1st of February 2017.
Style Guidelines:
Please follow the guidelines below.
Ø Technical terms: Please explain technical terms so that non-scientists can understand (the target readership will include policy-makers, NGOs, etc.).
Ø Acronyms: These should be spelled out in the first instance followed by the acronym in brackets, e.g. The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).
Ø Monetary values: Please provide all figures in US Dollars or Euros.
Ø Publications: Please ensure that the references given are accurate and select those that are more readily accessible.
Ø Images: Please ensure that photographs are of a suitable size (Jpeg files with an image size of 10 x 15 cm and a resolution of 300 dpi are adequate) and that text (in English) and symbols on charts and diagrams will be legible when reduced to fit across a page measuring 16 cm.
Who we are:
Over the past decade, the Elsevier Foundation has awarded over a 100 grants worth millions of dollars to non-profit organizations focusing on the world’s libraries, nurse faculties and women scholars during their early and mid-careers. Funded by Elsevier, a leading scientific, technical and medical information solutions provider, the Elsevier Foundation contributes over $1 million USD a year to partnerships improving health information, research in developing countries, diversity in STM, and nursing education.
TWAS, the world academy of sciences - for the advancement of science in developing countries is a global science academy based in Trieste, Italy, working to advance science and engineering for sustainable prosperity in the developing world. TWAS represents the best of science in the developing world. Its principal aim is to promote scientific capacity and excellence for sustainable development in the South. Since 1986, TWAS has been supporting scientists and institutions in developing countries through a wide range of programmes that focus on scientific capacity building.
The Elsevier Foundation - TWAS
“Sustainability Case Studies” Competition
DEADLINE for submissions of entries: 1 February 2017
Please ensure all information is completed in fullSurname/Family name: / Forename(s)/First name:
Maiden Name if applicable: / Male
Date of birth: / Nationality:
Valid E-mail: / Tel:
Date of PhD start: / TWAS PhD Fellowship
OWSD PhD Fellowship
Name of institution:
Full corresponding address including country and postcode:
Title of essay:
Category (please select one only):
Green and Sustainable Chemistry
Agriculture and Food Security
Water and Sanitation
Science Education and the Workforce
Climate Change and Disaster & Risk Reduction