T.O.P. Challenge

Tower of PowerChallenge (Teacher)

Team Members: ______

GOAL: What is your engineer team’s goal or problem today that youwill need to solve?

To create the tallest freestanding structure through alternative means of communication and complete team cooperation.



Investigate and describe types of forces including contact forces and forces acting at a distance, such as electrical, magnetic, and gravitational.

MAFS.7.G.2.6 – Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume, and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects

(Engineering videos, article and resources)

from Skyscraper Museum)

To create the tallest freestanding structure through alternative means of communication and complete team cooperation.

Engineers use theengineering design process when solving a problem. You will also use this process as you create your design. The engineering process involves5 main steps.

  1. ASK questions that will help you achieve your goal.
  2. IMAGINE at least two possibilities for design.
  1. What could be some solutions?
  2. Brainstorm ideas.
  1. PLAN the design before building.
  1. Combine ideas to come up with a final design.
  2. Make a list of the materials needed.
  1. CREATE at least one design solution.
  1. Follow the plan and create it.
  2. Test it out!
  1. IMPROVE the design based on evidence around the original design criteria.
  2. Make the design better.
  3. Test it out!

Production – Design satisfies the goal. (Production of the thing or process only occurs when the design meets the goal.)

  1. ASK: What do you need to know in order to reach the goal? You will have 3minutes to ask any questions that will help you achieve your goal.
  • Students will only have 10 min. to complete this challenge.
  • Students will be given25paper/foam/plastic cups, 1 rubber band and each member will be given 30cm of string. Each team will also receive post it notes for communication.
  • After this step students are not allowed to talk. The only communication can be through the use of post it notes. (This simulates real world experiences. Sometimes, we have to complete task through email, text messages or other means besides voice communication.)
  1. IMAGINE: What are some possible solutions to the problem?

Let’s look at the goal again. Your team will need to design and create the tallest freestanding structure through alternative means of communication and complete team cooperation. You will have 2minutes to imagine or brainstorm possible solutions to this problem. What will your design look like? How will you use the materials to create your design?

Students will write and/or draw ideas here.

3. PLAN:You will have 2minutes to combine ideas into one design.

In order for your team to move on to the next step, I must approve your design. Once I have approved your design your team may begin creating your design.

Teacher Signature: ______Students must get your approval before moving to the next step! ______

4. CREATE: Build your team’s design following your plan.

You will have 7minutes.

5. IMPROVE: Discuss with your team ways to improve your design.

You will have 5 minutes to improve it.

(After 5 minutes, tell students to stop building and that it is time to measure.)


Discussion(___5_ minutes):

Did your team accomplish the goal? Why or why not?

Describe some of the other group’s designs and ideas.

What are some things that were good about the other group’s designs and ideas?

Explain your group’s challenges and obstacles that your team had to overcome in this activity.

What improvements did you make and what other improvements would you make if you could redo this challenge?