Date:4th April 2014
Time: 5.30pm
Venue: Alexander Park Tennis Club
- Attendance:Andrea Rundle, Helen Farr, John Lawniczak, Christine Sheen, Peter Smith, Murray Farr, Keith Harper, Paul Planken, Sally Zirnis, Emily Taylor, Peter Della-Vedova, Sheryl Della- Vedova, Lynda Merritt, Peter Merritt, Robyn Brierley, Zoe Prue, Brian Clarence, Marion Burt, Stuart Denton, Lorraine Feddema, Roland Feddema, Kelvin Browner, AlbyNuich, John Fussell, Daryl Mansfield
Apologies:Sue Thompson, Jonathan Silas, Tammy Cowan, Jodie Mellor, Andy Mellor, Tracey Hunt, Peter Sinclair, Tracy Cameron, Scott Cameron, Sasha Brown, Jeanette Bell, Clayton Bird, Alex McLennan, Jacqui Richards, Bob Ford, Peter Rickers, Nicole Roberts, Lindsay Flynn, David Stivey, Deb Smith, Jeff Scott, Ian McMahon, Ian Temby, Michael Guthrie, Paul Bartlett, Greg Blair, Justin Cordingly, Wendy Taylor, Wayne Baseden, Jennifer Popham, Debbie Quan, Carolyn Williams, Oliver Beath, Jonathan Grullis, Jenny Pendlebury, Michael Barton, Alison Kirk, Sasha Bradley, Narelle Scott, Greg Anderson, Sonia Soltoggio, Kieran Cranley, Sue Gerrard, Paul Latham, Graeme Hadley
- Adoption of 2013 AGM Minutes
Motion: Lorraine Feddema / Peter Della-VedovaCARRIED
Previous minutes were a true and accurate record
- President’s Address
- Murray Farr’s report is on page 8 of the annual report
- Thanks to the volunteers at both domestic level including teachers in WA schools and also our interstate officials for all of their efforts last year
- Thanks to Kim Ward for his representation at NRSSC and Karen Webster, Deb Shaw and Peter Scaife for their support of School Sport WA as line managers throughout the year. We would also like to acknowledge David Axworthy for his ongoing support of SSWA
- Congratulations to Robyn Brierley for her appointment to the SSA International Committee
- Thanks to the SSWA office staff including Peter, Robyn, Lynda, Zoe, Christine and Sally along with the SSWA management group for their ongoing effort for the association
- Director’s Report
- Thank you to the SSWA office staff for all of their efforts last year. SSWA was successful with the appointment of a second Executive Officer. We also welcomed a new traineein early 2014.
- It was an exceptional year for results in the interstate program last year. The preparation of our teams surpasses most other states and a big thank you to all the volunteers for all of their efforts
- SSA has a new constitution which aligns with a new management structure with equal representation.
- PSG is back on the agenda and is scheduled for November 2015. There will be a different look and feel to the event with more sponsorship. Several sports will be added to make up a commitment of 4000 beds
- The SSA hosting roster is being revised. There is a possibility taking on 12s Netball and 12s Hockey and 16 Hockey for 2015.
- Presentation Dinner was a highlight with the new venue and increased attendance. Thank you to the office staff and Zoe Prue for coordinating the event
- SSWA has launched a new website for 2014 and the office staff has been transferring the data over to the new system. Thanks for Robyn for leading the office staff in the upgrade.
- Thanks to all of our volunteers for their efforts as both sport coordinators and interstate officials.
- Some issues that will be challenges for SSWA in the future; SSWA has had a budget cut and will need to look closely before any expansion can take place and some rationalisation might need to be conducted. Schools budgets are also tight and SSWA has seen some schools not entering competitions due to budgetary constraints. Year 7’s coming into high school will prove some challenges in offering these students enough sporting opportunities. SSWA office has also been involved in the DoE policy to reduce leave liability and three staff in the office are being forced to use long service leave.
- Annual Financial Report and Balance Sheet
- SSWA has provided the books to our auditor in early January and to date we haven’t received audited books. A letter is in the back of the annual report from the Auditor. Once the audited statement is provided the SSWA management group will approve the report
- SSWA is looking to do online payments through Bpay to streamline electronic payments
- Interstate uniforms are now being ordered online and paid directly to the clothing supplier
- SSWA has appointed a debt collector to chase up some outstanding amounts.
- Election of Office Bearers
- President
Nominee: Murray Farr
Successful Candidate: Murray Farr
- Primary Vice President
Nominee: Peter Della-Vedova
Successful Candidate: Peter Della-Vedova
- Primary Management Committee members [2 positions]
Nominee: Lorraine Feddema & Daryl Mansfield
Successful Candidate: Lorraine Feddema & Daryl Mansfield
- Secondary Management Committee members [3 positions]
Nominee: AlbyNuich, Peter Rickers & Kelvin Browner
Successful Candidate: AlbyNuich, Peter Rickers & Kelvin Browner
Election of Sport Coordinators
SECONDARY / PRIMARYAustralian Rules Football Boys - / Cricket – see below
Australian Rules Football Girls – Geoff Hayes / Football (Soccer) – Tony Carvajal
Basketball - / Golf– see below
Cricket –Peter Green / Hockey – Keith Harper
Hockey Girls – see below / Triathlon – see below
Netball–Lauren McCaig / Netball – Marion Burt
Rugby League / Rugby League
Rugby Union – Jonathan Silas
Softball – David Stivey
Surfing – Scott Cameron
Touch Football – Duncan Brown
Triathlon – Stuart Denton
MOTION: AlbyNuich / Kelvin BrownerCARRIED
The above positions be elected for a 2 year term
Nominations from the Floor;
Secondary Girls Hockey - Tammy Cowan
Nominated by: Keith Harper Seconded by: AlbyNuich
Primary Golf Sue Thompson
Nominated by: Robyn Brierley Seconded by: Lorraine Feddema
Primary Triathlon Daryl Mansfield
Nominated by: Kelvin Browner Seconded by: Christine Sheen
Primary Cricket – Peter Della-Vedova
Nominated by: Robyn Brierley Seconded by: AlbyNuich
- Auditor Appointment
MOTION: Peter Della-Vedova / AlbyNuichCARRIED
Conditionally appoint Julia Preston as the auditor for 2014
- General Business
- Life Membership – John Lawniczak and Wayne Baseden were inducted as SSWA Life Members at the 2013 Presentation Dinner. John Lawniczak spoke in acceptance or hislife membership award
- Volunteers Function – Feedback was taken on the event and it was discussed to keep it at the end of the year either just before Christmas or a Sunday activity
- SSWA would like to acknowledge Alf DeBono for his 10yrs service to SSWA
- Refreshments
Meeting closed 6.10pm