LCU Student Senate Minutes
January 23, 2006
I. Meeting called to order at 9:18
II. Invocation – Senator Bell
III. Roll Call – Secretary Boston
IV. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved by general consensus
V. Officer Reports
- President (Lindsey Joiner) – Great Bible study last night!
Welcomed & swore in Taylor Lassiter, Nic Jones-Briscoe, and Nicole Scott
- Treasurer (Ashley Hutchinson) – Budget Report (approximate amounts, see Treasurer for exact numbers):
Campus Experience - $7800
Cultural Diversity - $900
Student Concerns - $2000
Spiritual Life - $4000
Donations - $1300
Balance - $10,800
We got $31,000 last semester. Will probably get less this semester because smaller enrollment.
- Secretary (Amanda Ellis) – none
- Vice President (Trent Wilson) – Newspaper hat day!!!
VI. Committee Reports
- Spiritual Life (Kolbyn Joy) –
- SRW will be about Service. Looking into having three nights of speakers and then a service day.
- Campus Experience (Jackie Tooma) –
- Tailgate for Wayland game 1/30 at 4:30.
- Moved to spend $50 for Aggies to grill, $150 for Visa gift cards, and no more than $400 on supplies at Sam’s – approved.
- Student Concerns (Ben Boston) –
- February F/S has been decided.
- Cultural Diversity (Marquesha Rhodes) – absent
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
Karen Randolph has requested a donation for a member of the church in Russia to help with his disability. He’s a paraplegic and Ray Cox, a missionary in Russia who graduated from LCU, is soliciting donations. The treatment may be controversial because it involves stem cells.
Vice President Wilson moved to take this request to the administration to obtain their recommendation on this issue – not approved.
Senator Joy moved that an executive should write a nice letter to Karen Randolph to let her know of Senate’s decision – approved.
IX. Announcements –
Secretary Boston needs directory information from Taylor Lassiter and Clair Atchley. Email her your email, home phone, cell phone, and birthday to .
X. Meeting adjourned at 9:42
XI. Closing Prayer - Senator Lassiter
Prayer Requests
Megan B – an elder at her church fell and hit the back of his head. He was careflighted to Denver and is now at home. He just turned 95.
Rio – the Chinese New Year is coming up
Emily’s mom is having surgery on her vocal chord next week & her grandma is having back surgery next Monday. She’ll be bed ridden for 2 months.
Stuart will be in chapel on Monday
Justin and Lacy Carroll – Lacy’s brother died
Sarah’s aunt has diabetes and is hypoglycemic
Noelle’s granddad is getting blood work back
Dean has cancer and will be doing experimental chemo, sinuses, man from Aaron’s church
SRW and the Service Day
Spring Break Campaigns