Wayzata High School

Social Studies: Current Issues

Erin O’Neill

Email: erin.o’

Phone: 763-745-6887

Welcome to Current Issues!


Welcome to Current Issues! This course is a study of current issues of both national and international importance, with an in-depth examination of selected political and economic issues, science and technological issue, and the role of the United States in world politics. Upon completion of this course students will be able to develop and articulate opinions on issues on important policy issues the US is currently facing, critically read and evaluate various media forms, demonstrate an awareness of current events, and show improvement in their classroom discussion and debating skills.

Course Work:

You will be assessed in the following areas:

1. Classroom Participation: 20%, Your questions, comments, ideas, interpretations, debates, and discussion form the core of this course. To this end, you must complete all assigned readings carefully, read the newspapers and magazines provided in class, and pay careful attention news videos. It is essential that each of you come to class prepared to participate and once in class actively engage one another and the material. In class, do not hesitate to ask questions, offer interpretations, or disagree with what another has said. Above all else, think and express yourself. My evaluation of your participation will not be a simple counting of the number of times you speak up in class; instead it will assess the quality of what was said and how it contributed to the ongoing discussion and involvement in group activities.

2. Quizzes/Media Forms: 20%, We will have quizzes every week based off of our class newspaper/magazines readings and other assigned readings. We will read current newspapers and magazines in class 1-3 days a week. Each time you read an article you must submit an Article Summary Sheet. These will help you comprehend and evaluate the information in the articles. These must be made up if you are absent.

3. Position Papers and Seminar Participation: 35%, For each unit in class you will write a 2-3 page position paper describing and defending your opinion of two critical policy issues related to the unit topic. These position papers will be the spring board for an in-class seminar, in which we will discuss and debate the issues in your position papers. You will be evaluated on your participation in these seminars

4. Individual Presentations: 15% Your final evaluation will be based off of individual presentations of topics at the end of the semester.

5. Hot Seat Discussion: 10%, You will be responsible for preparing one Hot Seat Discussion during the term. You will select any current issue or topic you are interested in, and find a source for the class to read/view and discuss. You will prepare and lead a 15-minute discussion on the topic.

Late Work and Make-up Work:

Late work will be accepted one day late at a 50% penalty (ex. If you would have earned a 100%, your grade will be 50%.) You are responsible for making work up from absences. For everyday day you have an excused absence, you have one day to make up the work. Make up tests and quizzes may be taken with me before or after school and by appointment.

Grading Scale:

Grades will be weighted based off of the following percentages:

20% = Daily Class Participation, 35% = Position Papers and Seminars; 15% = Individual Presentations; 20% = Quizzes/Media Forms; 10%= Hot Seat Discussion

B+ = 89-87% C+ = 79-77% D+ = 69-67%

A = 100-94% B = 86-84% C = 76-74% D = 66-64%

A- = 93-90% B- = 83-80% C- = 73-70% D- = 63-60%

I will be using the school’s electronic grade book; therefore, both you and your parent/guardian can access your grades at any time!

Class Expectations:

1. BE RESPECTFUL: We are all entitled to a respectful classroom. Please respect your classmates, the teacher, materials and the room itself.

2. BE PERPARED: Student need to come to class everyday with their notebook/folder, and a writing utensil.

3. BE HONEST: Being honest includes the issue of copying/plagiarism. If a case of plagiarism occurs the student will receive a zero and all other school procedures will be followed.

4. BE PROMPT: Students who are not in the classroom when the bell rings will receive a tardy mark. After the fourth tardy the student will be issued 1.5 hours of Saturday school.

*non-essential electronic devices are NOT allowed in the classroom. These means no cell phones, pagers, calculators, etc are to be used during class. Consequences are:

1. It is taken away and the student may pick it up at the end of the block

2. It is taken away and the student may pick it up in the office at the end of the day

3. It is taken away and a parent/guardian must pick it up for the student

*all other rules are based on the WHS student handbook*

Need Help?

Please do not hesitate to come in before or after school for help. In this class we will be working on skills to help you become a better reader, writer, test taker, and thinker. If you are feeling overwhelmed or uncertain please make an appointment to come in and review. I am here to help you.

Welcome to the class and I am looking forward to a great semester!!