Axis Order of Arrival
5 Oct, Flight Limited (see scenarios and Campaign)
5 Oct, no Axis unit in or entering reserve mode can move their usual extra ¼ move in their Movement phase(see scenarios and Campaign)
5 Oct, The Axis stack in B17.35 cannot move this turn (see Campaign Game)
8 Oct, Entry Hex: B28.35:
9 Hung Corps HQ
14-4-3 Mtn Div (3)
4-1-2 Hung Repl Div (2)
18-2-2 Arty Grp
8 Oct, Entry Hex: B32.35/B34.35:
(any units from the 29 Corps HQ can arrive on the map by rail transport, even Inf Breakdown Rgt from the 46 Inf Div or from the 4 Mtn Div. Use the Inf Breakdown Rgt listed after the Dead Pile. For example, 46 Inf Div can enter by road and can decide to send by rail one Inf Breakdown Rgt. So, 46 Inf Div counter will have two steps losses while one Inf Breakdown Rgt enter the map by rail)
29 Corps HQ
16-4-3 Inf Div (46, less 1 step)
14-4-3 Mtn Div (4, less 1 step)
12-2-2 Arty Grp
8-2-2 Arty Grp
12 Oct, Possible Horthy Speech (HR 2.6)
12 Oct, Entry North A or B or rail North:
24 Pz Div (24 Recon, III/24 Pz Bn, 26 PG Rgt, 21 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 89 Arty Rgt)
12 Oct, Budapest (Note: units arrived in early October and were part of the military coup against Horthy to make him abdicate in favour of pro Nazi Arrow Cross leader Ferenc Szálasi. These King Tigers were released to the Front when the situation deteriorated:
3-5-4 Pz Bn (I/503, II/503, III/503)
15 Oct, Possible Horthy Speech (HR 2.6)
19 Oct, Possible Horthy Speech (HR 2.6)
19 Oct, in Hex: B17.05. If already a Soviet occupied hex, place in the nearest Point of Reference, Village or City hex (This divisional commander panicked and tried to escape from frontline service and was arrested by German officers. The division received another general and was again sent to the Front):
2 Hung Pz Div (3 Recon, I/3 Pz Bn, 3 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 52 AT Bn, 2 Arty Rgt)
19 Oct, Entry West:
23 Pz Div (128 PJ Bn)
22 Oct, Entry West:
4 FHH Panzer Corps HQ
22 Oct, Entry South:
5-4-3 Inf Mot Rgt (1 and 2 Brandenburg)
8-2-2 SS Inf Div (31)
22 Oct, Budapest (Note: unit refitting and rebuilt in Budapest):
7-2-2 Hung Inf Div (10)
26 Oct, Entry South F:
3-3-3 SS Pol Rgt (6)
26 Oct, Any village or city in Hungary South of A34.XX (units rebuilt locally in South Hungary):
4-4-6 Hung AG (7)
6-2-2 Hung Repl Div (5 Repl)
29 Oct, Entry South F:
3-3-2 Inf Breakdown Rgt (44 Reserve Rgt)
29 Oct, Hitler Request (Campaign Game only)
29 Oct, Any city in Hungary:
4 Hung Corps HQ
29 Oct, Rebuild for free (arrive from West):
4 SS PzG Div 4-4-6 AG Bn (4) if in Dead Pile. If not, replace with any other 4-4-6 AG (Rating 4 or 5) Bn from the Dead Pile
29 Oct, Withdraw:
10-4-6 Pz Bde (109) is disbanded and 1 x Eq AR4 and 1 x PG AR4 arrive as reinforcement.
(if only one step left: 1 x Eq AR4 arrives, if the entire unit is in the Dead Pile, nothing happens) Simply replace the 10-4-6 Pz Bde (109) with the rebuild counter (it retains its Mode).
1 Pz Div Organic Truck
23 Pz Div Organic Truck
1 Nov, Budapest (unit formed in Budapest):
SS-MT Cav Div Maria Theresia (22 Recon, 17 Cav Rgt, 53 Cav Rgt, 22 AT Bn, 22 Arty Rgt)
1 Nov, Released (HR 2.10):
18 SS HW PzG Div
3-0-2 SS Inf Bde (Dlwgr)
1 Nov, North: Entry North A or B:
16-4-3 Inf Div (75, 253)
1 Nov, Hex: A37.04 (formed in Pápa):
3-4-3 Hung Breakdown Rgt (elements of Szent-Laszló Division)
3-3-3 Hung Breakdown Rgt (elements of Szent-Laszló Division)
1 Nov, Entry West:
6-4-5 Arm Arty Bn (219)
1 Nov, Entry South F:
68 Corps HQ
8-2-2 Arty Grp
14-4-3 Mtn Div (1)
5-4-3 Mot Rgt (92)
4-4-3 Assault Bn (2 PzA)
4-5-6 AG Bn (191)
8 Nov, Entry South F:
3-3-3 SS Mtn KG (13 Hdsr)
8 Nov, Withdraw:
3-2-2 SS Inf KG (14 Gal)
12 Nov, Entry South F:
18-5-4 Inf Div (44 HD). One 4-5-3 Inf Breakdown Rgt enters in the available pool.
15 Nov, Withdraw:
14-3-2 VG Div (708)
5-3-3 Inf KG SS (Schill)
19 Nov, Any airbase in Hungary:
Bf-109G Hung 5-1-53
19 Nov, Entry West:
4-4-6 AG Bn (239)
19 Nov, Entry North A or B:
16-4-3 Inf Div (357, less 1 step)
12-5-4 Skijager Div (1, less 1 step). One 4-5-3 Inf Breakdown Rgt enters in the available pool.
19 Nov, Entry South F:
5-4-3 Jg KG (117)
22 Nov, Trnava: Hex: B20.03 (Note: was forming there):
14-3-2 Inf Div (271 VG)
22 Nov, Rebuild for free:
23 Pz Div (5-4-6 Pz I/23) if in Dead Pile. If not, replace with any other 5-4-6 Pz Bn from the Dead Pile
26 Nov, West:
4-3-6 AG Bn (303)
26 Nov, Entry South F:
22 Mtn Corps HQ
18-2-2 Arty Grp
3-3-3 Kor Bn (582)
16-4-3 Inf Div (71)
29 Nov, Hex A20.07 (1x Rgt from 153 Tng Div based at Nyitra):
3-3-2 Brkdwn Rgt
29 Nov, Rebuild for free:
18 SS-HW PzG Div 4-4-6 AG Bn (18) if in Dead Pile. If not, replace with any other 4-4-6 AG Bn from the Dead Pile
1 Dec, Start of possible Hungarian Collapse die roll (HR 2.14)
1 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
1 Dec, Withdraw:
5-4-3 Inf KG (168)
1 Dec, Entry South F:
9 SS Mtn Corps HQ
12-3-2 SS Arty Grp (509)
(3)-3-3 SS AT Bn (509)
3 cav Bde (69 AG Bn, 31 Cav Rgt, 32 Cav Rgt, 869 Arty Rgt)
12-4-3 Jager Div (118, less 1 step)
1 Dec, Entry North:
8 Pz Div (8 Recon, I/10 Pz Bn, 43 PJ Bn, 8 PG Rgt, 28 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 80 Arty Rgt)
1 Dec, any city in Hungary (rebuild for free from the Dead Pile if available):
(6)-4-3 Flak Bn
(3)-2-3 Flak Bn
5 Dec, Possible Hungarian Collapse die roll +1 (HR 2.14)
5 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
5 Dec, Entry West:
SS-PO PzG Div (4 PJ Bn)
5 Dec, Hex: A37.03 (Note: formed in Pápa):
12-4-3 Hung inf Div (SzLz, less 1 step)
Add 3-4-3 Hung Breakdown Rgt to the Pool
8 Dec, Possible Hungarian Collapse die roll +2 (Rule: 2.14)
8 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
8 Dec, Withdraw:
(1)-5-6 PJ Comp. (I/662)
(5)-4-3 AT Bn (II/662)
12 Dec, Possible Hungarian Collapse die roll +3 (HR 2.14)
12 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
12 Dec, Entry West (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
8 Pz Div (II/10 Pz Bn)
24 Pz Div (40 PJ Bn)
12 Dec, Rebuild for free:
1 Pz Div (6-5-7 Pz II/1) if in Dead Pile. If not, replace with any other 6-5-7 Pz Bn from the Dead Pile
4-5-6 AG Bn (228) if in Dead Pile. If not, replace with any other AG Bn (rating 4 or 5) from the Dead Pile
15 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
15 Dec, Budapest. Arrive even if Budapest is not in Trace Supply and even if Enemy units are adjacent (All these units were forming in Budapest):
12-1-2 Hung Arty Grp (Bp 1, Bp2)
3-3-3 Hung KG (BC 1, BC 2)
3-3-3 Hung KG (Bp Pol)
3-4-3 Hung Inf Bn (Watch, Vannay)
3-4-3 Hung Inf KG (Bdpst)
4-4-6 Hung AG Bn (Bill)
Build 1x Airbase Level 1 for free in A32.19
15 Dec, Possible Hungarian Collapse die roll +4 (HR 2.14)
19 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
19 Dec, Hungarian Collapse Automatic if still not yet occured (HR2.14)
19 Dec, Entry North:
16-4-3 Inf Div (208)
19 Dec, Entry West: Arrive by train without using „Axis Rail Cap” and detrain to any Detrainable hex (Massive Axis rail transportation effort):
3 Pz Div (3 Recon, I/6 Pz Bn, II/6 Pz Bn, 543 AG Bn, 3 PG Rgt, 394 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 75 Arty Rtg)
6 Pz Div (6 Recon, I/11 Pz Bn, II/11 Pz Bn, 114 PG Rgt, 4 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 76 Arty Rgt)
6-5-7 Pz Bn (I/26)
Arrive in Dead Pile: 6 Pz Div (41 AG Bn)
1x Reserve marker
19 Dec, in Any airbase in Hungary:
Bf-109G Hung 4-1-53
19 Dec, Hex A37.03 (Note: formed in Pápa):
4-4-5 Hung PJ (16)
19 Dec, Withdraw:
5-4-3 Inf Mot Rgt (1 and 2 Brandenburg)
8-2-2 SS Inf Div (31)
19 Dec, Entry South F or Entry West (must arrive by train to any Detrainable hex):
1 Cavalry Corps HQ
4 cav Bde (70 Recon, 5 Cav Rgt, 41 Cav Rgt, 870 Arty Rgt)
22 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
22 Dec, West (must arrive by train to any Detrainable hex):
5-4-6 Pz Bn (208)
26 Dec, The Axis player secretly writes on a paper the Deployement area hex where 4 SS Corps will be set up. This must be any Railroad hex not adjacent to Soviet unit(s).If Soviet units move adjacent, the Axis player should deploy 4 SS Corps w/i 1 Hex of the Deployement area. This reflects a massive Axis logistical effort, the difficulty for the Soviets to track SS units:
4 SS PZ Corps HQ
16-3-2 SS Nebelwerfer Bn (504)
12-3-2 SS Arty Grp (504)
SS-T Pz Div ( 3 Recon, Tiger Pz Comp, I/3 Pz Bn, II/3 Pz Bn, 3 PJ Bn, 5 PG Rgt,
6 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 3 Arty Rgt)
SS-W Pz Div (5 Recon, II/5 Pz Bn, 9 PG Rgt, Norge PG Bn)
26 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
26 Dec, Budapest (was forming in Budapest):
2-2-2 Hung Inf KG (Bp Stu)
26 Dec, Entry West
16-4-3 Inf Div (96, less 2 steps)
2x Reserve markers
26 Dec, Rebuild for free:
24 Pz Div (III/24 Pz Bn) if in Dead Pile. If not, replace with any other 5-4-6 Pz Bn from the Dead Pile
26 Dec, Place on any Hung Corps HQ or in any village or Minor city North of line XX.18 (rebuilt locally with personnel from North Hungary):
6-2-2 Hunf Inf Div (5 Res)
29 Dec, 1x Level 1 Hedgehog is built for free at any hex on the maps but all other requirement of OCS 16.0b must be met. If the hex is occupied by Soviet unit(s), the Hedgehog is destroyed and removed.
29 Dec, Entry West (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
14-3-2 VG Div (211)
5-4-3 SS Inf Rgt (Ney)
29 Dec, Hex: A20.07:
3-3-2 Brkdwn Inf Rgt (1x Rgt from 154 Tng Div)
29 Dec, Hex: A6.17:
3-3-2 Brkdwn Inf Rgt (1x Rgt from 182 Sec Div)
1 Jan, The Axis player must set up the 4 SS Corps counters w/i 1 Hex of the Deployment area hex (even adjacent to Soviet units).
1 Jan, Withdraw:
2-2-2 Sec Bn (808)
5-4-3 Jg KG (117)
18 SS-HW PzG Div (18 Reco, 39 Inf Rgt, 18 AG Bn, 18 Arty Rgt)
1 Jan, Entry West:
SS-W Pz Div : 10 PG Rgt, Danmark PG Bn, 5 PJ Bn, 5 Arty Rgt)
8 SP
5 Jan, On Map:
Add 2 steps to the 16-4-3 Inf Div (96)
5 Jan, Entry North:
20 Pz Div (20 Recon, I/21 Pz Bn, II/21 Pz Bn, 92 PJ Bn, 112 PG Rgt, 59 Mtrd Inf Rgt,
92 Arty Rgt
5 Jan, Rebuild for free if in the Dead Pile:
FHH PzG Div (5-4-3 Mtrd Inf Rgt (Fus)). Place in any Village/city In Axis control.
5 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
14-3-2 VG Div (711)
5 Jan, Hex A29.10 (Note: formed at Komárom):
3-3-2 Breakdown Rgt
8 Jan, Entry West (must arrive by train in a Detrainable hex):
4-4-3 SS Assault Eng Rgt (1 Hung)
8 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
8 Jan, Withdraw:
16-4-3 Inf Div (75)
12 Jan, (HR 3.9a: retention of 3 x 5-rating steps in the Garrison is no longer mandatory. All other requirements are maintained)
12 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
12 Jan, Withdraw:
24 Pz Div (All)
12 Jan, Entry West
2x 3-3-2 Brkdwn Rgt
12 Jan, Entry South F (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
1-5-6 Flamethrower Pz Comp (351)
1-5-3 Assault Eng Comp (Taifun)
12 Jan, If in Dead Pile, rebuild for free at any German or Hungarian HQ, Village, Minor city or Major city, even in an enemy ZOC (part of the final effort to launch Konrad III):
2x 3-2-2 Hung Inf Brkdw Rgt or 1x 6-2-2 Hung Inf Div
2 Pz Div Hung (I/3 Tank Bn) or 1 Pz Div Hung (I/1 Tank Bn)
6-4-5 armored arty Bn (219)
15 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
15 Jan, Withdraw:
12-4-3 Jager Inf Div (97)
6-5-7 Pz Bn (I/26)
15 Jan, w/i 1 hex A31.05, (Massive Axis effort for Arty and heavy Armour assets):
30-2-2 Werfer Rgt (88, 89)
30-2-2 Werfer Rgt (23, 24)
(5)-4-3 AT Bn (403)
18-2-2 Arty Grp (I/403, II/403)
3-5-4 Pz Bn (I/509, II/509, III/509)
15 Jan, Entry West:
2x 3-3-2 Brkdwn Inf Rgt
19 Jan, Kassa (B8.01) can be occupied by the Soviet without causing SP loss to the German per Axis Supply Table.
19 Jan, Entry A and B become Soviet Supply sources. Axis counters must vacate 1 hex distance where A and/or B occupied (HR 3.1)
19 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
19 Jan, Withdraw:
11 Corps HQ
2-2-2 Sec Bn (1003)
12-4-3 Jager Inf Div (100)
22 Jan, Withdraw :
8 Pz Div (All)
20 Pz Div (All)
14-5-4 SkiJaeger Div (1)
1x Brkdwn Rgt 4-5-3 (from the Pool)
22 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
26 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
26 Jan, Entry West H:
16-4-3 Inf Div (356, less 2 steps)
26 Jan, Withdraw:
SS-PO PzG Div (All)
18 SS-HW PzG Div (40 Inf Rgt)
Ju-87D ((1)-17-95)
16-4-3 Inf Div (208)
29 Jan, Entry West:
4 SP
29 Jan, Withdraw:
17 Corps HQ
1 Feb, End of „Heinrici Special” (HR 2.10b)
1 Feb, any city in Hungary, rebuilt for free from the dead pile if available:
(6)-4-3 Flak Bn
(3)-2-3 Flak Bn
1 Feb, Hex A37.03 (formed in Pápa):
4-4-5 Hung PJ Bn (20)
1 Feb, Entry North:
3 Cav Bde (69 Recon)
5 Feb, Any airbase in Hungary:
Replace 1 step from any Hung Bf-109
5 Feb, Entry North:
14-3-2 VG Div (320, less 1 step)
8 Feb, Withdraw:
49 Mtn Corps HQ
8-2-2 Arty Bn
14-4-3 Mtn Div (3)
16-4-3 Inf Div (253, 254)
57 PZ Corps HQ
2-2-2 Sec Bn (1026)
FW 190F-8 (4-8-45)
Ju 87G (Rudel)
Ju 87G
8 Feb, The Axis player secretly writes on a paper Deployement area hex where 1 SS Corps will be set up. It must be any Railroad hex not adjacent to Soviet units. Should Soviet units move adjacent, the Axis player must deploy 1 SS Corps w/i 1 Hex of the Deployement area hex. This represents a massive Axis logistical effort, the difficulty for the Soviets to track SS units:
1 SS PZ Corps HQ
8-3-2 SS Arty Bn (501)
SS-AH Pz Div (1 Recon, I/1 Pz Bn, 2 PG Rgt, 1 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 1 Arty Rgt)
SS-HJ Pz Div (12 Recon, II/12 Pz Bn, 26 PG Rgt, 25 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 12 Arty Rgt)
1x Reserve marker
12 Feb, Entry West (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
SS 3-5-4 Pz Bn (I/501, II/501, III/501)
12 Feb, Entry West (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
1-5-7 PJ Co (560)
12 Feb, Withdraw:
Me Bf 110
FW 190F-8 (3-7-45)
15 Feb, The Axis player must set up the 1 SS Corps counters w/i 1 Hex of the Deployment area hex (even adjacent to Soviet units).
15 Feb, Withdraw:
He 111 (2)-12-1/2T – 128
19 Feb, Entry West (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
SS-HJ Pz Div (12 PJ Bn)
19 Feb, Hex: A29.10 (special Führer order to deploy Flak to Komárom):
(3)-3-3 AT Bn (Kom)
22 Feb, Entry North:
16-4-3 Inf Div (304, less 2 steps)
22 Feb, Entry South F (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
SS-RF PzG Div (16 Recon, Lehr PG Rgt, 35 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 36 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 16 AT Bn,
16 Arty Rgt)
22 Feb, Entry West (must arrive by train to a Detrainable hex):
SS-AH Pz Div (1 PJ Bn)
22 Feb, Hex A12.16: the Tatra Panzer Division is released (HR 2.9)
Tatra Pz Div (Tatra Pz Bn)
26 Feb, The Axis player writes on a paper secretly the Deployement area hex where 2 SS Corps will be set up. Due to logistical issues, this must be any Railroad hex at least at 2 hexes from any Soviet units. If Soviet units move adjacent, the Axis player should deploy 2 SS Corps w/i 1 Hex of the Deployement area. This represents a massive Axis logistic effort, the difficulty for the Soviets to track SS units:
2 SS PZ Corps HQ
16-3-2 SS Nebelwerfer Bn (502)
12-3-2 SS Arty Grp (502)
SS-AH Pz Div (II/1 Pz Bn)
SS-H PZ Div (9 Recon, I/9 Pz Bn, II/9 Pz Bn, 9 PJ Bn, 20 PG Rgt, 19 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 9 Arty Rgt)
SS-DR PZ Div (2 Recon, II/2 Pz Bn, 2 PJ Bn, 4 PG Rgt, 3 Mtrd Inf Rgt, 2 Arty Rgt)
1x Reserve marker
29 Feb, There is no 29 Feb Turn. Proceed to 1 Mar 45.
1 Mar, Start of Hitler last request (see Victory conditions)
1 Mar, Withdraw:
14-4-3 Mtn Div (4)
1 Mar, Entry West:
4-4-6 AG Bn (261) for information, assigned to 2 Panzer Armee
5-2-4 SS Cav KG (37 Lutzw)
1 Mar 45, Withdraw:
He 111 (2)-8-1/2T – 128
5 Mar, Any road and rail hexes South of the Drava become Axis Supply sources and Reinforcement Entry hexes. SP coming from West can enter here. Axis units can now cross the Drava river (HR 2.7).
5 Mar, Entry West:
2 SP
5 Mar, Entry South (place these units in any hexes South of the Drava):
91 Corps HQ
16-4-3 Inf div (297)
12-2-2 Luftwaffe Inf div (11)
12-4-3 Jg Div (104)
1 Kos Div (1 Cav Bde, 2 Cav Bde, 4 Cav Bde, 1 Arty Rgt)
12-2-2 Arty Group
5 Mar, The Axis player must set up the 2 SS Corps counters w/i 1 Hex of the Deployment
area hex but at least at 2 hexes from Soviet units.
8 Mar, Entry West:
2 SP
12 Mar, Entry West:
2 SP
12 Mar: All PG Rgt belonging to SS-AH Pz Div, SS-DR Pz Div, SS-H Pz Div and SS-HJ Pz Div that are in the Dead Pile can be rebuilt for free. Place the counters with the units of their parent formations.
12 Mar, Entry South (place this unit in any hex South of the Drava. Even in Ennemy Zoc):
1 Kos Div (4 Cav Bde)
12 Mar 45, Withdraw:
13 Pz Div (all)
FHH PzG Div (all)
5-4-6 Pz Bn (208)
12 Mar 45, Entry West:
(5)-3-3 AT Bn (9 Fest)
FHH. 1 Pz Div (FHH1 Pz Bn, FHH1 PG Rgt, FHH1 Arty Rgt)
FHH. 2 Pz Div (FHH2 Pz Bn, FHH2 PJ Bn, FHH2 Mtrd Inf Rgt, FHH2 Arty Rgt)
15 Mar 45: The Soviet is free to attack (Combat and Overrun) the Nagykanizsa Garrison (HR 2.15)
15 Mar, Entry West:
2 SP
15 Mar, Entry West:
16-3-2 SS Nebelwerfer Bn (501)
15 Mar, Entry West:
43 Corps HQ
19 Mar: Oil/ammunition Shortage (see Axis Supply Table)
19 Mar, Withdraw:
15 Reserve markers
22 Mar, Withdraw :
FW 190F-8 (3-7-45 )
29 Mar, CheckHitler last request (see Victory conditions) at the end of the turn