Use the following checklist to help your child be prepared and successful in school.

____I read with my child every day.

____I encourage my child to read on his/her own by providing children’s books.

____I encourage my child to read by setting anexample, reading magazine, books, and

newspapers myself for pleasure.

____I talk to my child about what he/she is learning in school.

____I sign my child’s behavior folder, agenda, and/or homework sheet nightly.

____I check my child’s book bag, folder, and agenda every day for important papers

and information.

____I read, sign, and return papers promptly.

____I talk to my child’s teacher to discuss his/her progress on a regular basis.

____If there is problem at school, I call to talk to my child’s teacher.

____I know my child’s teacher cares and that we are a team working together to help

my child.

____I work with my child at home to reinforce what is being taught at school.

____I take my child to the public library.

____I carefully supervise my child to be certain that T.V. programs are appropriate

and do not set a tone of disrespect or contain bad language, crudity, violence, or

sexual content.

____I limit the amount of time spent watching T.V. and playing video games.

____I give my child the opportunity to develop social skills and build self-esteem by

providing outside activities such as sports or scouts.

____I get my child to school on time.

____I make sure my child attends school every day unless he/she is seriously ill.

____I help my child with homework and make sure all assignments are completed


____I have a positive attitude toward school and want my child to get a good education.

____I volunteer my time to help (room parent, PTA, fall festival, bookfair, etc).

____I participate in activities such as fundraisers and donating items requested.

____I am a member of P.T.A. and attend meetings.

____I take my child to interesting and stimulating places such as museums, parks, the

zoo, and historical places.

____I make time for individual, one on one time with each child so that he/she has my

undivided attention.

____I provide family time (without the T.V.) doing activities together such as playing

board games,planning a trip, talking, participating in hobbies or arts and crafts,

and playing ball.

____I make my child feel like an important, responsible family member by expecting

him/her to perform age appropriate chores around the house.

____I provide clear household rules and limitations with consequences spelled out

ahead of time.

____I enforce these rules and expectations consistently in a fair manner.

Please contact Mrs. Satterfield if you would like to know

more about helping your child do better in school.