
School Health/Safe & Drug Free Schools & Communities

Date / Workshop / WS # / Fee / Location / Agency
1/18/2013 / TETN – Chapter 37 Update & PEIMS-TEA Update (TETN # 17434) – 9:00- 12:00
This TETN should be viewed by campus administrators, district personnel, DAEP administrators, and ESC staff that assist in discipline management. Contact your district technology person to connect on site at your location. (For technology assistance call the Region One Helpdesk 956-984-6061) / 39391
CPE / $0 / Region One ESC-TETN Room or district TETN / Texas Education Agency
1/25/2013 / Drug Impairment Training for Education Professionals-8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
The one day training will cover drugs in schools and our society, outline Texas Education Code and drug policy; the seven drug categories; recognition signs & symptoms; methods of ingestion, overdose signs and other symptoms mimicking impairment; proper documentation of observations and discussions with parents. / 38839
TCLEOSE / $35 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Sam Houston State University
Criminal Justice
1/29/2013 / Kid & Youth Connection- Curriculum Support Group Training K-12- 8:30 – 4:30
Substance use is one of the most powerful predictors for future behavioral health problems, including delinquency and interpersonal violence. The earlier the substance use/experimentation begins, the higher the risks for future problems. Kids’ Connection and Youth Connection are interactive, multi-cultural Curriculum-Based Support Group (CBSG®) programs that teach high-risk children and youth ages 4-15 a set of essential life skills: skills to help them learn how to cope with difficult family situations, resist peer pressure, set and achieve goals, and refuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. This training is designed to fully equip schools, community-based organizations and other youth service professionals to implement either Kids’ Connection or Youth Connection and those completing the training receive either a copy of the CBSG® Program Facilitator Manual – Kids’ Connection for Ages 4-12 or the CBSG® Program Facilitator Manual – Youth Connection for Ages 10-15. Curriculum includes CD and student handouts in English and Spanish. To register and secure your slot, please call Sandi McFarland @ 1 (800) 899-7828 and register with Rainbow Days and select your curriculum, before you continue to register online with us at ! CLOSED / 38778
CPE, LPC / $0 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Rainbow Days, Inc
2/5/2013 / School Nurse Coordinator Advisory – 9 am– 1 pm
Planning for Summer Conference & Burning Issues / 39428
CPE / $0 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Clara Cáceres Contreras
Region One ESC
2/28/2013 / Child Abuse & Mental Health-Social Emotional Learning 8:30- 3:30
In this session participants will look at the law, recognize child abuse, distinguish between the different types of aubse-physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect, characteristics of victims, our role as educators to prevent and report child abuse, research based curriculum and resources. In the afternoon we will look at the impact of trauma and social emotional wellness; how to identify children in need of mental and social emotional wellness; strategies to assist and/or refer for help and the role of schools in prioritizing research based mental and social emotional programs and resources / 39427
CPE, LPC / $50 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Clara Cáceres Contreras
Region One ESC
03/05/2013 / Love & Logic – Crash Course – LPC # 880 8:30-3:30
The core of Love and Logic is empathy and accountability, the concepts includes the research from Garmezy on risk, resilience and asset development. The modules to be covered include specific strategies that can be used at school or home to de-escalate arguments and develop positive relationships with youth. Specific modules include neutralizing arguing, delaying consequences, the importance of empathy, the recovery process, developing positive teacher/student relationships, setting limits with enforceable statements, using choices to prevent power struggles, quick and easy preventive interventions, and guiding students/people to own and solve their own problems. The strategies are used in many schools by parents and teachers nationwide and it even works with adults! / 39429
CPE, LPC / $50 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Clara Cáceres Contreras
Region One ESC
03/06/2013 / TETN Fitnessgram 9:00-12 :00 / $0 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Clara Cáceres Contreras
Region One ESC
03/22/2013 / TETN Chapter 37 9:00-12 :00 / $0 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Clara Cáceres Contreras
Region One ESC
04/07/2013 / TETN Chapter 37 9:00-12 :00 / $0 / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Clara Cáceres Contreras
Region One ESC
05/01/2013 / Insight Learning-"Colors" - LPC 8808:30-3:30
Understanding People/Effective Communication-The objective of this workshop is to better understand ourselves and others. Participants will review temperament and learning style correlates, brain hemisphere, brain dominance and their preferred style. They will see how their temperament impacts others and causes stress and conflict. The trainer will demonstrate how the teacher and student can clash regardless of their temperament and how best to communicate and motivate their students! / 39430
CPE, LPC / Region One ESC
Edinburg, Tx / Clara Cáceres Contreras
Region One ESC

Health & Safety Contact: Clara Cáceres Contreras, 956-984-6125. Register at (Update your profile with your user name and password), if there is a fee, type in the PO # when your register & Fax a copy to 956-984-7631.