Name of School:AREAS TO BE ACTIONED / YES/NO / CommentsbyOfficersundertaking the audit.
Ifthereareuncompletedtasks, then, the Coordinator/Headteacherneeds to confirm the datebefore the end of term bywhen the workwill be completed.
The datethat the detailsarereceivedfrom the schoolvia e mailmust be recorded.
- Every member of the staff and volunteers of the School have received DBS and two references before they work at the School?
- The School has a Staff Disciplinary Policy that receives the approval of the Governing Body annually.
iii. The Head / Manager / Chairman of the Governing Body knows
that they should be using the 'Step By Step Guide' in dealing
with allegations against members of staff.
- It is not the role of the Head / Manager / Chairman of the Governing Body to conduct an investigation - that decision is to be taken during the Strategy Meeting discussions between the Police and the Care, Protection and Lifestyle Services.
- Is the Head / Manager / Chairman of the Governing Body aware that they should immediately discuss the allegation with the Nominated Child Protection Officer, Learning Services?
- Are you making a Referral to the Contact Centre, Care Protection and Lifestyle Services, have you sent a copy to the Nominated CP Officer, Learning Services?
- Is the Head / Manager aware that they must inform the Chairman of the Governing Body, prepare a report and attend a Multi Agency Strategy Meeting?
- Has the School and the GoverningBodyadopted the ChildProtectionPolicythat was amendedinJanuary 2016?
- Is the Policyreviewedannually?
- Does the Policyinclude the name of the designated person withresponsibilityforChildProtection at the schooland the name of the governorwithresponsibilityforChildProtection?
- Is the nameandpicture of the Nominated CP person, theirdeputyand the governorwithresponsibilityforchildprotectionclearlyvisiblearound the School eg the main entrance of the School, classrooms?
- Is the ChildProtectionPolicyand the need to shareinformationwithotheragenciesifnecessarymadeknown to parents / carersegon the School'swebsiteandin the School prospectus?
- What is the school'sarrangementsfordevelopinglearners' understandingandawareness of safeguardingissuesanddeveloptheirresiliencethrough the curriculum; alsowhat to do iftheyhaveconcerns?
- Do youensurethat staff areaware of, andalert to signs of abuse, knowwhat to do iftheyseeabusebyother staff at the schoolandknowhow to support a childwhodisclosesabuse?
- Are the records of childrenwhoareabusedorinneed of carekeptsafe?
- Arevolunteer staff / newlyqualified staff and staff new to the schoolinformed of the childprotectionpoliciesandprocedures?
3. Polisi Trafod Diogel SafeHandlingProcedures
i.Has the schooladopted a SafePositiveHandlingPolicyfor Schools?
(the policyshould not be adoptedunless the schoolhasreceived Team-teach training)
ii.Have the school staff received 'Team Teach' training ?
4. Looked After Children (LAC)
i Arethere LAC attending the school ?
ii Is there a designatedteacherwithresponsibilityfor LAC at the
iii Areyouaware of the background, familycircumstancesand the legalstatus of the child?
iv Do youattendandpreparereportsforStatutory Reviews and the learner'sPersonal Education Plan (PEP) ?
5. Training
- Has the Head, the NominatedChildProtection person, Chairman of the GoverningBodyand at leasttwomembers of staff receivedLevel 2 inter-agencyChildProtectiontrainingeverythreeyearsinaccordancewithLocalSafeguarding Board (LSCB) goodpractice? InSecondary Schools, it is goodpracticeforheads of yearalso to be trained at level 2 ChildProtection.
- Haseveryothermember of the school staff receivedLevel 1 ChildProtectiontrainingduring the lastthreeyearsinlinewith LSCB goodpractice?
- Have the schoolgovernorsreceivedChildProtectionTraining?
6. E-SafetyPolicy
- Does the schoolhavean E-Safety Policy?
- Has the schoolappointed a designatedgovernorwithresponsibilityfor E-safety?
- Has the schoolcommited to the360˚ plan?
- Has a member of staff receivedtrainingon E- safety?
- Does the schoolensurethatpupilsuse the internetsafelyandknowhow to staysafeonline?
- Do school staff behavein a professionalmannerwithregard to pupilengagementeg. usingmobilephones, contactover the internet?
7.The Anti- BullyingPolicyandrecordingIncidents of Bullying
- Has the schooladoptedanAntiBullyingPolicythatcomplieswith the HumanRights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010?
- Does the schoolhandleanyallegationsbypupilsorparents of bullyingincidents?
- Does the DesignatedTeacherChildProtectionensurethateveryallegation of bullyingthatmeets the criteria set outin the Anti-BullyingPolicy is investigated, andrecordedon the appropriateanti-bullyingform.Attachment D?
- Does the schoolreportback to the GoverningBodyon a termlybasiswithregard to incidents / allegations of bullyingbycompleting a form ?Attachment D?
- Is there a mechanisminschool to enablepupils to reportanyconcernstheymayhaveegsuggestionbox / worrybox, buddy system orother?
8.Supervising Pupils
i. The Head is confidentthatthere is appropriatesupervision at
breaktimesandlunchbreak at school?
ii. Is the visitorsbookusedandkeptup to date?
There is a referencein the ' School Staff Handbook' to the factthat ALL the staff at the school (thoseteachingandnon-teaching, alike) behavein a professionalmannerinterms of contactwithpupils - eguse of mobilephones, internetcontact. There is specificreference to the school'spolicywithregard to contactwithpupilsby staff throughsocialnetworkingsitesandthe like.(See GTCW Guidelines, Appendix E )
A copy of the ChildProtectionAuditwill be distributed to the GoverningBodysothatit can be placed on the agenda for the Autumn Term Meeting.Theheadteacherwill be expected to give a fullup to datereportwithregard to the situationwithin the school at the time.
All the Annexesreferred to inthisdocument can be foundon the Ceredigion Healthy Schools Website / WideMindsunder theheading 'PROTECTION'. Staff will be able to enterthissitefromtheirschoolorpersonalcomputer at anytime. Websitelink Ceredigion Healthy Schools / WideMinds-
All thisdocumentationwillalso be availableon the Ceredigion Intranet.