Name of School:
AREAS TO BE ACTIONED / YES/NO / CommentsbyOfficersundertaking the audit.
Ifthereareuncompletedtasks, then, the Coordinator/Headteacherneeds to confirm the datebefore the end of term bywhen the workwill be completed.
The datethat the detailsarereceivedfrom the schoolvia e mailmust be recorded.
  1. Every member of the staff and volunteers of the School have received DBS and two references before they work at the School?

  1. The School has a Staff Disciplinary Policy that receives the approval of the Governing Body annually.

iii. The Head / Manager / Chairman of the Governing Body knows
that they should be using the 'Step By Step Guide' in dealing
with allegations against members of staff.
  1. It is not the role of the Head / Manager / Chairman of the Governing Body to conduct an investigation - that decision is to be taken during the Strategy Meeting discussions between the Police and the Care, Protection and Lifestyle Services.

  1. Is the Head / Manager / Chairman of the Governing Body aware that they should immediately discuss the allegation with the Nominated Child Protection Officer, Learning Services?

  1. Are you making a Referral to the Contact Centre, Care Protection and Lifestyle Services, have you sent a copy to the Nominated CP Officer, Learning Services?

  1. Is the Head / Manager aware that they must inform the Chairman of the Governing Body, prepare a report and attend a Multi Agency Strategy Meeting?

  1. Has the School and the GoverningBodyadopted the ChildProtectionPolicythat was amendedinJanuary 2016?

  1. Is the Policyreviewedannually?

  1. Does the Policyinclude the name of the designated person withresponsibilityforChildProtection at the schooland the name of the governorwithresponsibilityforChildProtection?

  1. Is the nameandpicture of the Nominated CP person, theirdeputyand the governorwithresponsibilityforchildprotectionclearlyvisiblearound the School eg the main entrance of the School, classrooms?

  1. Is the ChildProtectionPolicyand the need to shareinformationwithotheragenciesifnecessarymadeknown to parents / carersegon the School'swebsiteandin the School prospectus?

  1. What is the school'sarrangementsfordevelopinglearners' understandingandawareness of safeguardingissuesanddeveloptheirresiliencethrough the curriculum; alsowhat to do iftheyhaveconcerns?

  1. Do youensurethat staff areaware of, andalert to signs of abuse, knowwhat to do iftheyseeabusebyother staff at the schoolandknowhow to support a childwhodisclosesabuse?

  1. Are the records of childrenwhoareabusedorinneed of carekeptsafe?

  1. Arevolunteer staff / newlyqualified staff and staff new to the schoolinformed of the childprotectionpoliciesandprocedures?

3. Polisi Trafod Diogel SafeHandlingProcedures
i.Has the schooladopted a SafePositiveHandlingPolicyfor Schools?
(the policyshould not be adoptedunless the schoolhasreceived Team-teach training)
ii.Have the school staff received 'Team Teach' training ?
4. Looked After Children (LAC)
i Arethere LAC attending the school ?
ii Is there a designatedteacherwithresponsibilityfor LAC at the
iii Areyouaware of the background, familycircumstancesand the legalstatus of the child?
iv Do youattendandpreparereportsforStatutory Reviews and the learner'sPersonal Education Plan (PEP) ?
5. Training
  1. Has the Head, the NominatedChildProtection person, Chairman of the GoverningBodyand at leasttwomembers of staff receivedLevel 2 inter-agencyChildProtectiontrainingeverythreeyearsinaccordancewithLocalSafeguarding Board (LSCB) goodpractice? InSecondary Schools, it is goodpracticeforheads of yearalso to be trained at level 2 ChildProtection.

  1. Haseveryothermember of the school staff receivedLevel 1 ChildProtectiontrainingduring the lastthreeyearsinlinewith LSCB goodpractice?

  1. Have the schoolgovernorsreceivedChildProtectionTraining?

6. E-SafetyPolicy
  1. Does the schoolhavean E-Safety Policy?

  1. Has the schoolappointed a designatedgovernorwithresponsibilityfor E-safety?

  1. Has the schoolcommited to the360˚ plan?

  1. Has a member of staff receivedtrainingon E- safety?

  1. Does the schoolensurethatpupilsuse the internetsafelyandknowhow to staysafeonline?

  1. Do school staff behavein a professionalmannerwithregard to pupilengagementeg. usingmobilephones, contactover the internet?

7.The Anti- BullyingPolicyandrecordingIncidents of Bullying
  1. Has the schooladoptedanAntiBullyingPolicythatcomplieswith the HumanRights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010?

  1. Does the schoolhandleanyallegationsbypupilsorparents of bullyingincidents?

  1. Does the DesignatedTeacherChildProtectionensurethateveryallegation of bullyingthatmeets the criteria set outin the Anti-BullyingPolicy is investigated, andrecordedon the appropriateanti-bullyingform.Attachment D?

  1. Does the schoolreportback to the GoverningBodyon a termlybasiswithregard to incidents / allegations of bullyingbycompleting a form ?Attachment D?

  1. Is there a mechanisminschool to enablepupils to reportanyconcernstheymayhaveegsuggestionbox / worrybox, buddy system orother?

8.Supervising Pupils
i. The Head is confidentthatthere is appropriatesupervision at
breaktimesandlunchbreak at school?
ii. Is the visitorsbookusedandkeptup to date?
There is a referencein the ' School Staff Handbook' to the factthat ALL the staff at the school (thoseteachingandnon-teaching, alike) behavein a professionalmannerinterms of contactwithpupils - eguse of mobilephones, internetcontact. There is specificreference to the school'spolicywithregard to contactwithpupilsby staff throughsocialnetworkingsitesandthe like.(See GTCW Guidelines, Appendix E )

A copy of the ChildProtectionAuditwill be distributed to the GoverningBodysothatit can be placed on the agenda for the Autumn Term Meeting.Theheadteacherwill be expected to give a fullup to datereportwithregard to the situationwithin the school at the time.

All the Annexesreferred to inthisdocument can be foundon the Ceredigion Healthy Schools Website / WideMindsunder theheading 'PROTECTION'. Staff will be able to enterthissitefromtheirschoolorpersonalcomputer at anytime. Websitelink Ceredigion Healthy Schools / WideMinds-

All thisdocumentationwillalso be availableon the Ceredigion Intranet.