Heart of Texas Healthcare Coalition Committee TSA M
Meeting Minutes
October 19th 2016 2:30pm – 3:30 pm
BS&W Hillcrest I35 Campus Corbett Room
Members Present:
Heart of Texas Healthcare Coalition Committee TSA M
Meeting Minutes
October 19th 2016 2:30pm – 3:30 pm
BS&W Hillcrest I35 Campus Corbett Room
Lori Boyett – HOTRAC Chair BSW Hillcrest Medical Center
Samuel Grey- BSW Temple
Anne Johnson – BSW Hillcrest
Jared Bickenbach – Baylor University
Josey Keep- Carter BloodCare
Jeffery Mincy – Coryell Memorial EMS
Mike Thompson – Limestone Medical Center
JoAn Felton- McLennan County Medical Society
Trent Baker – Mexia Fire Department
Teri LaFoy – Parkview Regional
Stephanie Alvey – Waco-McLennan Co. PHD
HOTRAC Staff Present:
Matthew Dahl- EP Planner TSA-M
- Welcome and Introductions:
Ms. Boyett, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:35pm. Introductions ensued.
- Approval of September 2016 Minutes:
The committee was presented with the minutes from June 2016 meeting.
Mr. Bickenbach made a motion to approve minutes as written; Mr. Gray seconded
Motion carried.
- Healthcare System & Community Preparedness (C1):
OASPR Update:
A. FY16 updated Expenditure Report: Mr. Dahl presented budget for the year. Ms. Boyett discussed the budget and explained the breakdown.
B. (HDIC) Ebola Planning Update: Ms. Alvey stated we are waiting on Region 7; All regions are developing a similar SOG that is cumbersome due to its size. Monthly conference calls involving local health departments and RAC’s.
C. HVA’s - Mr. Dahl stated that HVA’s have not changed, this was discussed in detail at the last meeting.
D. Pink Vest Project – Mr. Dahl discussed the Pink Vest Project, He explained that every nursing home and assisted living in the state would receive one vest for every licensed bed in the State to be used in the event of an evacuation. The discussion was held to explain to the medical members what the pink vests would mean if they started to show up in the ER.
- Emergency Operations Coordination (C3):
A. HSR 7 - None at this time
- Information Sharing (C6):
A. Communications Drill: Mr. Dahl stated that the HAM radio test turnout was poor.
- Medical Surge (C10):
A. EMTF 7: Nothing at this time.
- Public Health Emergency Preparedness:
A. McLennan County Public Health: MS. Alvey discussed having an exercise with the local hospitals. This would be a continuation of the anthrax exercise to see what the surge issues would be at the local hospitals. This will be put on the agenda for future discussion. Ms. Alvey stated that there may be some funding to help with this exercise.
B. DSHS Region 7 Planning:
- Other Announcements, General Discussion:
Ms. LaFoy stated that her Hospital is needing to complete an annual exercise. She is wanting to exercise the HICS program as a regional drill. Issues may be the low regional use of the HICS program.
Ms. Boyett stated that she would schedule and reserve the room for the meetings for the rest of the year.
Group discussion about how to make out HCC meeting more productive. Mr. Mincy discussed the meetings held in TSA L, and the differences in attendance. He stated that many of the problems with attendance and “buy in” are due to poor funding.
Mr. Mincy explained the Kit Vs Card cost for triage tags. He stated that now it is more reasonable to do drills because we can buy just the tags and not the whole kit.
Nominations for Board and committee chairs are still being excepted.
- Next Meeting: 11/9/2016 @ 2:30 pm
- Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 3:35 pm
Lori Boyett, HOTHCC EPR Committee Chair
Mike Thompson, HOTHCC EPR Committee Vice Chair