Recording Learning and Development
“Reflective Account” Form
This is one of a number of forms which can be used to evidence your learning. Using a reflective tool is a good way to formalise and to record your learning. Your reflection can be used to evidence continuing professional development, meeting performance objectives for KSF, or demonstrating achievement of professional standards to support revalidation. This template is adapted from Gibbs model (1988, 1998) but you might prefer to use other models that you are familiar with. More information about this model is available at
The Flying Start NHS® website has lots of support and guidance around developing skills in reflection. Although the resource is aimed at newly qualified staff it is a good source for other staff too and is recommended.
What happened?
What were you thinking and feeling?
What was good and bad about the experience and why?
What sense can you make of the situation
What else could you have done? What would you do if it happened again
Action Plan
What would you change or improve in your practice as a result of this learning?
What Model of Structured Reflection
Using a reflective tool is a good way to formalise and record your learning. This template uses Driscoll’s model (adapted from Driscoll 2007) but you might prefer to use other models you are familiar with. This is the same content as the form on nursing and midwifery ePortfolio.
The Flying Start NHS website has lots of support and guidance around developing skills in reflection. Although the resource is aimed at newly qualified staff it is a good source for other staff too and is recommended.
This stage is about describing the event you have
chosen to return to.
- What happened?
- What did I see/do?
- What did others do?
- What was my reaction?
So What?
This stage is about analysing and making sense of
your feelings and observations about the event.
- What did I feel before/during/after the event?
- What were the effects of what I did/did not do?
- What have I noticed about my behaviour in practice?
- What did I feel before/during/after the event?
Now What?
This stage is about learning from the event and your
Proposed actions, changes to your practice.
- How could I modify my practice?
- What support do I need to help me “action”
- The results of my reflections?
- Where can I get more information?
- What are the implications for others?
Are there any development needs that could be included in your PDP?