Stanleytown Elementary School

Stanleytown PTO Board Meeting –

September 1,2016

President Mandy Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

PTO Board Members for School year 2016-17:

President-Mandy Foster

Vice President-Bobbie Jo Jefferies (Not Present)

Fundraiser-Cynthia Warren,

Treasure-Tammy Engle-Rorrer

Secretary-April Evans

Financial Secretary-Angie Johnson

Old Business

  • The status of the Concrete steps being built up to the baseball field is pending.

Fundraiser report-Cynthia Warren

  • T-shirt Orders- Pre-Sold 178 shirts and 19 Decals; need to vote on how many extras (if any) we want to order. Decals come in a roll of 250 or 500 at $1.39 each; need to vote whether or not to get the roll of 250 to sell at PTO functions or not sell them at all and refund the money to people who preordered them. Cynthia contacted Market, USA, and if the order is placed by noon on Friday, September 2, 2016, we will have delivery on September 14th (Wednesday). Need confirmation on who can be there on September 14th or 15th to help sort and distribute shirts. Tammy motioned to not purchase extra t-shirts until the t-shirts left over from last year are sold, Mandy seconded. Decals are being priced with other vendor’s to compare prices.
  • Box Tops for Education- Cynthia is proposing that starting September 6-October 24 (box tops have to be turned in by November 1st in order to get a check in December), each class will have a collection box/container to collect their box tops. At the end of this session, the class in each grade that has the most box tops will get a pizza party, so we are talking about providing pizza to 8 classes. I think the incentive of a pizza party will make the kids more apt to bring in the box tops which means more money for the PTO. During this time period of collection there will be a need for someone to go to the school, collect the box tops (weekly), and enter totals on the spreadsheet. No votes was made on this item. Please note: Mrs. Hairston-Penn is concerned with the pizza incentive due to a large number of students with allergies and diabetic students on site.
  • Papa’s Pizza- As discussed previously, this is the 1st Tuesday of every month, Cynthia has the flyers saved and will forward them to Mrs. Hairston-Penn monthly to be put on Peach Jar
  • School Skate- Cynthia received confirmation from Roll-About that our school skate is the 3rd Tuesday of every month starting in September. Flyers will be emailed to Cynthia to forward to Mrs. Hairston-Penn to put on Peach Jar. Need to vote on what the reward is for the class with the most in attendance. Last year was ice cream for the class with the most in attendance. No vote on this item.
  • Popcorn- Popcorn Day is set for the 4th Tuesday of every month. Also for popcorn day, we need to see who can help (our list of parent volunteers can be recruited for this). But since there is money involved, at least one of us from PTO has to be there. I have the flyer for popcorn day (see attached) and it will be forwarded to Mrs. Hairston-Penn to load onto Peach Jar. Per Mrs. Hairston-Penn, because money is involved, the volunteers should be limited to PTO. If PTO members can’t be present, Maria will pop the popcorn.
  • Movie Nights- 2 movie nights are scheduled for this fall, September 23rd and November 18th. Also, need to find out who has the movie license from last year. We have to have this in order to show the movies. Does it run out at the beginning of the year? So verification is needed on that. We need to vote on what concessions we want to sell at Movie Night. Also, we need to know who will be there at this event. Need to vote on the flyers for the event (attached). The movie titles are: September: Inside Out, November: Zootopia. Movie night for November has been canceled.
  • Fall Fundraiser- The fall fundraiser will be from September 12-October 4, 2016 this year. This is basically a three-week event and will be setup just like last year’s. Students will be shown an introductory CD in class and then given the packet to take home. During the 3 weeks of sales, for every 5 items that is sold, the student will bring in a certificate and they are rewarded with a stuffed animal plus a certificate of adoption will be placed in the hallway for recognition. Cynthia did these by herself last year and it got hectic trying to get 40 plus certificates and animals distributed. These were done during the day, but it can be done after school hours as well if that works for others to help. No money is being dealt with at that time, but it is time consuming when you have to write the certificates and be sure the students get the animal they worked hard to earn. Need to vote on the parent letter (attached) that was created by Creative Foods, Inc. that will go home in the fundraising packet. No vote on this item.
  • Thirty-One Bingo- This event is scheduled for November 11, 2016 from 6:30pm-8:30pm in the cafeteria. The PTO needs to vote on the budget for the prizes for the BINGO. Basically, people will be paying $20 for 20 games (children 12 and under is $10 for 20 games), so prizes need to be worth $20+. (See attached sheet on how it works). I have attached a sample product list that can be used to help decide on prizes. Also, BINGO cards and dabbers will need to be purchased. I have attached some pricing that have found on line.
  • An email that Ms. Hairston-Penn received from Dawn Lawson, the HCPS CFO, suggested that Cynthia could do the fundraiser in the fall and Mrs. Ramsey in the Spring, or vice versa. Prices are being compared before a vote will be made.
  • Breakfast with Santa- This event is scheduled for Saturday, December 3, 2016 from 8:00am-11:00pm. In the past we have done $5.00 for ages 3 and up and that includes the pancake breakfast with juice and a printed picture with Santa. We have always done ages 2 and under for free. We usually setup for this event the night before since the Christmas Shoppe requires a lot of setup. We need suggestions on who to use as “SANTA” and who is going to take the pictures of the kids on Santa’s lap. Santa has been secured, per Mrs. Hairston-Penn. This event requires several volunteers to cook, setup, clean up, help with photos by getting child’s name and teacher, making sure tables are cleared for the next people, helping to watch the Christmas Shoppe and help with gift wrapping. Need to vote on the Flyer (attached). We need to see which PTO members will be at this event. No vote on this item.
  • Fall Festival- October 15th—9am-1pm
  • There was a list of vendors prepared by Cynthia. Tammy noticed 2 of the vendor’s were PTO board members and made the statement “Mrs. Penn would not go for that” and their names (Bobbie Jo Jefferies and Angie Johnson) were removed from the list. Cynthia explained their names have not been removed yet that it was an old list. No one challenged or voiced concern with the statement. A vote was not done as it was the understanding that Mrs. Hairston-Penn did not support a PTO Board Member being a Vendor for the event. No other discussion.
  1. Set-Up will be the evening before, immediately after school (for those who can come at that time and we need to get as much setup as possible). Who will be there and what time?
  2. Parent and Teacher Volunteers-Cynthia will be posting a signup sheet for teachers to sign up to help with setup, cleanup, and during the event.
  3. Please see the event flyer (2)-any changes or suggestions-
  4. Vendor list and Agreement-any changes or suggestions…No changes were suggested.
  5. See the Donation letter and list of businesses that we have used before-need to know who is going to be able to help get donations.
  6. Prizes and supplies for the games…Mandy and Cynthia has Oriental Trading books, but PTO needs to get together and go through the building to see what we can use before we order anything.Everyone agreed to order sand art (half bottles and half bracelets from oriental trading.
  7. Are we getting signs made again to put out by the road and around the community to advertise?
  8. Memory Lane to be contacted for a possible photo booth
  9. Discussed possible concession food (hot dogs, popcorn, chips, cotton candy, water, sodas, snack cakes (5th grade teachers to serve concessions.)
  10. Suggestions given for activities: climbing wall (contact mike Coulson), Dunking booth?, decorations from Crosspoint church?, fire trucks, advertise with B99?
  11. Games to be in the Gym?
  12. Mandy motioned to approved $500.00 for the inflatables with Outdoor Entertainment, seconded by Cynthia.

Financial meeting:

All PTO board members are required to attend one of the financial meetings held at the HC Administration office:

Sept. 6 @11am,

Sept. 8 @6pm,

Sept. 13 @ 11am

Sept. 15 @ 6pm

Date Reminders – Mandy Foster

  • Tuesday, September 6th-Papa’s Pizza (All Day)
  • Tuesday, September 12th-October 4th-Fall Fundraiser
  • Tuesday, September 13th-PTO meeting @ 6:00pm
  • Tuesday, September 20th-School Skate (5:30pm-7:30pm)
  • Tuesday, September 27th-.50 Popcorn @ STE
  • Tuesday, October 4th-Papa’s Pizza (All Day)

Special Events:

  • Friday, September 23rd- Movie Night-6:30pm-8:30pm
  • Saturday, October 15th-Fall Fesival-9am-1pm
  • Friday, November 11th-31 BINGO @ 6:30pm
  • Saturday, December 3rd, Breakfast with Santa- 9:00am-12noon

Matters to the floor:

  • Mandy motioned to cancel movie night on 11/18/16 due to the scheduled 31 BINGO on 11/11/16 (back to back events), seconded by April.
  • April discussed the issue of voting via texting or email. Everyone agreed there will be no electronic voting unless it is determined necessary by the President. All voting should be done at the monthly PTO Board meeting to reflect in the meeting minutes. Per Mrs. Hairston-Penn, all voting will take place at the scheduled monthly meetings, i.e. no electronic voting. All “emergencies” should be discussed with the principal.

Title l:

  • No report

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Mandy Foster at 7:20pm. The next PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday September 13, 2016 at 6pm.

Minutes submitted by April Evans, PTO Secretary