Meeting Minutes –November 2, 2016
Union Firehouse, Medford, NJ
Members Present: Kathy Burger, Interim Chair, Paul Celia, Avril Dickerson, Elizabeth Piccinnini,Denise Pizoli, Brian Seltzer, Colleen Stover, and Thomas Wright
Members Absent: Kara Bonner,Robert Garner, Erik Jarvis, Heidi Krihak, Robert Wagner, and Joseph Whalen
Guests in Attendance: None
The meeting was called to order by Kathy Burger at 7:04 PM.
Approval of Minutes: Ms. Stovermotioned for approval of the minutes, seconded by Ms. Dickerson. The minutes were approved as motioned by all members present.
Old Business:
Communication Initiative
The members discussed that the draft survey is ready to be sent out.
Mr. Wright shared Constant Contact that Wyngate is using for their weekly newsletter.
The Giving Tree Event
Ms. Burger reminded the committee that the Giving Tree Festival will be held on November 26, 2016. Ms. Burger will send the flyer for the event to all of the committee members.
Municipal Alliance Workshop
Ms. Burger reminded everyone that the Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee will be hosting a Municipal Alliance Workshop for the public on December 7, 2016 at 7:30 PM at the Public Safety Building. The workshop topic will be “Opiates and Extractions: What Every Parent and Professional Needs to Know About the Current Changes in the Drug Culture”.
Other Items:
Outstanding Senior Center Items
Ms. Burger reported she has had contact with the Mahjong instructor about ordering mahjong cards and is awaiting a response on what cards the instructor would like ordered. Neighborhood Services personnel has started the work on the ladies room.
New Business:
December Meeting – Early Start
The December Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee Meeting will commence at 7:00 PM at the Medford Public Safety Building, 91 Union Street, Medford, New Jersey. Ms. Burger stated there will be a brief meeting and the members who would like to stay for the workshop may do so.
Other Items:
Mr. Wright advised the rest of the membership that Officer Walsh, Medford Police, did a safety presentation for the residents of Wyngate. Mr. Wright stated the material was well presented and informative.
The committee discussed NSAC hosting a similar presentation for the community in 2017. Ms. Burger will discuss with Chief Meder.
The next meeting will be held on December 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the Medford Public Safety Building.
Ms. Stover motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:41PM, seconded by Ms.Pizoli. The motion was approved by all members present.
Respectfully Submitted
Kathy Burger, Interim Chair