Unit Six: Family Structures Period______
1. What is the difference between family and “kin”?
2. What is the difference between the legal and sociological definitions of family?
2a. What connection is there between wealth and polygamy?
3. How do polygamists, like the families from “Sister Wives”, get away with breaking the laws against polygamy?
3a. What are some of the reasons behind the dissolution of extended (three generations under the same roof) families?
3b. If you cheat on your husband or wife, divorce them and then remarry, are you a serial monogamist? Why or why not?
3c. What are some potential problems with the Love marriage?
3d. How could you argue that traditional patriarchal family arrangements are being challenged in our world today?
4. There are two types of Polygamy: Polygyny and Polyandry. Which is more common and why?
5. Why are so many children in America waiting for adoption?
6. What is the Cinderella effect?
7. If a woman takes her husband’s name what type of descent is she practicing?
7a. What is bilateral descent?
8. Why did divorce rates spike from the 1960’s to about 1990?
8a. Why do you think divorce rates have dropped since the 1980’s?
9. Identify at least four functions marriage serves according to FUNCTIONALISTS.
10. According to a conflict theorist why won’t you marry someone from a higher social class?
11. The Incest Taboo relates to which relatives?
12. Who are the Boomerang generation?
13. How is computer dating like an arranged marriage?
14. Every state allows gay and straight couples to marry. Identify and discuss the other two legally sanctioned relationships for couples in NJ:
15. Based on sociological statistics how you could argue that divorced people don’t hate being married?
16. Why would Father’s Day be a difficult holiday in a culture that practiced Polyandry?
17. How does the 14th amendment to the Constitution relate to the same-sex marriage debate?
18. How do Conflict theorists look at the same-sex marriage debate?
19. Why are Functionalist split on same-sex marriage?
20. Why do Irish Traveler girls prize their wedding day so much?
21. Why is Traveler culture patriarchal?
22. What is the difference between a nuclear family and an extended family?
23. What is the blended family?
24. Do people get more “successful” at marriage after their first divorce? Second divorce? Explain.
25. What is DOMA and why is it no longer relevant?
26. How does NJ deal with Common Law and Proxy marriages?