Argo Baseball

2017 Argo Varsity Baseball Team Rules2017


1.I will try my best at all times.

2.Trash talk in any form or arguing with an umpire warrants disciplinary action. Any derogatory remarks about others will not be tolerated and are grounds for dismissal from the team.

3.All players are expected at EVERY practice. I must call Coach Nowak notifying him of any absence beforehand. If one does not practice, then one cannot play. Anytime I miss practice, someone else may step into my position. If I miss a practice or game. If I am injured, I am still expected to be at every practice and game unless I am receiving medical care and this must be documented and discussed ahead of time. I will be held accountable for all missed time. Playing time can be affected for any miss.

4.Multiple unexcused absences - whether game or practice (for whatever the reason) - and I will be dropped from the team automatically. If I miss an Argo baseball event, it is the coaches’ discretion on whether or not it is excused or unexcused. This rule holds for a detention or suspension given from the school. Both are considered unexcused. I understand things come up in life, please be honest and make good decisions. Communication is the key!!! Communication before practice, not after the fact.

5.For every minute I am late, whether a practice or a game, I will be held accountable.

6.I am responsible for keeping the locker room in good condition and my appearance clean.

  1. As a baseball player, I am responsible for all equipment issued to me by the school. In addition, I will pay for any lost items.

8.Any player caught stealing will be dismissed from the team.

9.By Argo High School guidelines, all athletes must pass FIVE classes in order to be eligible to compete. As an extra incentive, I will have extra duties based on my grades.

  1. I understand that as an athlete my actions must conform to higher expectations than those found in the normal classroom setting.
  1. Follow all school rules and Athletic Code of Conduct.

I have read and understand the team expectations and rules. Return this paper to Coach Nowak

Player's signatureDate

Parent/Guardian's signatureDate

Please notify Coach Nowak of conflicts and/or questions, cell phone (call or text) 708-408-7877

School voicemail. 708-467-5635. #argobaseball