SUMMER FAYRE, SATURDAY 7 JUNE, 10.00am – 1.00pm
This promises to be a great event! There will be a wide variety of stalls including home-baking, garden plants and children’s art gallery. Come along and try to beat the goalie with your face painted whilst hooking the duck in a giant bubble! This is hungry work so refresh yourself with juice and cake, a burger and some popcorn. 50p admittance, or £2 for a family ticket.
The internal scaffolding is down and we can now look at the wonderful new windows and the light streaming in through the central well and stairs. The external refurbishment programme is progressing well. The external scaffolding will be coming down over the next couple of weeks. Phase 2 (the internal refurbishment) is being costed and decisions on starting dates, internal removals and possible partial decant of some classes will be discussed. We will keep you fully informed of any discussions and plans for the next phase when 4Rs are ready to plan with us in detail. At the moment no dates have been finalised and we expect to start the new session here in Scotstoun.
Next session we will be welcoming 70 new P1 pupils and our staffing allows us to have 15 classes across the school which will be
You will soon receive your letter informing you of your child’s class. There is a power point about our school classification on the website
We have issued order forms for uniform for next session. Please complete with your uniform requirements and return to the class teacher/office by 6 June when the order will be sent away to the clothing company. If you have lost your form please call at the office for a replacement. The office staff will make up the orders during the holidays and they will be available for collection from the gym hall on Friday 8 August between 10.00am – 1.00pm. Please note that the office staff are making themselves available during the holiday period. They will not be able to deal with uniform orders on 11 August due to staff induction sessions, and will be out of school at a training course on 12, so please make sure that you arrange to have your order collected on 8 August.
Gym shoe bags in house colours will be available for sale on the day, priced £2.
Mrs Gordon is arranging our annual Public Speaking competition. Talks will be heard in the classes, and finalists will compete in the school hall on Friday 6 June.
All our P6 and P7 pupils have been hard at work learning lyrics and lines for the musical comedy Cinderalla Rockafella. It has been amazing to see the show going from tentative beginnings to confident presentation, and the families of these children are in for a treat. The other children have obviously heard the practices and are all curious to see our senior pupils in action – they will see the dress rehearsal on Monday 2 June. Many thanks to Mrs Gordon, Ms Howie, Ms Kelly, Ms McGuire and Mr Gilbert for all the effort they have put in and for their directing and production skills!
Unfortunately we were unable to book the pool at Scotstoun Leisure Centre for our annual swimming gala. This was disappointing, but understandable as the Leisure Centre have their hands full preparing for the Games. Back to normal next year.
We are holding our sports afternoon in Victoria Park on Wednesday 11 June, from 1.00pm. You are welcome to come along and watch the fun as the house teams compete. If you are able to help with walking the children to and/or from the park we would be very grateful. Please get in touch with your child’s teacher.
Mr Boyd would like to remind parents, carers and children that there is a 5k Park Run being staged every Saturday morning in Victoria Park at 9.30am. It is a child-friendly, stress-free running festival which costs nothing – simply register on the parkrun website. Let’s show what a sporting school we are by flooding them with entries!
We would like to thank all parents, carers and grandparents who have been able to help us this year with various activities. With strict adult:child ratios to adhere to, many of these visits would not take place without the support of our volunteers.
Our PTA have been very busy again this year, running fund-raising social events and providing both entertainment and thousands of pounds for the school fund. A huge thank you for all your hard work.
This June we are saying goodbye to Mrs Brown who is moving to a new job with Customer and Business Services. Mrs Cutmore is moving to a new teaching post. Mr Gilbert will be returning to cover Mrs MacKinnon’s maternity leave and Mr Boyd is retiring. We wish them happiness and success in the future.
We wish our P7 pupils every success in their secondary schools. To celebrate their time at Scotstoun Primary the pupils are having a day out on Friday 20 June – bowling at Springfield Quay and lunch at Frankie and Benny’s. There will be a Leavers’ Ceremony for their parents and carers on Monday 23June at 1.30pm in Scotstoun Parish Church Hall, followed by tea and coffee in the school hall.
We are sorry to be losing Mr Boyd, but wish him a long and happy retirement. We know that the pupils would like to give him a present so if you would like to contribute on behalf of your child please call at the school office.
There is a tear-off slip at the end of the bulletin. Please complete this on behalf of anyone whom you think should receive an invitation to a celebratory tea party at the school.
The school closes for the summer holiday on Wednesday 25 June at 1.00pm. We re-open for pupils on Wednesday 13 August at 8.45am.
Tuesday 3 June / Primary Athletics ChampionshipWednesday 4 / Cinderella Rockafella, 7.00pm
P3/4 and P4 to Science Centre, 9.30am
Thursday 5 / Cinderella Rockafella, 7.00pm
Friday 6 / Public speaking competition, 10.30am
P4 Street Dance
P6 Bowling
Saturday 7 / Summer Fayre, 10.00am – 1.00pm
Monday 9 / P6 pupils from P6/7 to Parliament, 11.00am
Tuesday 10 / Musical evening, 7.00pm
Wednesday 11 / Knightswood Induction Day
Sports Afternoon
Thursday 12 / Knightswood Induction Day
P2A to Mini-beast safari, 9.30am
P2B to bird Detectives, 12.30pm
P6 to Parliament, 11.30am
Friday 13 / Knightswood Induction Day
Last P4 Street Dance
Monday 16 / P3A and P3B to Lunderston Bay
Tuesday 17 / Parent Council meeting, 6.30pm
Friday 20 / P7 Leavers Trip
Monday 23 / Leavers Ceremony, 1.30pm in church hall
Wednesday 25 / School closes 1.00pm
Mr Boyd’s retirement
I think ______should receive an invitation to Mr Boyd’s party.
Signed______Name ______