Spring 1–2017
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and we welcome you back. We are looking forward to a successful term where the children enjoy their new learning.
The first full week back we will be learning to recite a range of poems and write an alternative version of a poem. Attached is the poem we will be learning and editing. A great opportunity for the children would be to learn this poem at home
For the remainder of the term we will be looking at stories by Roald Dahl and the first story we will be learning is ‘The Twits’. Please encourage this story at home as this will help them to learn the text, develop vocabulary/plot and ideas for writing an alternative version.
Children will have additional grammar and handwriting lessons. Children will use vocabulary including nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, time connectives and adverbs. Alongside this children will learn to use a range of vocabulary including; finger spaces, full stops, capital letters, comma’s in a list and speech marks.
Spellings will come home on a Wednesday and be assessed on a Monday.
Maths: We will be ensuring children learn their mental calculation strategies e.g. doubling, halving, bonds to 10,20 and 100.
This half term we will continue to focus on number; adding multiples of ten to any two digit number and partitioning to add and subtract. Furthermore, to understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. For example: 26 + 10 = 36 so 36 -10 = 26.
The children will be taught the skills of multiplication and division using repeated addition and arrays. They will also learn to recall their times tables at speed. Therefore, please support your child at home with these (2’s,5’s, 10’s 3’s and 4’s) as this will give them confidence and encouragement.
As part of the new curriculum ‘reasoning’ is an essential skill which we will continue to implement. This is where the children are able to explain their mathematical answers using pictures, diagrams or written explanations. If you require additional information about this please ask.
PE: will be on a Tuesday,outside weather permitting. Please ensure children have their full PE kit which consists of plimsolls, shorts, trousers, T-shirt and a jumper. Please ensure this is in school every day.Children with medium-long hair must be tied back. Earrings need to be removed on this day otherwise they are unable to take part.
PSHE:Circle times will be ‘Going for Goals’. This is linked to children’s aspirations for the year alongside developing friendships.
Please ensure children always have their book bags/wallets in school with their reading diary inside. This way comments can be written in their diary which can help you to support your child at home, showing their next steps, represented by a wand. Children are expected to read a minimum of three times a week with an adult at home to maximise their development. The reading reward scheme continues as normal and it is one stamp per day. Please always sign/comment when your child has read so we can monitor and reward when necessary.
A great site to use at any time is
At 8:45 am children will be working on their Literacy/Maths learning/next steps therefore we would ask that your child arrives at school promptly.
If you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to come and ask.
Miss Herbert and Mrs Baillieul