HOME & COMMUNITYPolicy No.: BRD 2-50
SUPPORT SERVICESRevised: March 2011
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Directors of the Board of Home and Community Support Services of Grey-Bruce dealing directly or indirectly with persons doing or seeking to do business with HCSSGB, must act in the best interests of the Agency and of the citizens of the community without favour or preference based on personal considerations.
It is the ongoing responsibility of the nomination and orientation committee, Board Chair and Executive Director to ensure that all board members are aware of this policy/procedure.
It is the responsibility of the director to:
- disclose to the Board Chair, any outside employment, business, commercial or financial interest where such interest might conceivably be construed as being in actual or potential conflict with his/her position.
- immediately inform the Board Chair if required to deal with a case in which the personal interests of a relative may be involved; and
- report forthwith all frauds, or attempted frauds, or any criminal act of which the employee becomes aware to the Board Chair as detailed in HCSSGB's Fraud and Theft policy.
These responsibilities apply to all board members including the chair who will disclose, inform and report to the Executive Committee.
A board director of HCSSGB shall not:
- engage in any business or transaction or have a financial or other personal interest which is incompatible with the discharge of the directors official duties;
- place himself/herself in a position to derive any direct or indirect benefit or interest from any HCSSGB contracts about which the director can influence decisions;
- engage in any outside employment, work or business undertaking that interferes with the performance of duties as a HCSSGB director.
- engage in any outside employment, work or business undertaking in which they have an advantage derived from their role and association with HCSSGB.
- demand, accept or offer, or agree to accept from a person who has dealings with HCSSGB, a direct or indirect commission, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind, whether to be received by the director, by a member of the directors family, or by a third party whom the director wishes to benefit;
- benefit or cause friends or relatives to benefit from the use of information acquired during the course of the directors official duties and which is not generally available to the public;
- accord, in the performance of official duties, preferential treatment to relatives or friends or to organizations in which the director or relatives or friends have an interest, financial or otherwise;
- accept from persons having dealings with HCSSGB gifts or favours that are offered in gratitude for services rendered or anticipated;
- accept casual or infrequent business entertainment in the form of lunches, dinners, etc. without the consent of the Board Chair unless such a benefit is within the bounds of propriety and not such as to bring suspicion upon the directors objectivity; or
- use or permit the use of HCSSGB property including client information of any kind for personal convenience or profit or for any activities not associated with the discharge of official duties.
In any instance where real, perceived or potential conflict of interest situations arise, the Board Chair will discuss the matter with the director to gain his or her viewpoint. Appropriate action should be taken after consultation and concurrence of the Executive Director. All allegations of potential conflict of interest will be reported to the Southwest LHIN by the Executive Director as well as any actions taken in regard to the alleged or real conflict of interest.
Only after a thorough investigation of the situation has occurred, will disciplinary action be taken if warranted. The Executive Committee will take any action they deem appropriate to deal with a director failing to act in accordance with the provisions of this policy.
For more information, contact Executive Director.