Period 3 (600CE-1450)

Sometimes called the ______Ages Period

After the:

Sometimes called the Post:

Development of Religions


______the prophet (610CE)

The Five Pillars of Faith






Split between:

Disagreement over who leads the ______

Shia believe leadership should come from line of:

A ______religion

Spreads due to expanding ______control, missionaries and ______along ______routes

Especially in these two trade networks:

Islamic architecture


-domed architecture


Don’t believe in icons of ______representations of Muhammad

Trade and Exchange

______of Communication and Exchange Networks

Main trade routes

New Technologies




-and what type of sails:


Spread of Luxury Goods


East Indies/ India:



Diffusion of Religions

Christianity spreads throughout:

Buddhism spreads along ______and throughout:

Hinduism states in ______and spreads due ______

But not due to conversion but because:


Along ______Coast

Swahili language mix of:

Through the ______Network

Largest populations of Muslims in:

Largest area:

Diffusion of Crops

Fast ripening rice (helps population grow):


Spreading throughout Islamic Empires:

Diffusion of Disease- ______

Spread through ______

Impact of Europe:

Assisted the end of:


Decrease influence of:

Politics, ______and innovation of State Forms and Their Interactions

Byzantine Empire continuation of ______Empire

Europe over all part of:


Islam arises in:

Takes over ______Empire

Take over ______Africa

What part (modern day nation does Islam tke over from 700-1492):

The TWO Islamic Empires:



East Asia

  1. ______- Dynasty
  2. ______- Dynasty
  3. ______- Dynasty
  4. ______- Dynasty
  5. Actually ruled by the non-Chinese people: The-

The Dynastic:

The Mandate of:





The ______Coast City States

The ______Rus influenced by:

What type of Christian in Russia: Catholic or Orthodox?


Byzantine Empire, Caesaropapism idea that the Caesar is over the ______,

The Emperor is over the head of the ______Church

Considered themselves:

Had famous legal document:

Kievan Rus: spread ______culture and ______Christianity

Spread by missionaries who developed ______alphabet

Umayyad: Expanded from Middle East to




Focus on ______Muslims

Discriminated against

Established the Jizya:

Abbasid move capital away from Damascus to:

______- Age (math and science)

Focus on scholars:

Unity of the:

Sui: Legalism, Built:


Tang: focus on ______, increase use of:

Song: also increase ______. Elite women:

Mali in ______, famous traveler who went on Hajj:

Mongols took over china, called themselves the:

Mongols take over in Middle East and take:______Empire (caliph in a carpet)

Mongols in Russia different, they exact ______from them, not direct rule

Mongols taking over ultimately creates peace allows for increase in trade and ______known as the Pax Mongolica

Politics: European and Japanese Feudalism

Land to warriors who will ______the land

______- will work the land

Real control in Japan is the:

Both Europe and Japan have warriors:

Both ______sufficient

Japan influenced religiously by:

Europe influence religiously by:

Political Conflict

Great Schism 1054 between:

Seljuk Turks convert to:

Muslims take over Holy Land (Israel) away from Christian Byzantine Empire who asked Pope Urban II for help, Western Europe sends armies to free the holy land known as the:

Increased Economic Productive Capacity

Innovations ______- agricultural and industrial ______in many regions

Europe in High Middle Ages

New inventions ______Collar, ______plow, ______system

All increase ______productions

Food surpluses, people can

Start of:

Europe Renaissance

Begins in:

New inventions ______paints

Revival of ______architecture

South East Asia :______rice

Increase their: