U.S. History Honors, Syllabus 2015-2016
Mrs. Susan Szczepanik, F-105
The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the development of the United States beginning with the post-Reconstruction period and ending with the 21st century. The political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and cultural issues of the United States will be addressed.
Class Materials: 1.5”-2” 3-ring binder
1 set of 8 tabs (dividers)
Paper/Pen/ Highlighters /sticky notes 2"x2"
Your textbook, EVERYDAY!!
Class Expectations
1.Arrive before the bell rings, sit down, take out any materials you need, and prepare for class.
-Each class starts with a question of the day
-3 tardies - e-mail to parents / 4th tardy - referral to dean
-DO NOT pack up until class is over
2.Do all assignments and turn them in when due.
-Include your class number on all worked that is turned in.
-Late work is 50% credit.
-If absent and turning in work late, write ‘absent’ at the top of the page.
-If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, it is your responsibility to schedule a make-up time.
3.See me if you are having problems.
-I am available for extra help except on Wednesdays.
-You must schedule a meeting with me in advance.
4.Follow all school and class rules.
-Consequences: warning, parent contact, referral to dean.
5.Cell phones will remain off and out of sight at all times!
-Any phone seen or heard will be turned in to the dean at my convenience.
Grading Policy & Scale:
-Home Access Center (HAC) has the most up-to-date information. Be sure you can log in!!
Your grade is calculated on a total point scale, rather than percentages. The more points an assignment is worth, the more that assignment will affect your overall grade. In this class, the grading scale will be as follows:
A= 90-100%
B= 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D= 60-69%
F= 59% and below
**An 89.5% would be rounded up to an “A”, likewise, an 89.4% is still a “B”. **
** This is a state EOC course- the EOC exam will count for 30% of your overall grade. **
Types of Work You Can Expect:
-Questions of the day
-Daily classwork/ participation
-Document Analysis
-DBQ projects and essays including History Fair
-Quizzes and tests
Plagiarism/ Cheating:
-Cheating/Plagiarized work will result in a referral to the dean.
-Have respect for your own efforts and take pride in yourself!!
I am looking forward to a great year with all of you and am excited about the learning that we will all do together!!