Bible Truths A, 4th ed.
Lesson Plan Overview
Day / Section/Topic / Pages / Support Materials / Bible Integration
Unit 1: Christ’s Character
1, 2 / 1–1 Why Should I Develop Christlikeness? / 2–3 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Writing assignment / sanctification
3, 4 / 1–2 How Can I Develop Christlike Character? / 3–5 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Case study / sanctification
5, 6 / 1–3 Where Do I Start? / 8–9 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Christ's World: The Romans / sanctification
Unit 2: Christ’s Example
7, 8 / 2–1 Christ’s Meekness / 12–14 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Writing assignment / sanctification
9, 10 / 2–2 Christ’s Zeal / 14–16 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Storytelling assignment / sanctification
11, 12 / 2–3 Christ’s Compassion / 16–19 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Special topics (separation), class discussion, survey / sanctification
13, 14 / 2–4 Christ’s Holiness / 19–21 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Special topic (the sinlessness of Christ), analogy, discussion / sanctification
Unit 3: Christ’s Major Experiences
15 / 3–1 Honoring Christ’s Birth / 26–28 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Christ's World: Jesus and the Jewish Leaders, TE: Special topic (virgin birth), class discussions / the historical character of Christianity
16, 17 / 3–2 Respecting Christ’s Authority / 28–30 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Case studies
18 / 3–3 Resisting Sin / 30–33 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Research project on sin / sanctification
19 / 3–4 Keeping Christ First / 33–35 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Special topic (gospel harmonization), storytelling, discussion / sanctification
20, 21 / 3–5 Trusting in Christ’s Death / 35–38 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Christ's World: Crucifixion, TE: Special topic (the inscription on the cross), object lesson, spiritual check-up
22 / 3–6 Living for the Living Christ / 39–41 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Historical examples
23 / Units 1–3 Test
Unit 4: Christ’s Sermon on the Mount
24, 25 / 4–1 Living for the King (Part 1) / 44–47 / Thinking It Through, Lecture / the importance of the kingdom to biblical theology
26, 27 / 4–2 Living for the King (Part 2) / 48–51 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion (joy) / the importance of the kingdom to biblical theology
28, 29 / 4–3 Discipleship Analogies / 51–52 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Salt trivia, object lesson / Kingdom citizens are to be salt and light.
30 / 4–4 Old Rules—New Relationships / 52–54 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Writing assignment, extra lecture, analogy / Jesus upheld the Old Testament law.
31 / 4–5 Holding Your Temper and Your Tongue / 54–56 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Current trends
32 / 4–6 Honoring Marriage / 56–59 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: advice on "The Talk" / the value of a covenant
33 / 4–7 Keeping Your Word and Not Getting Even / 59–63 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Case study
34 / 4–8 Relating Rightly to Your Enemies / 64–65 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Christ's World: Sea of Galilee, TE: Case study / the high standard of God's law—perfection
35 / Unit 4a Test
36 / 4–9 Giving in Order to Get / 68–70 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: C.S. Lewis on the motivation of rewards
37 / 4–10 Not Praying the Way Gentiles Do / 70–72 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Prayer project
38, 39 / 4–11 Praying the Way Jesus Taught Us To (Part 1) / 73–75 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Prayer project / The Lord's Prayer
40 / 4–12 Praying the Way Jesus Taught Us To (Part 2) / 75–76 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Prayer project / The Lord's Prayer
41 / 4–13 Praying the Way Jesus Taught Us To (Part 3) / 77–78 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Prayer project / The Lord's Prayer
42 / 4–14 Hungering for Righteous-ness? / 79–80 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Survey, quiz, Bible tech tip
43, 44 / 4–15 Storing Up Treasures / 81–83 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion
45 / 4–16 Winning over Worry / 84–86 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Worry log
46 / 4–17 Not Judging Others / 86–88 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Special topic (judging others)
47 / 4–18 Receiving and Giving / 89–90 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Journaling
48 / 4–19 Final Warnings (1): The Wide Way / 90–92 / Thinking It Through, Lecture / eschatology
49 / 4–20 Final Warnings (2): Wily Wolves / 92–94 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Research project on other religions; testimony / eschatology
50 / 4–21 Final Warnings (3): Endless Departure / 94–95 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Special topic (exorcisms) / eschatology
51 / 4–22 Final Warnings (4): Two Foundations / 95–97 / Thinking It Through, Lecture / eschatology
52 / Unit 4bTest
Unit 5: Christ’s Other Teachings
53 / 5–1 The New Birth / 100–102 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Special Topics (born of water, Nicodemus), object lesson, analogy, discussion, testimonies
54 / 5–2 The World / 102–103 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion, case study
55 / 5–3 Eternal Punishment / 104–105 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Pretest
56, 57 / 5–4 Materialism / 106–107 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Christ's World: Herod the Builder, TE: Special Topics (manna, God's sovereignty in salvation)
58 / 5–5 Character in Action / 110–112 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Questions and answers, Storytelling
59 / 5–6 Christ’s Care / 112–114 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Special Topic (cults), deity of Christ
60 / 5–7 Prayer / 115–117 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Testimonies, Scripture search
61 / 5–8 The Spirit’s Ministry / 117–119 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Christ's World: Holy Days of the Jews, TE: Quiz
62 / 5–9 Faithfulness to Christ / 122–124 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Object lesson
63 / 5–10 Discipleship / 124–126 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Memory work, Scripture search
64 / 5–11 Repentance / 126–129 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Analogies
65 / Unit 5 Test
Unit 6: Christ’s Miracles
66, 67 / 6–1 The Deity of Christ / 134–136 / Master Chart of Christ's Miracles, Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Writing assignment / Christ's nature
68 / 6–2 The Life of Faith / 136–139 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Research
69 / 6–3 Right Relationships / 140–143 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Chart: Miracles that Teach Right Relationships, TE: Discussion, case study
70 / 6–4 A Heart of Gratitude / 143–145 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Scripture search, Case study, Quiz
71 / 6–5 Spiritual Deliverance / 146–148 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Case studies, quiz
72 / 6–6 The Life-Giver’s Gift / 148–149 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion
73 / Unit 6 Test
Unit 7: Christ’s Parables
74, 75 / 7–1 Responding to the Word of God / 153–154 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Chart: Some of the Parables Jesus Told, TE: Question and answer session / the power of the Word
76 / 7–2 Living in the Kingdom / 155–156 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Writing assignment
77 / 7–3 Managing Money / 157–158 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Giving, guest speaker
78 / 7–4 Confronting Covetousness / 158–160 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion, Scripture search
79 / 7–5 Seeking the Lost / 160–162 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion, testimonies, survey, field trip
80, 81 / 7–6 Loving Others / 162–163 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, Christ's World: Israel Past and Present, TE: Discussion, writing assignment, field trip
82 / 7–7 Forgiving Others / 166–167 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Role-play
83 / 7–8 Praying for Humility / 168–170 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion, Case study
84, 85 / 7–9 Being Ready for His Coming / 170–172 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Questions and answers / eschatology
86, 87 / 7–10 Expecting a Reward / 172–174 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Quiz, Storytelling / eschatology
88, 89 / 7–11 Staying Faithful Until He Comes / 175–177 / Thinking It Through, Lecture, TE: Discussion
90 / Unit 7 Test