October 21 2015

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Location: Hyatt Ballroom D & E

Participants: Project Directors and Leadership

School Climate Transformation Grant

Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program

Project Prevent

SAMHSA Project Aware

PBIS Center Partners

Outcomes: 1. Strategies for and examples of aligning and integrating evidence-based practices implementation systems across programs and initiatives.

2. Increased effectiveness and efficiency in the management and evaluation of cross program initiatives.

3. Opportunities to share and learn about successful implementation efforts within and across programs and initiatives.

Tentative Agenda

9:00 Welcome and Introduction (Dave Esquith)

9:15 MTSS, Sustainability and Implementation Capacity Development (George Sugai)

The common goal of all Safe and Healthy Students projects is to improve the social culture of schools in a manner that is effective, scalable and sustainable. The purpose of this session is to share what we are learning about “implementation with impact,” capacity development, and specific features of successful implementation at state and district levels.

·  Presentation describing current “lessons learned” on coordinating scalable and sustainable implementation capacity of evidence-based practices (35 min.)

·  Implementation at the LEA Level (Kate Heineman, Fremont Public Schools, Nebraska) (20 min.)

·  Team assessment of Current Implementation (20 min.)

10:30 Break

10:45 Alignment across Practices, Programs, Initiatives and Systems (Rob Horner)

All projects are not only addressing strategies for implementing individual innovations (PBIS, Mental Health First Aid, Restorative Justice, Social Emotional Learning) but implementing multiple initiatives (often at the same time). Both districts and schools are struggling with how to “align” multiple initiatives. This session will focus on features of state and district leadership teams that are being successful at multi-innovation implementation.

·  Elements of effective alignment (25 min.)

·  Alignment at the SEA level (Justyn Poulos, Wisconsin) (15 min.)

·  Alignment at the LEA Level (Sheree Garvey, Appleton, Wisconsin) (15 min.)

·  Team Alignment Self-Check and Discussion (20 min.)

12:00 Comments and Suggestions for Using the Conference (Lucille Eber)

12:15 Lunch

1:15 – 5:00 Grant Project Meetings – See Individual Grant Agenda

·  SCTG-SEA (Bryan Williams)

·  SCTG-LEA (Eve Birge) + Project Aware

·  ESS Counseling (Lisa Harrison and Loretta McDaniel)

·  Project Prevent (Earl Myers)

5:00 – 6:00 SHS, OSEP, and PBIS Center Partners Meeting

Draft Agenda for LEA School Climate Transformation Grantees Meeting

October 21, 2015

1 pm - 5 pm CST

Location: Hyatt Grand F

1:00 – 1:10 pm Welcome & Energizer

1:10 – 1:30 pm “Now Is the Time” System Integration Study Presentation

Facilitator: Joanne Bogart and Contract Leads

1:30 – 2:30 pm GPRA is Not a 4-Letter Word

Evaluation and data-based decision making is the key to a successful and sustainable initiative. This session will cover the formative and summative uses of data in order to more fully understand what data to collect and how to organize it.

Facilitator: PBIS Technical Assistance Center

2:30 – 2:45 pm Stretch Break

2:45 – 3:45 pm Regional Small Group Discussions

Project directors will break into small groups for a facilitated discussion focused on sharing successes and challenges; brainstorming and problem-solving; and making connections and forming communities of practice and support.

Discussion topics:

1.  How do sites manage change (grant and district leadership change, structural and organizational change, political change)?

2.  When does coordination happen across initiatives and what does it look like? What is the value added?

3.  What is most useful with regard to technical assistance?

4.  How will sites build capacity and sustain MTSS/MTBF post-award?

Facilitators: Technical Assistance Providers (5)

3:45 – 4:00 pm Stretch Break

4:00 – 4:45 pm Small Group Discussion Report-Outs

A representative from each group will report-out on pre-determined topics (i.e. principal challenges, solutions, “ah-ha” moments, and topics of interest for future webinars and meetings).

4:45 – 5:00 pm Closing

Office of Safe and Healthy Students

Project Directors Meeting

October 21, 2015

Location: Hyatt Grand G

SEA School Climate Transformation Grantee Session

1:00 – 1:10 pm Welcome

Bryan Williams, US Department of Education

1:10 – 1:30 pm “Now Is the Time” System Integration Study Presentation

Joanne Bogart, US Department of Education

1:30 – 2:30 pm Guidance on the GPRA Measures for the School Climate Transformation Grant Program

PBIS Technical Assistance Center staff

2:30 – 2:45 pm Break

2:45 – 3:45 pm Group Discussion on Results from the 2015 PBIS SEA Implementation Survey and Technical Assistance for SEAs

Bryan Williams, PBIS Technical Assistance Center staff

§  What implementation successes have grantees experienced?

§  What have been the challenges, and why?

§  What technical assistance is required to help you assist you in project year 2?

3:45 – 4:00 pm Break

4:00 – 4:45 pm Group Discussion on TA Webinars and Technical Assistance Suggestions for Project Year 2

Bryan Williams, PBIS Technical Assistance Center staff

§  Have the technical assistance webinars been helpful?

§  What is working well? What can be improved?

§  How can we design future webinars to be most useful?

§  What topics or issues would be most beneficial to address as we enter project year 2?

4:45 pm Wrap-up and Adjourn

OSHS Project Director Training

October 21, 2015

Chicago, IL
Location: Lindbergh

Project Prevent Grantee Session

1:00 – 1:15 pm / Welcome
Earl Myers, Jr., ED/OSHS, Project Prevent Project Officer
1:15 – 2:30 pm / Integrating Trauma Sensitive Practices in Schools
·  Presentation (25 min)
o  Kathleen Guarino, NCSSLE, AIR
·  Panel Discussion (25 min)
Dena Ratke, Milwaukee Public Schools (WI)
Sandra Simmons, Oakland Unified School District (CA)
·  Group Discussion and Initial Action Planning (25 min)
  • Are you integrating trauma sensitive practices in your P2 schools? If so, how?
o  What is already working?
What challenges are you facing with this work?
What next steps are you planning to take?
What do you need to take these next steps?
  • If you are not integrating trauma sensitive practices in your P2 schools, are you interested in doing so?
o  Why?
o  What would your next steps be?
What do you need to take those next steps?
2:30 – 2:40 pm / Break
2:40 – 3:55 / Providing School-Based Mental Health Services
·  Presentation (25 min)
o  Beth Freeman, AIR
Sharon Stephan, Center for School Mental Health
·  Panel Discussion (25 min)
Pat Burton, Pike Township District (IN)
o  Ramona Griffin, ESD 101 (WA)
·  Group Discussion and Initial Action Planning (25 min)
  • Do your P2 schools provide school-based mental health services?
o  If yes, how?
§  What is already working?
§  What challenges are you facing with this work?
§  What next steps are you planning to take?
§  What do you need to take these next steps?
If no, are you interested in providing school-based mental health services?
§  Why?
§  What would your next steps be?
§  What do you need to take those next steps?
3:55 – 4:05 pm / Break
4:05 – 5:00 pm / Reflecting on Year 1 Project Prevent Activities and Planning for Year 2
·  Introduction (5 min)
o  Sandy Williamson, AIR/NCSSLE
o  Tim Dunn, AIR/NCSSLE
·  Small Group Discussion (30 min)
  • What are three successes you experienced during the first year of the P2 grant that you are most proud?
  • What are three challenges your team anticipates facing during year 2 of the P2 grant?
  • What steps are you planning to take to overcome those challenges?
  • Interactive report out by table/TAS based on small group discussions
·  Large Group Discussion (20 min)
  • How can NCSSLE assist you in taking those steps?
§  Individual TA
§  Small group TA
§  Training
§  Webinars
§  Community of practice
§  Other
5:00 – 5:15 pm / Opportunities through Arts Education
Nicole White, ED/OESE
5:15 – 5:30 pm / Wrap-up and Closing
Earl Myers, ED/OSHS, and Sandy Williamson, AIR/NCSSLE

OSHS Project Director Training

October 21, 2015


Location: Hyatt Grand H

ESSC Grantee Session

1:00 – 1:15 pm / Welcome
Lisa Harrison and Loretta McDaniel, ED/OSHS, ESSC Project Officers
1:15 – 2:30 pm / Providing School-Based Mental Health Services
·  Presentation (25 min)
o  Beth Freeman, AIR
Sharon Stephan, Center for School Mental Health
·  Panel Discussion (25 min)
o  Dean Lesicko, Murrieta Valley Unified School District (CA)
o  Kimberly A. Mecca, Scranton School District (PA)
·  Group Discussion and Initial Action Planning (25 min)
  • Do your ESSC schools provide school-based mental health services?
o  If yes, how?
§  What is working well?
§  What challenges are you facing with this work?
§  What next steps are you planning to take?
§  What do you need to take these next steps?
o  If no, are you interested in providing school-based mental health services?
§  Why?
§  What would your next steps be?
§  What do you need to take those next steps?
2:30 – 2:40 pm / Break
2:40 – 3:55 pm / Integrating Trauma Sensitive Practices in Schools
·  Presentation (25 min)
o  Kathleen Guarino, NCSSLE, AIR
·  Panel Discussion (25 min)
o  David Thompson, Buncombe County Schools (NC)
o  Connie Pohlgeers, Campbell County Board of Education (KY)
·  Group Discussion and Initial Action Planning (25 min)
  • Are you integrating trauma sensitive practices in your ESSC schools? If so, how?
o  What is already working?
o  What challenges are you facing with this work?
o  What next steps are you planning to take?
o  What do you need to take these next steps?
  • If you are not integrating trauma sensitive practices in your ESSC schools, are you interested in doing so?
o  Why?
o  What would your next steps be if you are interested?
o  What do you need to take those next steps?
3:45 – 4:00 pm / Break
4:00 – 5:30 pm / Planning and Implementation That Leads to Sustainability
·  Presentation (30 min)
o  Tim Duffey, VTA, NCSSLE
o  Greta Colombi, AIR, NCSSLE
  • What is sustainability?
  • How do you sustain?
·  Grantee Sharing (20 min)
o  Paul Teuber, Elk Grove Unified School District (CA)/Project Grow
·  Small Group Discussion about Technical Assistance Needs for FY 2016 (20 min)
o  What is working well in sustaining your work?
o  What have you been doing or would like to do to sustain your work?
o  What kind of assistance do you need in helping achieve sustainable success via your ESSC grant?
o  Interactive report out
·  Large Group Discussion (20 min)
o  What do you need over the next year to do this work?
§  Content
§  Delivery
5:15 – 5:30 pm / Wrap-up and Closing
Lisa Harrison and Loretta McDaniel, ED/OSHS and Greta Colombi, AIR/NCSSLE

Draft Agenda for SHS, OSEP, and PBIS Center Partners Meeting

October 21, 2015

Location: LaGuardia

5:00 – 6:00 pm CST

5:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Purpose (Dave Esquith)

5:15 Review of SCTG LEA and SEA Grant Purpose and Outcomes

o  SEA (Bryan Williams)

o  LEA (Eve Birge)

o  OSEP (Renee Bradley)

o  PBIS Center (Rob Horner, Tim Lewis, and George Sugai)

5:30 SHS Expectations Discussion (Dave Esquith)

5:50 Review of Agreements and Next Action Steps (Dave Esquith)

6:00 Adjourn