90 Day Court Review Report Page 1 of 3
CFS-2293 (03/2008)


Date: [TM2]

The Honorable Judge [TM3]

Court Case Number: / [TM4] / Hearing Date: / //[TM5] / County: / [TM6]
Case Type: / CHIPSDelinquencyJIPS[TM7] / Hearing Time: / [TM8] / eWiSACWIS Case Number: / [TM9]
Name (Last, First, MI) / Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy) / Age
[TM10] / [TM11] / [TM12]
Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code)
American Indian Status / American Indian Tribal Name
[TM14] / Yes / [TM15] / No / [TM16]
Name (Last, First, MI) / Telephone Number
[TM17] / [TM18]
Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code)
Name (Last, First, MI) / Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy)
[TM20] / [TM21]
Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code) / Telephone Number [D22]
[TM23] / [TM24]
Marital Status / Name - Mother's Spouse
[TM25] / Married / [TM26] / Single / [TM27] / Widowed / [TM28] / Divorced / [TM29]
Name (Last, First, MI) / Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy)
[TM30] / [TM31]
Status: / [TM32] / Adjudicated / [TM33] / Presumptive / [TM34] / Alleged
Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code) / Telephone Number [D35]
[TM36] / [TM37]
Marital Status / Name - Father's Spouse
[TM38] / Married / [TM39] / Single / [TM40] / Widowed / [TM41] / Divorced / [TM42]
Verification of American Indian status provided by:
I. / Recommended Plan of Rehabilitation or Treatment of the ChildChildrenJuvenileJuveniles[TM44] and Family s. 48.33(1)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)938.33(1)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)[TM45]
A. / ChildChildrenJuvenileJuveniles[TM46]
B. / Family
/ [TM48]
II. / Summary of Case Since Last Court Review
III. / Issues for Continued Placement
A. / Need for Continued Placement
B. / The extent to which each of the following is in compliance with the court order and the permanency plan.
1. / County Agency
2. / Other Service Providers
3. / Child'sChildrens'Juvenile'sJuveniles'[TM53] Parents
4. / ChildChildrenJuvenileJuveniles[TM55]
5. / Child'sChildrens'Juvenile'sJuveniles'[TM57] Guardian or Legal Custodian
6. / Other Identified Persons
C. / Services: Responsibilities of Parties - Clarification / Modification
D. / Safety and Appropriateness of the Placement
E. / Visitation
F. / 1. / If this is the initial permanency plan review, the appropriateness of developing a concurrent permanence goal.
2. / If this is not the initial permanency plan review, any efforts that should be made to implement an existing concurrent permanency goal.
G. / The extent of efforts to involve other service providers in meeting any special needs of the childchildrenjuvenilejuveniles[TM65] or the child'schildrens'juvenile'sjuveniles'[TM66] family.
H. / Reunification / Permanent Plan. Provide the date by which it is likely that any of the following will occur.
1. / ChildChildrenJuvenileJuveniles[TM68] will be returned safely to his or hertheir[TM69] home: / [TM70]
2. / ChildChildrenJuvenileJuveniles[TM71] will be placed for adoption: / [TM72]
3. / ChildChildrenJuvenileJuveniles[TM73] will be placed with a guardian: / [TM74]
4. / ChildChildrenJuvenileJuveniles[TM75] will be placed in an alternative permanent placement: / [TM76]
I. / If the child haschildren havejuvenile hasjuveniles have[TM77] been placed outside his or her home for 15 of the most recent 22 months, a justification for maintaining the current permanency plan and permanence goal and the circumstances which prevent one of the following from occurring:
1. / Justification for maintaining the Permanency Plan / Goal
2. / Returning the childchildrenjuvenilejuveniles[TM79] safely to his or hertheir[TM80] home
3. / Placing the childchildrenjuvenilejuveniles[TM82] in the home of a fit and willing relative
4. / Requesting a petition for termination of the parental rights of the child'schildrens'juvenile'sjuveniles'[TM84] parents
5. / Placing the childchildrenjuvenilejuveniles[TM86] for adoption
6. / Placing the childchildrenjuvenilejuveniles[TM88] in sustaining care under s. 48.428, Stats.
J. / If the child ischildren arejuvenile isjuveniles are[TM90] aged 15 years or older, a description of the programs and services provided to prepare the childchildrenjuvenilejuveniles[TM91] to move to independent living, and whether those programs and services have been or will be effective.
K. / Reasonable efforts to rehabilitate the family and make it possible for the childchildrenjuvenilejuveniles[TM93] to return safely to his or hertheir[TM94] home or to be placed in another permanent placement.
As a result of this review, if any of the following recommendations are made, the county agency should request a revision to the court order within 45 days after the date of the review.
  • Conflict with the court order

  • Provide for additional services not specified in the court order

  • Otherwise require a modification of the court order

Name - Worker / SIGNATURE - Worker / Date Signed
Name - Supervisor / SIGNATURE - Supervisor / Date Signed
90 Day Court Review Report Page 1 of 3
CFS-2293 (03/2008)

[TM1]1This field is a user selected drop down field.

The field is editable on the template.

[TM2]This field is pre-filled (system generated).

This field is not editable on the template.

[TM3]1This field is pre-filled.

This field is editable on the template.

The data can also be corrected as follows: The judge can be changed in the Judge field on the Legal Documentation page.

[TM4]1This field is pre-filled.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM5]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM6]1This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: worker's county can be updated (by supervisor) on the Maintain Worker Information page.

[TM7]This field is a user selected drop down field.

The field is editable on the template. Available selections: CHIPS, JIPS, or Delinquency.

[TM8]1This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM9]This field is pre-filled (system generated).

This field is not editable on the template.

[TM10]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: if an incorrect child was selected, the child can be updated in the Role field on the Legal Documentation page. If the child name is misspelled, the name can be updated on Person Management page/Basic tab.

[TM11]1This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Birth Date field on the Basic tab of the Person Management page.

[TM12]This field is pre-filled (system generated).

This field is not editable on the template.

[TM13]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Addresstab on the Person Management page.

[TM14]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Indian Tribe on the Basic tab of the Person Management page.

[TM15]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Indian Tribe on the Basic tab of the Person Management page.

[TM16]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Indian Tribe field on the Basic tab of the Person Management page.

[TM17]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: A change to the caretaker's name can be made on the Person Management page of the child's placement.

[TM18]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Home tab of the Home Provider page.

[TM19]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: The caretaker's address can be changed on the Maintain Physical Address page that is accessed via Create >Provider Work >Maintenance > Maintain Physical Address.

[TM20]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Person Management page. The child's mother is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[TM21]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Person Management page. The child's mother is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[D22]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: update the Phone group box on the Address tab of the child'smother's Person Management record. The Telephone Type field pre-fills with the type of telephone number of the mother. If no telephone number is pre-filled, this field will be blank. The child's mother is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management record.

[TM23]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Person Management page. The child's mother is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[TM24]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Person Management page. The child's mother is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[TM25]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM26]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM27]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM28]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Mother's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM29]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM30]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Person Management page. The child's father is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[TM31]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Person Management page. The child's father is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[TM32]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Type field on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM33]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Type field on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM34]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Type field on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[D35]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: update the Phone group box on the Address tab of the child'sfather's Person Management record. The Telephone Type field pre-fills with the type of telephone number of the father. If no telephone number is pre-filled, this field will be blank. The child's father is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management record.

[TM36]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Address tab on the Father's Person Management page. The child's father is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[TM37]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Address tab on the Father's Person Management page. The child's father is identified on the Parent Info tab on the child's Person Management page.

[TM38]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM39]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM40]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM41]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Father's Current Marital Status on the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM42]This field is pre-filled.

This field is not editable on the template.

The data can be corrected as follows: Update the Parent Info tab of the child's Person Management page.

[TM43]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM44]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child, Children, Juvenile, Juveniles.

[TM45]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: 48.33(1)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f),938.33(1)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f).

[TM46]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child, Children, Juvenile, Juveniles.

[TM47]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM48]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM49]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM50]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM51]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM52]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM53]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles'.

[TM54]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM55]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child, Children, Juvenile, Juveniles.

[TM56]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM57]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles'.

[TM58]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM59]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM60]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM61]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM62]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM63]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM64]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM65]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles'.

[TM66]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles.

[TM67]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM68]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child, Children, Juvenile, Juveniles.

[TM69]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: his or her, their.

[TM70]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM71]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles.

[TM72]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM73]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles.

[TM74]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM75]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles.

[TM76]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM77]1This field is a user selected drop down field. The field is editable on the template. Selection can be corrected on the template.

Available selections: child has, children have, juvenile has, juveniles have.

[TM78]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM79]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child, Children, Juvenile, Juveniles.

[TM80]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: his or her, their.

[TM81]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM82]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child, Children, Juvenile, Juveniles.

[TM83]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM84]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles'.

[TM85]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM86]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child's, Children's, Juvenile's, Juveniles'.

[TM87]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM88]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.

Available selections: Child, Children, Juvenile, Juveniles.

[TM89]This field is user entered.

This field is editable on the template.

[TM90]1This field is a user selected drop down field. The field is editable on the template. Selection can be corrected on the template.

Available selections: child is, children are, juvenile is, juveniles are.

[TM91]This field is user selected.

The field is editable on the template.