Expectation is the Breeding Ground For Miracles

Author: Pastor Sandy Banks – 6/2/2013, 6/9/2013


God said for me to stir you up!! He wanted me to remind you that you have to raise the level of your expectation. What do you do when you have released your faith in prayer but haven’t seen results? Are you still expecting to receive what you’ve prayed about, or have you given up hope. Expectation is a major ingredient to your faith. In our walk of faith, your expectation will always precede manifestation.

Supernatural – Above and beyond the natural order of things; A major departure from the usual and the norm (normal).

Expect – to look forward to as certain or probable [we expect them any minute]; to anticipate; to count upon as right and due or to look forward to the occurrence of; to wait or to wait for; to be pregnant

Synonyms – anticipate; await, hope (for), watch (for), look for, look forward to

Expect – Implies a high degree of certainty and usually involves the idea preparing or envisioning.

Hope – Implies little certainty but suggest confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or long for will happen.

Hope is a confident expectation of good.

Look – Suggests and attitude of expectancy and watchfulness.

A.  You must begin to expect the supernatural to take place in your life all the time.

1.  You must expect God to do the supernatural in our life.

a.  The man by the gate called Beautiful expected to receive something. (Acts 3:1-10)

b.  Peter walking on the water. (Matthew 14:25-32, KJV, AMP)

B.  God is My Source for everything, therefore I expect miracles.

1.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego thrown in the burning fiery furnace. (Daniel 3:12-30, KJV)

2.  With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26, KJV)

3.  All things are possible to him who believes. (Mark 9:23, KJV)

C.  We need to become more God conscious and more supernatural minded.

1.  You've got to be in expectation of receiving.

a.  Those who expect to receive will receive.

b.  Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles; without expectation you limit the hand of God.

2.  Stop focusing on what you can’t do and begin to focus on the God who can do everything.

3.  As God is manifesting the miraculous in our lives, we need to make sure that we don’t get so fixated on the miracles but on the Miracle Worker.

4.  God told Oral Roberts to “Expect a miracle!”

a.  “From this time on tell the people to expect a miracle and to expect a new miracle every day.”

1)  Miracles are coming toward you or past you every day.

2)  Expect a miracle so when the Lord sends it you will recognize it and reach forth and receive it.

3)  The miracle will come, but if you are not expecting it, it will pass you by.

4)  You will wonder why God is not visiting you in your time of need and trouble.

5)  Jesus said we must know the time of our visitation. (Luke 19:44, KJV)

6)  You can be absolutely positive that God will visit you.

7)  As you get into the attitude of expecting miracles, more and more will come toward you.

8)  The key issue is recognizing a miracle when it comes.

9)  As you expect miracles, you are in a position to be open to receive them by recognizing the signs that your miracle is coming your way.

a)  Blind Bartimaeus. (Mark 10:46, KJV)

5.  God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20, KJV, AMP)

a.  You must begin to expect God to get you out of your problems.

b.  You have to dare to believe that God is bigger than your problem.

1)  If you are not watchful and careful, life will beat you down!

2)  Stop focusing on what you can’t do and start focusing on the God who can do everything.

3)  Focus on the fact that God wants to do miracles in your life!

4)  If I spend my time focusing on the wrong thing I will become fearful and depressed.

a)  Depression – Two types

c.  You have to dare to believe that God is greater than the challenge you may be facing right now!

d.  You have to believe that God is greater than your adversary.

1)  Greater is He that is in you then he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4, KJV)

2)  God will cause your enemies to be beat down (defeated) right in front of you. (Psalm 89:23; Deuteronomy 28:7, AMP; Isaiah 30:30-31, KJV)

3)  God says that after I beat your enemies down, I will prepare a feast in your honor right in their face and dare them; don’t even think about trying nothing! (Psalms 23:5, NLT)

e.  God can do anything you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Ephesians 3:20, MSG)

D.  What is it that you’re expecting from God?

1.  When it comes to God, expect everything and appreciate everything. (Psalm 62:5)

2.  I wait for the Lord. (Psalm 130:5, AMP)

3.  The eyes of all wait for You. (Psalm 145:15, AMP)

4.  Proverbs 23:17-18

5.  Proverbs 24:14

6.  Isaiah 30:18**

7.  According to my earnest expectation. (Philippians 1:19-20, KJV)

8.  Food at Carrabas.

a.  If they serve a dish that you particularly like, when you place your order, there is a certain amount of expectation involved.

b.  You are already anticipating what it’s going to taste like.

c.  You’ve already imagined yourself eating some of the hot loaf of bread and it melting in your mouth.

9.  Taking kids to a toy store or an amusement park.

a.  Are we there yet!

E.  When you are no longer expecting, your faith is not working and you’ve lost hope [confident expectation of good] in that area.

1.  Hope [expectation] that is delayed makes you sad, but a wish that comes true fills you with joy. (Proverbs 13:12, ERV)

2.  Not getting what you want can make you feel sick, but a wish that come true is a life giving tree. (Proverbs 13:12, CEV)

F.  Can you see [imagine] yourself with what you’re expecting from God?

1.  God told Abram to count the stars. (Genesis 15:1-6, KJV)

a.  Who against hope, believed in hope. (Romans 4:17-21, KJV)

2.  Abraham and Isaac’s Test. (Genesis 22:1-14, AMP)

a.  Abraham had already received Isaac back from the dead in a figure. (Hebrews 11:17-19, KJV)

b.  God marked Abraham’s imagination to create an expectation. (Genesis 22:16-18, AMP)

3.  If you’re believing God to buy a house, you have to start looking at houses.

a.  You have to get an inner imagine or picture of what you’re expecting.

G.  Whatever gets in your heart and stays there, will eventually show up in your life. (Proverbs 23:7, KJV)

1.  Whatever I’m continually expecting will eventually show up in my life.

2.  Your heart is like a magnet and whatever is continually in it will be attracted to you.

a.  If you don’t think, believe or expect people to like you, that’s what you will attract, people who don’t like you.

b.  If you constantly think you are worthless, you will attract people who treat you like you’re worthless.

c.  If you’re constantly expecting never to have enough money, you’re going to attract that in your life.

d.  If you’re constantly thinking and expecting “today is my receiving day”! Your harvest is being attracted to you.

e.  If you’re constantly expecting the Favor of God to be working in your life and that God is opening doors for you, that’s what is being attracted in your life.

H.  Combat the temptation to quit with God’s Word.

1.  Galatians 6:7-10 tells you not to be deceived. God said that you would reap a harvest from whatever you sow. Because you know He’s not a liar, you can believe and know that His promises will come to pass.

a.  Deception says that you have to see it for it to be true. Know that the seed grows down deep before it grows up to where it can be seen.

b.  Patience and character are developed during this time.

c.  Don’t be weary in well doing or lose heart and courage (verse 9).

2.  The devil will attack your mind with negative suggestions and thoughts.

3.  “Fainting” takes place in your mind before it happens in your life. (Hebrews 12:1-3)

4.  Don’t fight thoughts with thoughts. You must fight thoughts with words—open your mouth and speak God’s Word aloud. You must know the Word before you can say it.

I.  Defeat the temptation to quit by learning how to wait on the Lord.

1.  Though what you are praying for may tarry, wait for it because it will come. (Habakkuk 2:3)

a.  It’s not a matter of the Word not working; it’s a matter of timing.

2.  By waiting, you’ll receive your promise in due season. (Psalm 145:15; Psalm 104:27; Job 14:14)

3.  The Bible says that if you wait on the Lord, you will inherit the earth. (Psalm 37:9, 34)

4.  How do you wait on the Lord? Waiting doesn’t mean you remain idle. It’s being like a waiter in a restaurant—giving Him your complete attention and service.

a.  Waiting means “to serve God with worship and praise; to practice His Presence.”

b.  Learn to praise Him during the whole process of waiting.

5.  They that wait (praise, brighten up, shout and turn around) on the Lord will have their strength renewed; they will be mounted on wings like eagles and run without weariness. (Isaiah 40:28-31)

6.  The key to being successful is to ensure that your attitude is protected—act like the crop has already been harvested, and begin to praise God, no matter what the situation looks like.

Scripture References:

·  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

·  Mark 4:26-29

·  Hebrews 6:12, 15

·  Luke 8:15

·  Mark 4:28

·  Genesis 8:22

·  Acts 12:12-16

·  Galatians 6:7-10

·  Hebrews 12:1-3

·  Habakkuk 2:3

·  Psalm 145:15

·  Psalm 104:27

·  Job 14:14

·  Psalm 37:9, 34

·  Isaiah 40:28-31


KJV – King James Version

NKJV – New King James Version

AMP – Amplified Bible**

MSG – Message Bible

TLB – The Living Bible

GWT – God’s Word Translation

GNB – Good News Bible

CEV – Contemporary English Version

ERV – Easy to Read Version