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Psychology • Ch. 16 & 17
Abnormal Psychology
Spring 2014
104 numbered terms (108 terms to define)
1) Why people develop psychological disorders
2) Neurotic
3) Character disorder
4) When narcissistic defenses innately present
5) Narcissist
6) Borderline
7) Magical Thinking – primitive Def. Mech.
8) Splitting
9) Cause of BPD
10) Cause of NPD
11) Define character disorder
12) Worldview / schema /
13) Map-revision
14) Personality disorder
15) Antisocial Personality Disorder
16) Sociopath
17) Psychopath
18) Schizotypal
19) Conversion Disorder
20) Obsession
21) Compulsion
22) Agoraphobia
23) Dissociative reaction
24) Schizophrenia brains
25) Emotional difficulties loss of physiological function
26) Bipolar Disorder
27) Define abnormal
28) Self-actualization
29) Phobia
30) Paranoid-type Schizophrenia
31) Bipolar phases
32) Dissociative Identity Disorder
33) Multiple Personality Disorder
34) Dissociative Fugue
35) Hypochondriasis
36) Major Depressive Disorder
37) Histrionic Personality Disorder
38) Thomas Szasz
39) Rational-emotive therapy
40) Psychotherapy
41) Psychoanalysis
42) Free association
43) Dream Analysis
44) Transference
45) Resistance
46) Client-centered therapist
47) What makes a good therapist
48) Albert Ellis (ABC)
49) Contingency management
50) Hallucinogens
51) Tranquilizers
52) Methods to sobriety
53) Freud explains anxiety disorder
54) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
55) Freud causes of neuroses
56) Desensitization
57) Client-centered Therapy
58) Psychoanalysis; critique and criticisms
59) Repression and “leaky” emotions
60) Behavior therapy
61) Behavior modification
62) Non-directive therapy
63) Directive Therapy
64) What should you do when someone comes to you with a problem
65) Transference
66) Transference Loops
67) Agoraphobia
68) What is normal
69) Hypochondriasis
70) Major Depressive Disorder
71) When you learn the most
72) Lithium
73) Free association
74) Client Centered Therapist
75) Group Therapy
76) Psychoanalytic
77) Rational-emotive
78) Solutions focused
79) Jungian
80) Wellbutrin
81) Prozac
82) Neurotransmitters
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin (too much)
c. Acetylcholine
d. Norepinephrine
83) SSRI
84) Quit smoking
85) DSM IV
86) Psychosis
87) Grandiose Delusions
88) Autonomy & Boundaries
89) Overgeneralization
90) Behavior Modification
91) Active listening & clarification of presenting problem
92) Thematic Apperception Test
93) Drug abuse definition
94) Alcohol and Neurons
95) Ambien
96) Eve White
97) Focused practice
98) Learning how to learn
99) Attentive repetition
100) Struggling while learning
101) The Austrian girl who was kidnapped
102) When you are in the zone – what neurotransmitter working?
103) Autism
104) Asperger Syndrome
Make sure you are very neat when typing this up. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES and don’t plagiarize. Have the document stapled before you come to class.
Here are two examples of what I hope to see on your term sheets. This is the standard (a grade of “A”) that I will be grading from:
93) Drug Abuse Definition: Drug abuse is the regular use of illegal drugs like cocaine or Meth, and / or the excessive use of legal (prescribed) drugs such as Barbiturates. An example would be someone using cocaine (illegal) or someone taking more Xanax than their doctor prescribed so instead of being relaxed, they slur their words and they are incoherent.
104) Asperger Syndrome: Asperger Syndrome is a milder form of Autism where the individual lacks normal social skills and reacts inappropriately to others in social situations. For example, they are telling you’re a very long story about something that interests them while you are obviously showing signs that you have no interest, you are bored, or you are in a hurry to end the conversation.
(NOTE: Although I’m sure at times I bore you, you are uninterested and you would rather be somewhere else and are showing obvious signs, I DO NOT HAVE ASPERGER SYNDROME. I can tell you are bored and that bothers me – but I will try to become more interesting in my lectures…)
I realize that this is a lot of work, but typing these terms out while you are ‘focused’ is a great learning aid that will dramatically help you learn the material. Earning high grades on the Term Sheets really helps your grade.