10 Effective Prayers

1.Dealing Effectively with Spiritual and Life’s Issues:

Few Christians were taught how to deal with issues arising from their own lives or spiritual issues arising from inherited iniquity from their generational line or arising from the resistance as they withstand the enemy and walk in their calling and purpose. Our natural reaction is to gloss-over or to ignore problems, not to sort them out and get them out of our lives!! The Baptism of Repentance is the precursor to revival, both individually and corporately, so if you want revival then a good place to start is to clean up your DNA and life in the spirit!

Scripture clearly states:

Lev 26:40"But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers in their treachery that they committed against me, and also in walking contrary to me …

Lev 26:42 then I will remember my covenant with Jacob, and I will remember my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land.

1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Most Christians were taught the shotgun prayer:

“Father, Please forgive ALL my sins in Jesus name, Amen.”

Whilst it is definitely not works that justify us, David prayed for God to help him identify the secrets of his own heart:

Psa 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

Psa 139:24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

We now have Holy Spirit to lead, guide and teach us, if we are open to listen to Him:

Joh 16:7Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.

Joh 16:8And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:

If we want an intimate relationship with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, we need to take the time and spend the effortrequired to bring every aspect of our lives into the light of God and allow Holy Spirit to speak to us. It is very worthwhile doing it effectively, otherwise our problems continue and it’s difficult to find the cause because we think you have dealt with an issue adequately.

Some people pray daily: “Holy Spirit, please highlight and show me what displeases You in my life and what stops me from coming closer to Jesus and Father God?”

Holy Spirit loves this question and is quick to answer it!

There are 3 stages in dealing with issues:

  1. Identification of the roots
  2. Confession and forgiveness
  3. Restoration of spirit, soul and body – Divine Editing

a.Identifying the roots:

Please pray these prayers often with everything negative that comes up in your mind…or you can ask Holy Spirit what you need to confess …

Confess and repent of your sin and iniquity, which is identified by asking Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you so that you can see what accusations satan has against you and what familiar spirits are in your DNA, then giving them to Jesus Christ on the Cross so that you can be forgiven.

  1. Pray: “Father God, I thank You that You love me so much that You sent Jesus to die on the cross and to become a curse in my place. I confess and repent from my invisibility before You because of my sin and the sins of my forefathers in rejecting Your Lordship, Authority and Majesty.I turn from darkness to Your Light and I choose to give my burden of sin, iniquities and transgressions, pain, shame and guilt, curses and diseases to Jesus Christ on the cross.”
  2. “Holy Spirit, please convict me and show me what sin, iniquity and transgression is in my life/ in this matter and give me revelation as to what is happening in my life/ in this situation in the spirit and which people and what spiritual forces are withstanding and opposing me, and also show me what satan’s accusations against me are.”
  3. Hear or see the answer and write down what Holy Spirit reveals and/or use the iniquity list you marked.
  4. Take each sin or iniquity in your life one by one:
  5. “Holy Spirit, how many generations ago was this iniquity of _ _ _ _ _ activated in my bloodline?”
  6. What number do you get?
  7. “Holy Spirit, what happened _ _ _ _ generations ago that activated this iniquity and these familiar spirits?”
  8. See or hear what it was. Write it down.
  9. Pray: “Holy Spirit, what happened in my own life to activate this iniquity and these familiar spirits?”
  10. See or hear what it was. Write it down.
  11. Pray: “Holy Spirit, please show me what side-effects and other familiar spirits satan put into my bloodline and into my own life when this iniquity was activated in my bloodline and in my life.
  12. See or hear what side-effects or other familiar spirits are attached to the iniquity. Write them down.
  13. Connect with the negative EMOTIONS, FEELINGS AND MEMORIES.
  14. What number are they on the scale from 1 to 10? Make a note of this number.

b.Prayer of Forgivenessin PREPARATION for DNA re-sequencing:

While you can do this on yourself if you have nobody to help you it is definitely FAR MORE EFFECTIVE if someone else does the actions of touching the head, clicking and clapping as they guide you through the process!! I actually pray the prayer while the person prays it in their mind and focuses on doing what is commanded. If you have to read while you are praying it is not effective because reading is a left-brain activity and praying a right brain activity. So much is lost in transitioning from left to right brain.

This is a miraculously effective way to deal with ANY TRAUMA!! Whether it happened recently or 40 years ago. Only 10% of the areas for memory are for positive memories – 90% are for negative memories!! This is because you do not need to do anything with positive memories – they just migrate out of your conscious memories and you forget most of them with time. However, you need to deal with the negative memories so they wait in the negative memory areas for you to deal with them but nobody ever taught you how to deal with negative memories!! In fact, if you are crying because of trauma people will tell you to stop, to grow up, to snap out of it, to forget about it and to just move on!! Obviously, this causes you to push the negative memories into your sub-conscious and unconscious mind and you forget the memory but the pain remains in your heart and intestine. It will stay that way until you deal with it.

Jesus died to carry your sin, iniquity and transgressions, your pain, shame and guilt as well as all the curses and diseases that could come upon you. So they do not belong in you!! They belong in Jesus!! So you need to give them to Him – Jesus said: Mat_11:28 Come unto me, allyethat labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Close your eyes and think of the traumatic incidents in your life – remember how you felt to activate the emotions. Then estimate what number the pain or trauma is on a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is unbearable. Anything above a 2 means you need to deal with it properly. I have seen people who say 300 or 1000 out of 10!! – and this is 20 or 30 years after the trauma happened!!

“Father God, Thank You that you love me, You created me in love, to love, and You love me so much that You gave Jesus to die for my sin, iniquity and transgressions, for my pain, shame and guilt and all the curses and diseases that could come upon me.

Jesus, You commanded me to love those who hate me, bless those who curse me and pray for those who despitefully use me, so I bring _ _ _ _ (name of person/s) to You now together with this incident/s _ _ _ _ (what they did to you) and I choose, by an act of my will, to forgive _ _ _ _ (name of person/s) and to bring the burden, pain, shame and guilt that they released onto me to You Lord Jesus because you died to bear them, so that I don’t have to bear them. (Do this with each person or incident.)

(See yourself taking the incident/s with the pain, shame and guilt, as well as every negative emotion you experienced including the anger, hatred, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc. as well as the person/s one by one out of your heart and put them into the wounds of Jesus and see how they go into Him or see how He takes them from you.)

Father, I ask that You forgive me for my unforgiveness and bitterness as I forgive and release _ _ _ _ (name of person/s.) I ask that You will also forgive and release him/her/them and I give up my right for vengeance. Jesus, please bless them by delivering them from their evil and Holy Spirit I ask You to draw them to Jesus so that they can be saved from the pain and bondage they are in. (See the person/s how Jesus sees them and how he forgives them.)

Thank You Father that I could give this to Jesus, what do You give me in exchange? (God will always give you something in return to replace what you give to Him, this is to fill your house so that any spirits returning with 7 others will find no space in you. Write down what God gives to you and thank Him for this for a few weeks to establish it in your mind as a new thought pattern.)

Father, I ask that You will erase the sin record of everything I confessed now from Your Book of Remembrance and that You will also erase it from Satan’s book of accusation because of the forgiveness I have throughthe blood shed by Your Son, Jesus Christ my Lord, Master and Savior. Thank you, Father.

c.DNA re-sequencing:

You must do 1b Preparation (above) first!!

Please have the list the trauma and negative experiences you had throughout your life with you.“REMEMBER when you are under pressure that whatever you focus on you become…

(Say everything in BLACK text aloud. Instructions are in BLUE text:)

It is written in John 16:23 - And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you shall ask the Father in My name, He will give you. The Laser Beam of God’s Word destroys problems… It is written in Hebrews 4:12 - For the Word of God: Living, and working powerfully, and sharper than every two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of both soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 4:16 So let us keep on coming boldly to the Throne of Grace so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

You will need to forgive everyone who has hurt you and MOST IMPORTANTLY - YOURSELF, so that you can be free!

Step into the Spirit (or see yourself seated IN Christ IN heavenly places) and SEE the laser beam of the Word of God which is Truth - Release it, to destroy problems, from Heavenly Places looking into your physical life!!

Please pray internally with this prayer so that you are praying – not me praying for you:

‘Father God, Thank You that you love me, You created me in love, to love, and You love me so much that You gave Jesus to die for my sin, iniquity and transgressions, for my pain, shame and guilt and all the curses and diseases that could come upon me. PRAY: ‘Father God, These negative memories and feelings are coming from trauma and lies that have become strongholds in my mind, I repent for allowing these strongholds and I break my covenants and agreements with them. I forgive myself and the people who hurt me and who were involved in the situations that caused the trauma and lies.

(Stop to let it sink into your mind.)

‘Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for bearing my burdens and thank You for inviting me to give all my burdens to You. Because You gave me power and authority on earth over satan and over all his works.I give my heart, mind and all these negative memories, emotions and feelings to You and ask you to purify them so that my thoughts will be pure.

Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive and release myself and all the people who have hurt me from all the harm done to me and from the trauma I suffered, and I bless us all to be delivered from our evil. I choose to release the people and the pain from my heart and body as well as all the painful emotions, feelings and memories from my mind and heart and I put them all into Your wounds. I now command all the painful emotions, feelings and memories that have gotten stuck in the negative areas of my brain and body to move to the positive areas of my brain and body so that I can release them to be placed into the wounds of Jesus.

See yourself standing behind the cross, you walk around to the front of the cross, Jesus looks at you and says (Your Name) give me your burdens, pain, shame and guilt. See how you take the people and incidents, the painful emotions, feelings and memories and their effects on you out of your heart and put them all into the wounds of Jesus. (Mention them 1 by 1 if appropriate.)

Holy Spirit,I ask that you re-program and Divinely edit and heal my EPIGENETICS, BODY AND MIND MEMORIES, DNA and THOUGHT PROCESSES by creating NEW NEUROLOGICAL PATHWAYS in my mind, in line with YOUR WILL and YOUR THOUGHTS. I COMMAND the strongholds to break (CLAP) and the trauma to be released and healed’ (CLAP a few times)

(Put your hand on the back of your head just above your neck)

‘Holy Spirit, please open up my sub-conscious and unconscious mind so that these memories can be healed.’ I COMMAND the STRONGHOLDS to break (CLAP) and the TRAUMA to be released and healed’(CLAP a few times).

Put your thumbs on your temples - the soft spot just behind your eyes on the side of your head and your fingers on your forehead.) ‘I command Calcineurin andNeuropeptides to be increased and released in my brain and the Neuropeptide S receptors in my Amygdala to activate to receive them and the D-One receptors in the Pre-Limbic Cortex to be stimulated for the painful emotions, feelings and memories to be healed.

I command my spirit and body to remove the methylation from my DNA, the METHYL GROUPS and the HISTONE to be modified to EXPRESS THE MARKERS and DNA according to GOD’S ORIGINAL PURPOSE for me. I command my HUMAN GENOME to open up to MY HEAVENLY PURPOSE and to RESONATE WITH GOD’S FREQUENCY, overwriting my earthly inheritance with the INHERITANCE I HAVE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

(Tap on top of head),I cancel my NEGATIVE AND PAINFUL BODY AND MIND MEMORIES (presson temples) and I command the healing of my AMYGDALA, (fingerson forehead in centre) PRE-LIMBIC CORTEX and DEEP LIMBIC CORTEX, (move fingers to the Right side) MY RING OF LOVE, (press with fingerson sides of your head) MY HIPPOCAMPUS, (hand on top of your head) MY CEREBRAL CORTEX, (press on the back of your head just above your neck) MY CEREBELLUM, MEDULLA, BRAIN STEM and (press just above your heart) THYMUS GLAND.

I BREAK the lies which formed these strongholds (CLAP) in the name of Jesus Christ and I COMMAND my NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, FEELINGS AND MEMORIES to MOVE (SNAP YOUR FINGERS AROUND YOUR HEAD) from MY AMYGDALAto MY SEPTUM,from MY THYMUS GLAND to MY BARO RECEPTOR and from MY SOLAR PLEXUS to MY BELLY. (Put your hand just below your belly button - Take a deep breath and as you blow out slowly release the emotions, feelings and memories from your belly, seeing them going into the wounds of Jesus.)

Take another deep breath and as you blow out slowlypray internally:


I Command these NEGATIVE AND PAINFUL EMOTIONS, FEELINGS AND MEMORIES to submit to the Word of God and to be HEALED in the name of Jesus Christ. (CLAP) I command that the TRAUMA and PAIN be removed…in the Name, Authority and Power of Jesus Christ. (CLAP) (Put your hand on TOP of your head) Father God, please overwrite my unredeemed neurological pathways as You fill these areas and as You create, establish and strengthen new neurological paths in my mind as You give me the mind of Christ as Your word says, (SNAP FINGERS AROUND YOUR HEAD) with the LOVE OF CHRIST, the LIFE OF CHRIST, the HOPE OF CHRIST, the FAITH OF CHRIST, the TRUST OF CHRIST, the WILL OF CHRIST, the WAYS OF CHRIST, the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST and the PERSEVERANCE OF CHRIST.

(Put your hand on TOP of your head) Father God, I askthat You will write your law in my mind and on my mind, in my heart and on my heart, as Your word says and that You overwrite the OLD NEUROLOGICAL PATHWAYS and DNA by CREATING and STRENGTHENING NEW NEUROLOGICAL PATHWAYS, EPIGENETICS and DNA in my mind (SNAP FINGERS around your head) of LOVE, JOY and PEACE, HOPE, TRUST and FAITH, BELONGING and ACCEPTANCE, WORTH and VALUE and SAFETY and SECURITY IN CHRIST as you renew my mind in these areas. Holy Spirit (hand on forehead) please come as My COMFORTER and comfort me now…pause. (Put your hand on the back of your head just above your neck. Holy Spirit, please close up my sub-conscious and unconscious mind until You want to work here with me again.’