Nomination Submission Guidelines


1.There are three groups of award:

a) Group A Award -- Regular Professors and tenured Associate Professors;

b) Group B Award -- Regular Assistant Professors and untenured Associate Professors;

c) Group C Award -- Research Professors of all ranks, Research Scientists, and
Research Associates

2.All nominees must be full-time members of the faculty or research staff

of the School of Engineering.

Nomination Preparation -- General Comments

1.All nominees must present a four-year (January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2005) record of accomplishments based upon work performed while employed in the School of Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Do not submit accomplishments from prior years or after December 31, 2005. For Group B nominees, publications which appeared during the four-year period bearing only Rensselaer affiliation are acceptable even though the actual work was done before January 1, 2002 or elsewhere before joining Rensselaer.

2.Nomination information is required in four categories. In addition, a Summary of Research Accomplishments is required. The format for the presentation as well as the required information is given in the attached format guideline. Nominations from research staff should follow the same format even though the format is more germane to nominations of faculty. Research staff nominations will be evaluated separately with much less emphasis on student involvement. Self nominations are permitted.

3.Along with the nomination information, submit a fully prepared cover sheet which includes the signature of the nominator. No transmittal letter is needed or desired. But, it is the department chair's responsibility to ensure that the nomination package is in strict accordance with the guidelines given here.

4.Nomination information need not be typed on the sample form as long as the package includes all the requested information according to the guideline and format.

5. Recommendation letters from internal or external evaluators should not be sought or included in the nomination package.

  1. Any submission not adhering to the guideline and requested format will not be evaluated and will be returned to the originating department.
  1. Faculty involved in academic administration are not eligible.

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee will be the School of Engineering Awards Committee


Please submit your nomination packages by February 24, 2006 to:

Eleanor Meyer

JEC 3004



Name of Nominee: ______

Rank or Title: ______

Date of Hire: ______

Department: ______


Signature of Nominator


Name of Nominator

