Academic Integrity Contract
Students are expected to submit assignments that are original to them, and to properly cite references other peoples’ ideas. Learning how to express original ideas, cite sources, and work independently are skills that carry students beyond their academic career. If a student is uncertain about an issue of academic honesty, he/she should consult a teacher to resolve questions in any situation prior to the submission of the academic exercise.
Cheating includes:
a.)Copying anyone’s answers to homework, quizzes, tests, or projects
b.)Cutting/pasting OR re-typing any website and turning it in as your work
c.)Using any source (internet, book, or other) without citing it – even if you paraphrase parts of it or “use it for ideas”!
d.)Having answers written beforehand and using them on a quiz, test, etc.
e.)Sharing answers – or questions – during OR after a quiz, test, or other assignment
f.)Using any electronic device (cell phone, iPod, etc.) to help you answer your questions during a quiz or test
g.)Resubmitting the same work for credit more than once
h.)Anything where you don’t do your own work but call it yours - INCLUDING HOMEWORK
Complicity is intentionally or knowingly helping another to commit an act of academic misconduct. Examples of complicity include knowingly allowing another to copy from one’s paper, distributing test questions to students who have not yet tested, and collaborating on academic work knowing that the collaboration has not been approved. Students who are complicit in cheating will be subject to the same consequences as students who are overtly cheating!
Consequences of Academic Misconduct:
- If a student is observed cheating during class, his or her paper will be taken.
- If cheating is suspected on a written assignment, the teacher will redact the student’s name and have a minimum of 2 other teachers or school administrators review the assignment.
- If the student is determined to be cheating, he or she will be subject to the following consequences:
1st Offense: Student will receive a zero on the assignment and parents will be contacted.
2nd Offense: Student will receive a zero, parents will be contacted, and student will receive a discipline referral
As a student, I understand and will abide by the above policy, guidelines, and expectations. I further understand that any violation of the above guidelines will result in disciplinary action.
As a parent, I understand that my child will be responsible for abiding by the above policy, guidelines, and expectations. I have read and discussed the expectations with him/her and he/she fully understands his/her responsibility in completing academic work.
Student Name Student Signature
Parent Signature Date