Guidelines on Capital
and Employment Grants
Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund
- How does a Capital Grant work?
A Capital grant may be obtained to purchase equipment, to refurbish or outfit a building or to purchase machinery (which in some instances maybe secondhand).
- What is an Employment Grant?
An employment grant may be payable towards the cost of providing new full time and part-time jobs. A maximum grant of €7,500 per employed for 10 employees, but only in cases where it can be demonstrated clearly that labour shortages do not exist. This grant is payable in two instalments.
- How much grant assistance is available?
The Fund will give grant assistance to a maximum of 65 % of investment for an Enterprise project and 75% of investment for a Community project
- How do I go about making an Application?
A grant application can be made by completing an application form and submitting it to The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund. Having received the application, an Officer from the The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund will contact the promoter to discuss the application further where the Officer considers this to be appropriate and necessary.
- If I find it difficult to fill in the Form who can assist?
Applicants can seek assistance from the Community & Enterprise office of Mayo County Council who are administering the Fund who can advise as to the appropriate organisation to provide assistance depending on the nature od the proposal.
- If I am at the ideas stage, can I discuss it with the The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund?
Anyone with a business idea, regardless of what stage they are at, can discuss it with the staff of the Community & Enterprise office of Mayo County Council who are administering The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund. If the idea /project is then thought to be suitable for grant aid from The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund, an application can be made at that stage.
- Can I be guaranteed that my ideas will be kept confidential?
Any discussion the The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fundadministrators have with potential promoters is in the strictest confidence.
- What do I have to do to get paid if my grant application is successful?
If a Capital or Feasibility Study Grant has been approved, the promoter will be paid his/her grant as soon as the The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund receives evidence of invoiced expenditure, receipted as paid. In the case of large grants and Auditors Certificate, certifying that expenditure has been expended and paid, in accordance with the approval, must be submitted to the Board.
In addition, for Feasibility Study Grants, promoters must submit and Auditors Certificate to certify certain expenses such as the wages /salaries of the person(s) in carrying out the project, travel expenses and other expenses.
To claim an Employment Grant, the promoter must submit to the The Fiontar Chomhraic Teo Fund the name of the new person employed, their R.S.I. number and the date on which they commenced full time employment.
For the second instalment of the Employment Grant, the employer must show that the relevant Tax and PRSI deductions for the employee have been made and paid over to the Collector General and that the employee is still employed on a full time basis six months later.
- How is my grant application assessed?
An Evaluation committee comprising people from different backgrounds assesses each application. The Committee, which includes an accountant, a businessperson, and a Local Authority official, makes its recommendations and the project then goes to the Board for assessment.
Further information:
Fiontar Chomhraic Teo
Mayo County Council
Community & Enterprise
Aras an Chontae
Co. Mayo.
Tel: 094 – 904 7545.
Fiontar Chomhraic Teo.