To: All students
From: Mr. Chan Ka Fai (Discipline Master)
Date: October 31, 2014
A note about Sports Days (2014-2015) for all students
A. Reminders on attendance record
Students should arrive at Tsing Yi Sports Groundbetween 7:45am -8:00am. Arrival after 8:10am is treated as being late.
Students must bring along with your student ID card.
Students are not expected to enter the tracks before 8:00a.m. in order to avoid any disturbance caused to the public.
Students should line up on the tracks after 8:00 a.m.
As Sports daysaretreated as strict attendance day and main activities for students, students must attend. In case of sickness, students need to process your sick leave application with medical certificateafterwards.
B. General Rules
All students should attend the Sports day with whole set of PEWinterUniform or Activity uniform.
Students should take their seats according to their own Houseand should not enter or sit in the spectator stands of other House.
All athletes should return to the spectator stand after each event. Non-athlete should hand in the passes to the prefects when leaving the spectator stand and must return within 20 minutes. Wandering about or chasing each other in the corridor outside the spectator stand is not allowed.
For the safety reasons, students are not allowed to open umbrella in the spectator stands.
Students are responsible for keeping your possessions and personal belongings safe.
Students are not allowed to bring the things that are not related to Sports day, e.g. audio-visual products, newspapers and magazines, etc. to the sports ground.
Eating, chewing gum, doing homework and playing at the spectator stand are not allowed.
Students who are not officials and athletes are not allowed to stay in the competition venue.