# Code from class—2.29.2010


trees = read.csv(file.choose()) #The ‘treedbh.csv’ dataset

trees1 = na.exclude(trees) #remove rows of missing values

trees2 = subset(trees1,trees1$dead==0) #ignore dead trees

trees3 = subset(trees2,duplicated(cbind(trees2$xcoord,trees2$ycoord))==F) #remove ‘double stems’ with same cords.

tr.mod1 = gls(INCR~DBH,data=trees3) # model of tree growth (INCR) as a function of stem size

plot(Variogram(tr.mod1,form=~xcoord+ycoord), ylim=c(.8,1.2))

#Original variogram using built in Variogram function in nlme


#Alternative using the geoR package



trees4 = trees3

#create geoR object, includes x,y coords and response (in this case model residuals)

trees4$coords <- cbind(trees4$xcoord, trees4$ycoord)

trees4$data = tr.mod1$resid

#Plot empirical semivariograms


# all distances

plot(variog(trees4, option="cloud", max.dist=140))#each point corresponds to one pair

plot(variog(trees4), ylim=c(1,1.6))#averaged for each bin

tree.vario= variog(trees4)

#Standard error

yplus = tree.vario$v+1.96*sqrt(2) * tree.vario$v/sqrt(tree.vario$n)

yminus = tree.vario$v-1.96*sqrt(2) * tree.vario$v/sqrt(tree.vario$n)


errbar(tree.vario$u,tree.vario$v, yplus, yminus, add=T)

#empirical semivariogram continued

#General rule ~1/2 max. distance

tree.vario= variog(trees4, max.dist=140)


yplus = tree.vario$v+1.96*sqrt(2) * tree.vario$v/sqrt(tree.vario$n)

yminus = tree.vario$v-1.96*sqrt(2) * tree.vario$v/sqrt(tree.vario$n)

plot(tree.vario, ylim=c(1,1.6))

errbar(tree.vario$u,tree.vario$v, yplus, yminus, add=T)


#Variogram model fitting by WLS

### geoR libraryfunctionvariofit: variogram models fitted by weighted or ordinary least squares.

# Use weights argument to define the loss function to be minimised.

# default:weights = “npairs”: weights are given by the number of pairs in each bin.

#Other arguments:

#weights= “cressie”: weights as suggested by Cressie (1985). #LOSS(theta) = sum_k n_k [(hat(gamma_k) - gamma_k(theta))/{gamma_k(theta)}]^2

#weights="equal": equal values for the weights, corresponds to the ordinary least squares

tree.wls = variofit(tree.vario, ini.cov.par=c(1.35, 30), nugget=1, cov.model="exponential", weights="cressie")



#sigmasq (sill) phi (RANGE)

#52.94009 19340.13725



# 0.5


# tausq



#[1] 57937.87


# value



# tausq (nugget) sigmasq (sill) phi (range)

# 1.204582 52.940087 19340.137246

# Create envelopes

wls.env = variog.model.env(trees4, obj.variog=tree.vario, model.pars=tree.wls)


plot(tree.vario, envelope=wls.env, ylim=c(1,1.6))

errbar(tree.vario$u,tree.vario$v, yplus, yminus, add=T)

lines(tree.wls, lty=2)

#You can specify different covariance models—spherical, exponential, gaussian, etc—see cov.spatial #documentation

# Example using the wave covariance model

tree.wls.wave <-variofit(tree.vario,c(1.35, 30),cov.model="wave",weights="cressie")



#[1] "WLS (weighted least squares)"


#[1] "wave"


#sigmasq phi

#0.2607983 34.7699407





# tausq



#[1] FALSE


#[1] TRUE


#[1] 104.0128


# value



# tausq sigmasq phi

# 1.2504204 0.2607983 34.7699407

# The wave model- envelopes

wls.env.wave = variog.model.env(trees4, obj.variog=tree.vario, model.pars=tree.wls.wave)


plot(tree.vario, envelope=wls.env.wave, ylim=c(1,1.6))

errbar(tree.vario$u,tree.vario$v, yplus, yminus, add=T)

lines(tree.wls.wave, lty=2)

# tausq (nugget) sigmasq (sill) phi (range)

#WLS (exp) : # 1.204582 52.940087 19340.137246

#WLS(wave) # 1.2504204 0.2607983 34.7699407



#Likelihood based methods:

# library geoR function likfit: Maximum likelihood (ML) or restricted maximum likelihood (REML) parameter estimation

# Arguments

# lik.method = "ML" for maximum likelihood (default) or "REML" for restricted maximum likelihood.

#trend = “cte” (default), assumes the mean is constant over the region. See help(trend.spatial) for other options

#cov.model: specifies the model for the correlation function. Defaults are equivalent to the exponential model.

#Fit via Maximum likelihood

tree.ml = likfit(trees4, ini.cov.par=c(.35, 30), nugget=1, lik.method="ML")#

#Sensitive to starting parameters (sill, range), so need to run multiple times with different starting values

#Takes ~15minutes/run


#Summary of the parameter estimation


#Estimation method: maximum likelihood

#Parameters of the mean component (trend):

# beta


#Parameters of the spatial component:

# correlation function: exponential

# (estimated) variance parameter sigmasq (partial sill) = 0.2843

# (estimated) cor. fct. parameter phi (range parameter) = 26.19

# anisotropy parameters:

# (fixed) anisotropy angle = 0 ( 0 degrees )

# (fixed) anisotropy ratio = 1

#Parameter of the error component:

# (estimated) nugget = 1.142

#Transformation parameter:

# (fixed) Box-Cox parameter = 1 (no transformation)

#PracticalRange with cor=0.05 for asymptotic range: 78.4482

#Maximised Likelihood:

# log.L n.params AIC BIC

#"-1734" "4" "3477" "3497"

#non spatial model:

# log.L n.params AIC BIC

#"-1784" "2" "3572" "3582"


#likfit(geodata = trees4, ini.cov.pars = c(1.35, 30), lik.method = "ML")

#AIC for spatial model lower than AIC for non-spatial.

plot(tree.vario, envelope=wls.env, ylim=c(1,1.6))

lines(tree.wls, lty=2)

lines(tree.ml, lty=1)

lines(tree.wls.wave, lty=4)

errbar(tree.vario$u,tree.vario$v, yplus, yminus, add=T)

legend(100, 1.2, c("ml", "wls:exp", "wls:wave"), lty=1:3)

# tausq (nugget) sigmasq (sill) phi (range)

#WLS (exp) : 1.252.9 19340.14

#WLS(wave) 1.250.26 34.77

#ML: 1.142 0.28 26.19

#******** Check to see if ML converged (also default structure for ML)

#Anisotropy—is there directionality in the degree of spatial autocorrelation

tree.vario4 = variog4(trees4, estimator.type="modulus", max.dist=140)


plot(tree.vario, ylim=c(1,1.6))


plot(tree.vario4, same=T, type="b")

#Appears that autocorrelation is similar for 45,90 and 135. The degree of autocorrelation increases with #increasing #distance in pairs that are essentially west-east?

#Model spatial autocorrelation for each direction separately:

tree.wls90 = variofit(tree.vario4$"90", ini.cov.pars=c(1,30), nugget=.5, cov.model="exponential", weights="cressie")

tree.wls135 = variofit(tree.vario4$"135", ini.cov.pars=c(1,30), nugget=.5, cov.model="exponential", weights="cressie")

tree.wls45 = variofit(tree.vario4$"45", ini.cov.pars=c(1,30), nugget=.5, cov.model="exponential", weights="cressie")

tree.wls0 = variofit(tree.vario4$"0", ini.cov.pars=c(1,30), nugget=.5, cov.model="exponential", weights="cressie")


plot(tree.vario4$"0", main="0")


plot(tree.vario4$"45", main="45")


plot(tree.vario4$"90", main="90")


plot(tree.vario4$"135", main="135")


# ML model which includes anisotropy

tree.ml4= likfit(trees4, ini.cov.pars=c(1,30), cov.model="exponential", lik.method="ML", fix.psiA=F, psiA=pi/4, fix.psiR=F, psiR=2)

#The argument, psiA supplies the value (radians) for the anisotropy angle parameter.

# The argument fix.psiA indicates whether the anisotropy angle parameter is fixed (Default) or should be estimated #(fix.psiA = F).


#Summary of the parameter estimation


#Estimation method: maximum likelihood

#Parameters of the mean component (trend):

# beta


#Parameters of the spatial component:

# correlation function: exponential

# (estimated) variance parameter sigmasq (partial sill) = 0.2743

# (estimated) cor. fct. parameter phi (range parameter) = 23.38

# anisotropy parameters:

# (estimated) anisotropy angle = 1.268 ( 73 degrees )

# (estimated) anisotropy ratio = 1.353

#Parameter of the error component:

# (estimated) nugget = 1.138

#Transformation parameter:

# (fixed) Box-Cox parameter = 1 (no transformation)

#PracticalRange with cor=0.05 for asymptotic range: 70.03544


#Maximised Likelihood:

# log.L n.params AIC BIC

# "-1734" "6" "3480" "3510"

#non spatial model:

# log.L n.params AIC BIC

# "-1784" "2" "3572" "3582"


#likfit(geodata = trees4, ini.cov.pars = c(1, 30), fix.psiA = F,

# psiA = pi/4, fix.psiR = F, psiR = 2, cov.model = "exponential",

# lik.method = "ML")

#It appears that the model that includes anisotropy is better than the non-spatial model (AIC).

# Other options: likfit.glsm {library geoRglm} performs Monte Carlo max. likelihood in a generalized linear spatial mode #based on a Monte Carlo sample from the conditional distribution