सत्यमेव जयते

Scientific Hinduism

Book 4

Why racism and ideas of ‘superiority’ of any group are innately bad

Sanjeev Sabhlok



1.Absurd claims of the origin of all humans from India



2.The myth of the Aryan

3.Claims of innate superiority in Hinduism

3.1Hindu superiority

4.Initial confusions of Vivekananda (which were genuine)

4.1Vivekanda’s pre-vedanta days

5.To be a scientific Hindu you must renounce caste

5.1Fundamental inequality in Hindusm

5.1.1Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains are EQUAL within their religion. Why not Hindus?

5.2Say no to caste

5.3Ways of solving the caste problem

6.Attachment: Global racism

6.1The way people were perceived


1.Absurd claims of the origin of all humans from India



  • Not to be outdone by Müller, Tilak proposed that Aryans descended from the north pole.


  • Golwalkar’s most fantastic and absurd attempt to “prove” that the non-existent Aryans were from India

2.The myth of the Aryan

  • There was no Aryan invasion of India since there was no ‘Aryan’ in the first place
  • Proof there was never any Aryan ‘race’ or people

3.Claims of innate superiority in Hinduism


3.1Hindu superiority

  • “Hindu Superiority”, a 1906 book by Har Bilas Sarda (of the Sarda Act fame)

4.Initial confusions of Vivekananda (which were genuine)


4.1Vivekanda’s pre-vedanta days

  • “The same God who gives out the Vedas becomes Buddha again to annul them; which of these dispensations is to be obeyed?”
  • The white man is “like a white ape, a demon”. No sensible girl would marry a fair man.
  • Foolish Indians agitate mistakenly against Macaulay but forget the ACTUAL monster Lord Salisbury
  • Additional notes on Lord Salisbury’s racist worldview
  • When mega racist Lord Salisbury (Prime Minister of England) insulted Naoroji for his BLACKNESS
  • To Darwin (not just Galton) can be attributed the origin of eugenics
  • The racist Rushton was funded by Pioneer Fund, supporter of Adolf Hitler’s race policies
  • No need to insert “white” DNA into your children, India. Just adopt world-best policies.
  • What’s wrong with eugenics, scientific racism, Hindutva and Hindu caste system? #1
  • See Flynn (good guy) and Lynn & Rushton (bad guys), with the racists totally demolished
  • British PLUNDER of India was “justified” on CLAIMS of racial superiority (Darwinian)
  • British rule in India was “plunder of an unceasing foreign invasion” (Naoroji’s 1880 statement)
  • Sone Ki Chidiya Federation now involved in Uttarakhand flood rehabilitation work
  • Darwinian British rulers taxed starving Indians, then treated them FAR WORSE than animals
  • Here’s direct proof of EXTREME racism in USA practiced mostly in “white” families
  • Richard Lynn is raving mad: Now he wants embryos to be selected for “IQ”
  • The British holocaust in India was MUCH BIGGER than Hitler’s holocaust: 30 MILLION killed based on pre-eugenic ideas
  • A list of racists (mainly psychometricians and eugenists) and some racist institutions
  • Are “race” differences in IQ merely a case of really badly designed tests?
  • To what extent is the use of IQ/SAT/GRE/GMAT test results to judge people ethical?
  • Why economists must care about the race-IQ debate. If real, “race” will destroy all economic thinking.
  • An up-to-date cutting edge analysis of the way intelligence actually works
  • Richard Lynn comes from an INFERIOR “white” ancestry. Data indicate blacks are SUPERIOR after discrimination and privation is removed.
  • A simple, scientific expositon about so-called “race” and IQ by Pilar N. Ossorio
  • Notes on intelligence testing in India – from Bibhu D. Baral and J. P. Das
  • Thanks, Bhagwati, for letting Indians know that Amartya Sen is a MAJOR part of their problems
  • Indian brains are 8 per cent LARGER than European brains (and how racists cherry pick data)
  • Lynn’s data sources on Indian brain size and IQ. Please verify.
  • Using IQ tests as a regular diagnostic tool on the level of nutrition, freedom (dignity) and critical thinking
  • Richard Lynn is not fit to be a lab technician. Who gave him the job of professor?!!
  • Communist Europeans averaged IQs as low as India’s. FREEDOM is therefore the main cause of IQ.
  • Why iodine doesn’t explain IQ differences across nations
  • The TRUE climate change model at a glance: Natural increase since little ice age
  • Revised model that includes pre-birth IQ factors and links with freedom, to explain GDP
  • To increase national IQ, giving mothers meat (or at least dairy products) may help
  • Credible study that national IQ correlates with GDP (and comparison with my 2008 hypothesis)
  • Jason Richwine’s literature review of recent IQ studies
  • How smart is smart? Is human intelligence still evolving? - a nice up to date summary
  • History of psychometric testing (e.g IQ) in India - a brief outline by Ajit K Dalal
  • Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns (by Ulric Neisser et al.) - A report by American Psychological Association
  • The myth of “race” is not easily killed (Race: the Power of an Illusion)
  • Launch of the world’s first unorganised “religion”: Scientific Hinduism
  • The average intelligence quotient (IQ) of Indians is around 80-85, with SIGNIFICANT potential to increase
  • Scientific Hinduism: Book 1: The role of meat in a healthy diet
  • When did modern man (Homo sapiens sapiens) first enter India?
  • Considered opinion sought on a matter of basic physics (collision of car and truck)
  • International Journal for Ayurveda Research
  • If India has this alleged treasure trove of ancient “scientific” knowledge, why not use it?
  • Is Ayurveda scientific in a meaningful way? No. It has no capacity to grow.
  • What kind of a joke is this? “Indian Journal of Science and Technology”
  • Sale of beef (including beef jerky) was OFFICIALLY ALLOWED by Hindu KINGS during the Gupta period (reported in Arthashastra)
  • The myth of the “Dutch Disease” - finally laid to rest
  • HD (Hasmukh Dhirajlal) Sankalia – some notes #2
  • Vivek, I do hope that beef- and dog-eating tribals have the right to eat what they want?
  • Key findings from major archaeological excavations in India (Word document)
  • Full list of (curently 609) archaeological excavations in India
  • Are Muslims funding me? A reply to Vivek Garg’s question.
  • H D Sankalia’s 1969 advice on how Indian archaeology could progress
  • H D Sankalia’s vision for Indian archaeology, upon his retirement in 1973
  • HD (Hasmukh Dhirajlal) Sankalia - some notes #1
  • An article I had published in 1982: Elegant Eminence of Deccan College
  • Conclusive evidence of beef and horsemeat eating in Kurukshetra during the Vedic period
  • Conclusive evidence of beef eating in the proximity of Ayodhya during the late Vedic period
  • Evidence of beef eating in the Gangetic plain during the Vedic period
  • Beef was eaten in the Pune area at least till 1400 BC
  • Beef was commonly eaten in Rishikesh-Haridwar till 5th century AD
  • Property rights can create genuine competition in the urban bus market
  • The precise method of cow slaughter in the Indus Valley Civilisation
  • Two ways to improve government policy and implementation
  • Organised religion SYSTEMATICALLY shuts out critical thinking
  • Foreign Missionaries – Go Back!
  • Deivamuthu’s “Hindu Charge-sheet” - some comments


Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas, these were the three twice-born orders, belonging to the original Aryan stock. They conquered the non-Aryans, who by race and tradition were inferior. After their gradual conquest, these also became members of the Hindu family, but with inferior rank. These are the Sudras. By this means our forefathers protected themselves from interfusion with an inferior race.

In India, with all our caste, there was never either class feeling or race antagonism. The division of this community-family of the Hindus into caste groups was evolved for the division of labour, and the giving to all of the right of equal opportunities within his own particular sphere.

True only the Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas could read the Vedas, and the Sudras were debarred. One does not give higher mathematics to children.

Source: HINDUISM: The World-Ideal by Harendranath Maitra 1916

[Source: Caste: its supposed origin, etc.

I once met a Mahar, who, fearing that I was going near him and that my purity might then be defiled in case I touched him, and that he might incur the sin of defiling my purity, cried out at once and made his caste known to me. I got into conversation with him. I found that Mahar, though illiterate, could repeat many verses of Tukaram, Namdeo and Chokhamela. He appeared to be well acquainted with the theories of Karma and Bhakti, and of transmigration of soul. He believed that though he was a Mahar in that birth, by some misdoings in his past life, he was going to become a Brahmana in the next birth, as he felt the desire for learning Sanskrit, and reading Gita and Puranas. He conceived that these desires were clear indications of the better birth which he was going to get in his next life.

I do not know how far such sentiments exist in other members of the tribe. Bid it is not improbable that very many of the low castes believe, or are made to believe, that they justly suffer in this condition as a retribution for the sins which they did in the past life. [STHE HISTORY OF CASTE IN INDIA by SHRIDHAR V. KETKAR (1909)\

Dr. Ambedkar disproved the Aryan Invasion Theory with sound logic. After explaining at length that the caste system has nothing to do with the Aryan invasion, he comes to the conclusion that:

1. The Vedas do not know any such race as the Aryan race.

2. There is no evidence in the Vedas of an invasion of India by the Aryan race and its having conquered the Dasas and Dasyus supposed to be the natives of India.” (Dr. Ambedkar, “Writings & Speeches”, Vol. 7, pages 74-85)

Not only that “caste existed much before Manu. It is incorrect to say that Brahmins created caste. The Brahmins might have committed many sins but to impose caste system on the whole non-Brahmin people is beyond their capacity.” (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in “Caste in India”)

Ambedkar declares: “Brahmins and the untouchables belong to the same race. From this it follows that if the Brahmins are Aryans, the untouchables are also Aryans. If the Brahmins are Dravidians, the untouchables are also Dravidians.” (Dr. Ambedkar, “Writings & Speeches”, Vol. 7, pages 302-303)

Dr. Ambedkar has the following firm convictions as to who Sudras are:

1. “The Sudras were one of the Aryan communities of the Solar race.

2. There was a time when the Aryan society recognised only three varnas, namely, Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas.

3. The Sudras did not form a separate varna. They ranked as part of the Kshatriya varna in the Indo-Aryan society.

4. There was a continuous feud between the Sudra kings and the Brahmins in which the Brahmins were subjected to many tyrannies and indignities.

5. As a result of the hatred towards the Sudras generated by their tyrannies and oppressions, the Brahmins refused to perform the Upanayana of the Sudras.

6. Owing to the denial of Upanayana, the Sudras who were Kshatriyas became socially degraded, fell below the rank of the Vaishyas and thus came to form the fourth varna.” (Dr. Ambedkar, “Writings & Speeches”, Vol. 7, pages 11-12)

video that shows why karma is a probem

this points out numerous hindu issues:

Some of India’s major Brahmo Samajis

(who deny transmigration, hence caste)

Rabindra Nath Tagore

In 1911, Tagore took over the leadership of the Adi Brahmo Samaj

Indira Gandhi, Sarojini Naidu, Rajiv Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi

In 1942 Indira Nehru and Feroz Gandhi were married under Marriage Validity law (for converted low caste Arya Samajis) by secret pre-Vedic Adi Dharm reformed Brahmic rites taught to Nehru’s priest by Adi Dharma elders at Allahabad in the presence of Brahmos like Sarojini Naidu with the groom wearing a sacred Brahmic thread in secret.

Ever since, these Adi Dharma rites have been used by the Gandhi-Nehru family for their marriages – such as for Rajiv Gandhi to Sonia Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi to Maneka Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi to Robert Vadra etc.


Rajnarian Bose, in a lecture entitled “The Superiority of Hinduism.” [Source]


At Calcutta, where he stayed from December 15, 1872 to April 15, 1873 Ramakrishna met him. He was also cordially received by the Brahmo Samaj. Keshab and his people voluntarily shut their eyes to the differences existing between them; they saw in him a rough ally in their crusade against orthodox prejudices and the million of gods. But Dayanand was not a man to come to an understanding with religious philosophers imbued with Western ideas.

His national Indian theism, its steel faith forged from the pure metal of the Vedas alone, had nothing in common with theirs, tinged as it was with modern doubt, which denied the infallibility of the Vedas and the doctrine of transmigration. He broke with them, the richer for the encountered, for he owed them the very simple suggestion, whose practical value had not struck him before, that his propaganda would be of little effect unless it was delivered in the language of the people.

He went to Bombay, where shortly afterwards his sect, following the example of the Brahmo Samaj, but with a better genius of organization, proceeded to take root in the social life of India. On April 10, 1875, he founded at Bombay his first Arya Samaj, or Association of the Aryans of India. [sOURCE]


Cārvākas rejected religious conceptions like afterlife, reincarnation [wIKI]


Why amongst the poor of India so many are Mohammedans? It is nonsense to say, they were converted by the sword. It was to gain their liberty from the . . . zemindars and from the . . . priest, and as a consequence you find in Bengal there are more Mohammedans than Hindus amongst the cultivators, because there were so many zemindars there. Who thinks of raising these sunken downtrodden millions?

Classical liberal B.G Gokhle’s comment on untouchability

It is absolutely monstrous that a class of human beings with bodies similar to our own, with brains that can think and with hearts that can feel, should be perpetually condemned to a low life of utter wretchedness. We may touch a cat, we may touch a dog, we may touch any other animal, but the touch of these human beings is pollution. And so complete is now the mental degradation of these people that they themselves see nothing in such treatment to resent, that they acquiesce in it as though nothing better than that was their due. At a public meeting in Dharwar in 1903


conversion of Dalits to Christianity

2. From the very birth of missionary work in India there had been devoted men who had given their lives to toil amongst the Outcastes, but for a long time comparatively little fruit appeared. From raator822,the South of India suffered from an appalling famine. Everywhere missionaries threw themselves into the work of saving life and alleviating distress; and this piece of disinterested service brought its reward. From 188o onwards great masses of the Outcaste of South India passed into the Church of Christ. Source: MODERN RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN INDIA BY J. N. FARQUHAR (1915)


Later, certain Hindus took up the same position; but others pointed out that the policy of raising the Outcaste is contrary to Hinduism and must certainly tend to break up the religion. The following is a sentence from the Mahratta: 3

Now we know that the result of educating the depressed classes must be in the long run to weaken, if not utterly destroy caste.MODERN RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN INDIA BY J. N. FARQUHAR (1915)

MY COMMENT ON fb: You can’t possible believe in the scriptures and YET elevate Dalits to the same pedestal as a Brahmin. If you do that then the transmigration of the soul (through karma) becomes falsified. There is therefore NO POSSIBILITY of Dalits getting an equal status in Hinduism.

oppression of Dalits

We are sick of the bondage which the barbarism of Hindu customs imposes upon us; we long to enjoy the perfect freedom which the British nation and the British Government desire to offer impartially to all those who are connected with them as British subjects.

We would, therefore, earnestly appeal to the Imperial Government to move on our behalf. We have long submitted to the Jagannath of caste; we have for ages been crushed under its ponderous wheels. But we can now no longer submit to the tyranny.

Our Hindu rulers did not recognize our manhood, and treated us worse than their cattle; and shall not that nation which emancipated the Negro at infinite self-sacrifice, and enlightened and elevated the poorer people of its own commonwealth, condescend to give us a helping hand? [Mahars (Dalits) of Maharashtra appealing for help against Hinduism to the British rulers of India (1910), in Memorial to the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for India cited in MODERN RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN INDIA BY J. N. FARQUHAR (1915)]