Ewing High School
WINTER TRACK 2014-2015
- Practices are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:50 pm – 4:30 pm and Wednesday mornings from 6:00 am – 7:15 am.
- Athletes are not permitted to loiter in or out front of the building after practice. Please have your transportation arranged and leave promptly when practice is over. We will take note of those athletes that are waiting for rides when practice is over.
- If the weather makes the track unusable, the track team will practice some mornings before school at 6:00 am. These practices will be updated on the team calendar and will be announced. Athletes must arrive by 6:00 am so that we can practice and allow the athletes plenty of time to get to class. These practices are mandatory.
- Practice will be held some Saturdays from 8:30 am – 10:00am. These practices will be listed on the team calendar and updated as needed.
- All practices and meets are mandatory. If you are in school, you are expected to be at practice. Attendance is taken at all practices.
- TWO unexcused absences from practice will result in missing the next meet. NO EXCEPTIONS. Two more, you will miss an additional meet. FIVE total unexcused absences will result in expulsion from the team. THREE tardies to practice will equal one unexcused absence.
- If practice must be missed for a valid reason, the athlete must tell Mrs. O (Soltysik) prior to the absence and provide a parent note.
- All team members must be dressed appropriately for practice. This includes athletic shoes, sweats and sweatshirts, hats and gloves. Ladies please wear a sports bra to practice and gentlemen wear underwear appropriate and comfortable to run in that will work under your shorts/compressions/tights, etc. We will be practicing outside most days, so make sure you are prepared for cold weather. A water bottle or sports drink is also suggested. If you do not have the proper shoes, you will not be able to practice and that practice will be unexcused.
1. Team practice and meet calendar will be posted on the Track Bulletin Board, by rooms 111 and 126, and can be accessed by going to www.colonialvalleyconference.org and clicking on the Ewing High School link. You will be provided with one copy of the schedule when practices begin.
2. Athletes are expected to compete in all meets and events that they are entered in.
3. Athletes are expected to remain at all meets until the conclusion of the entire meet.
4. Athletes are expected to travel to and from meets with the team on the bus. If an athlete must leave with his/her parent/guardian only, a note must be provided to the head coach---the day BEFORE the meet.
5. All athletes must be in school the day of a meet, and must be at practice the day before. If a meet is on a Saturday or Sunday, the athlete must be in school and at practice on Friday (and/or Saturday). If an athlete is suspended from school (including ISS), they will not be eligible to compete or practice.
6. Athletes will be required to wear Ewing Athletic gear (blue and white) to all meets.
7. Report to the bus on time for meets. The bus will not wait for late athletes.
8. All athletes must have transportation ready for them upon returning from meets.
Athlete Conduct:
The athletes on the Ewing Winter Track team represent the school and the track program. Athletes will be expected to conduct themselves responsibly at competitions, practices, in school and outside of school. The athletes on the track team are expected to compete hard and display good sportsmanship. Foul language and inappropriate actions will not be tolerated. All athletes are expected to follow the Ewing High School Code of Conduct at all times. Athletes are also expected to conduct themselves positively if they participate in social media. Inappropriate posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. will not be tolerated.
All athletes are students first and athletes second. Academics are a top priority for the coaching staff. If a student is struggling in a class, see the coaching staff immediately so that you can get the appropriate assistance to improve your grade. Athletes on the Winter Track team must maintain good academic standing. Students who are not in good academic standing will be required to turn in weekly progress reports to the coaching staff.
If an athlete becomes injured, they must notify Mrs. O and see Mr. Csillan, the athletic trainer. Missing practice because you are injured will be considered an unexcused absence. Athletes will be expected to work each day with Mr. Csillan to recover from an injury and to check in with Mrs. O/Mrs. Cheeseman daily. Soreness is not an injury, if you are working hard you should feel sore. If you are in school, you are expected at practice. If you feel ill during the day, you must see Mrs. O/Mrs. Cheeseman. Do not just skip practice, it will be unexcused.
Winter Break:
Practice over winter break is mandatory unless you will be out of town for the holidays. If you will not be at practice because you will be away, you must turn in a note to Mrs. O before winter break begins. We do have a meet over break and we need to know as soon as possible if you will be away. All other absences will be counted as unexcused.
Track Etiquette:
1. All athletes have a positive attitude
2. All athletes will work hard every day
3. No foul language
4. No cell phones or IPods at practice
5. Lock your belongings up in the locker room or bring them out with you to the track. Do not leave valuables unlocked.
6. Look both ways before crossing the track or stepping on the track.
7. Do not cross long jump and pole vault runways when they are in use
8. Do not sit/jump on high jump or pole vault pads
9. Jogging/recovery should be in the outside lanes/on turf. Not in the inside lanes. When someone yells “Track” clear out of lanes 1 and 2.
10. 1/8 inch spikes only will be permitted on the track surface.
Questions or Concerns: Please contact Mrs. O (Soltysik) with any questions or concerns at or 609-538-9800 x 8226. (Room 111)
Mrs. Cheeseman: 609-538-9800 x 8804. (Room 126)
Ewing High School
WINTER TRACK 2014-2015
I have read the Ewing High School Winter Track Rules and Regulations and I agree to follow these rules and those rules in the Ewing High School Code of Conduct.
Athlete Name (Please Print) Athlete’s Signature Date
Parent Name (Please Print) Parent Signature Date
Home Phone: ______
Parent Cell Phone:______
Athlete Cell Phone:______
Parent Email Address:______
Return this page to Mrs. O asap. Please keep the rest of the packet, as it contains important information about the rules and procedures for the season.