Disability Equality Scheme

Annual Progress Report


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Disability Equality Scheme Annual Progress Report

Introduction from University Secretary & Registrar

This second annual report shows that steady progress has been made against some targets set within the Disability Scheme and accompanying Action Plan. It is also acknowledged that in some areas progress has been slower than planned. However, the University continues to promote an inclusive approach to education and remains committed to promoting equality of opportunity, fostering good relations between all members of the University community and to widen participation at all levels of study.

This ethos has been carried throughout the work undertaken to redefine our mission and values by forging a distinctive and powerful identity to reflect fully the important work that we are engaged in delivering within the local region and beyond.


The report, through focusing upon actions achieved to date, offers a further opportunity to reflect and review how best to move forward within an organisation completing a period of strategic change. Progress continues to be made and work is ongoing to embed the good practice and to remove barriers in order to make Thames Valley University accessible to all.

Finally, this report also provides an opportunity to thank everyone within the University community, who is working towards achieving the successful completion of our priority targets.

These commitments remain central tothe work of the organisation and we are actively working to ensure that disability equality is embedded into the fabric of the institution.

Ann Marie Dalton

University Secretary & Registrar

Executive Summary

Subsequent tothe appointment of a new Vice Chancellor, Professor Peter John, in July 2007, a new strategic plan for the University has been agreed and is now in place.

The Institution continues to make progress and ,following the realignment of university wide systems and organisational groupings, new working practices are currently being embedded.As a result, the existing action planis being modified to ensure is continues to be both relevant and viable within the new structure and vision of the University. The anticipated outcome will be one comprehensive single equalities scheme and action plan that will meet all necessary legal requirements and embed good practice within day-to-day procedures.

Themanagement group, established to ensure the University monitors achievement and delivers the activities outlined within each relevant equality scheme, is now chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Enterprise), following his arrival in the summer of 2008.

Following theemergence of the University’s new strategic direction, the commitment to equality issues remains central to the core values and ethos of the organisation. We believe in the success of our students, and have dedicated professionally trained staff available throughout the University to provide all the opportunities at our disposal to provide our students with the best possible chance of succeeding in their chosen field.We have strengthened our links with employers, to enable our commitment to those studying at Thames Valley University, to continue well beyond graduation.

As this work continues the focus for this second report is concentrated upon achievements made against our priority targets.

Future Reports

The University continues to develop a comprehensive single Equalities Scheme and associated Action Plan. It is currently intended that reporting will be combined for activities that are common to all work strands relating to disability, race and gender. However, for discrete areas of work, where necessary, separate reporting will still continue on an annual basis.

Appendix 1

Disability Equality Scheme

Action Plan – Review of Activities

1. Strategy and Management

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
1.1 / Management Responsibilities / Jan 2007 / Establish clear management responsibilities in respect of arrangements for disabled students and staff. / Management Equalities Group set up and chaired by DVC(E). Membership includes HR and Student Services.
1.2 / Impact Assessment / March 2007 / a) Establish arrangements to ensure that the views of disabled students and staff inform the monitoring and review of the impact of University policy, procedures and practice. / Student focus group commissioned in 0607AY. Staff Equality and Diversity Working Group involving trade unions set up in 0607AY.
Dedicated email channel for staff and students in place.
Student Diversity Steering and FE Equalities and Diversity Groups established during 0607AY.
March 2007 / b) Provide training for staff leading impact assessment. / Impact Assessment Training has been delivered to key staff within the University.
1.3 / Senior Management Training / April 2007 / Provide training for senior management and governors to secure an adequate understanding of legal responsibilities in respect of disabled students and staff. / Comprehensive induction and briefing materials are given to all new Governors outlining all TVU governance matters including all corporate statutory obligations.
1.4 / Link Staff / Feb 2007 / Identify link staff in Faculties and Central Services to deal with generic issues related to disability. / Under review as part of new operational delivery structures
1.5 / Management Information / Feb 2007 / Review arrangements for collecting information and reporting on the participation, progression and achievement of disabled students. / Reporting on student participation and progression already in place.
1.6 / Resourcing / Dec 2006 / Identify the resource implications of implementing the DES. / Subsumed into annual financial planning cycle plus additional funds allocated for staff development.
1.7 / Disability Organisations / From April 2007 / Ensure that the views of disability organisations and local disability groups inform policy development. / Regular interface with national and local organisations across the ThamesValley region takes place.
1.8 / Academic Planning / March 2007 / Ensure that the needs of disabled students are considered at all stages of academic planning. / Programme validation documentation, including Student Programme Handbook contain information on University policy as well as practical advice on availability of support
1.9 / Review of DES progress / From April 2007
annually / Regularly review progress towards achievement of the University’s DES Action Plan. / Management Equalities Group set up and chaired by University SecretaryRegistrar to monitor and review progress.
1.10 / Complete Disability Audit for students / July 2007 / Audit completed and reports written and disseminated as appropriate. / Auditors have been identified and initial stages have begun.

2. Communication and Information

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
2.1 / Communication Strategy / March 2007 / Develop further the University’s communication strategy for effective communication with disabled students and staff and improve communication between staff about the needs of disabled students and staff. / Agreed to run ongoing focus groups for disabled students to consider the implementation of the DES.
Dedicated email channel for staff and students in place.
2.2 / Disability Community Organisations / March 2007 / Develop a network of community organisations for disabled people to provide feedback on proposed developments for students and staff. / Regular interface with national and local organisations across the ThamesValley region takes place.
2.3 / Disability Team / June 2007 / Promote awareness of services of the Disability Team across all campuses. / Service information publicised via written, electronic and face to face channels. The Team continues to engage with induction activities of new students and staff across the University.
2.4 / Information on Funding / Jan 2007 / a)Review arrangements by which disabled students and staff are advised of the availability of funding. / Comprehensive review of Disability Team policies and procedures commenced in Summer 2007, including the dissemination and availability of funding.
Feb 2007 / b) Ensure information is produced and disseminated in ways that are accessible to disabled students and staff. / Alternative formats are available upon request. Discussions have commenced with Web Team to increase website accessibility.

3. Recruitment and Admission of Students

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
3.1 / Policy and Procedures / Feb 2007 / a) Identify and review all policy and procedures and their impact on disabled applicants. / Review of all university wide policies underway.
3.2 / All policies reviewed by 2010 / b) Develop a plan for rolling programme of review activity. / Issue identified for action.
3.3 / Advice on Application for Students. / March 2007 / Ensure that disabled applicants receive appropriate advice through the application process. / Disclosure is encouraged at different stages of the application and admissions process. Upon notification of disclosure the Disability Team proactively contacts applicants to offer advice and assistance throughout the process.
3.4 / Records of Admission Decisions / March 2007 / a) Ensure the maintenance of clear records in respect of admissions decisions. / Discussion with admissions staff in faculties held.
March 2007 / b) Introduce a review procedure for students for whom admission has not been agreed. / Review of all university wide policies underway.
3.5 / Information on the Physical Environment / March 2007 / Provide information to applicants on the social and physical environment of the University. / Issue identified for action.
3.6 / Enrolment and Induction Process / June 2007 / Review arrangements for the enrolment and induction of disabled students. / Student Services and Students’ Union involved in planning of enrolment and induction processes and their annual reviews to ensure activities are accessible to all students. Activities considered in light of the First Impressions/ Induction Surveys throughout the University.
3.7 / Guidance for Staff / March 2007 / Provide guidance to staff for supporting disabled applicants in attending open days and providing advice on disclosure. / Issue identified for action.
3.8 / Collaborative Partners / June 2007 / Review the contractual and audit arrangements for proposed and existing collaborative partners in respect of provision for disabled students. / Quality Audit and Enhancement Office currently leading review of collaborative arrangements provision.

4. Learning, Teaching & Assessment Strategy

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
4.1 / Review of Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy / June 2007
and ongoing / Ensure that the implementation of the Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy specifically addresses the needs of disabled students. / A range of areas already identified.
LTA strategy under review as part of emergence of new University Strategic Plan.
4.2 / Programme materials and equipment / June 2007 / Further develop guidance to staff on the use of materials and equipment in respect of the needs of disabled students including the use of the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). / Good practice materials continue to be developed and are available on the University intranet.
4.3 / Guidance on specific disabilities. / April 2007 / Develop a portfolio of guidance on specific disabilities. Priority area for development is dyslexia. / Range of materials being gathered and reviewed.
4.4 / Information Technology / May 2007 / Review arrangements for IT provision and the availability of appropriate software to support the needs of disabled students and staff. / Inclusive strategy has led to a large selection of specialist software now available across the network as opposed to designated areas.
Capital funds identified to update hardware and software within dyslexia support suite.
4.5 / Methods of assessment and feedback / June 2007 / Ensure that the needs of disabled students are explicitly addressed in the ongoing review of assessment and feedback policy. / Review of policy in progress.
4.6 / Learning resources / Sept 2008 / Review access to learning resources centrally and in Faculties. / Dedicated disability group established within the Learning Resource Centres to inform policy and guidance.
4.7 / Assessment arrangements / Sept 2007 / Review guidance on ‘reasonable adjustments’ for disabled students’ participation in assessment. Review to include arrangements for group work. / A successful conference focused upon reasonable adjustments was held in February 2007. Subsequent work streams are underway.
4.8 / Student Mentor Scheme / Sept 2008 / Ensure that the needs of disabled students are explicitly addressed in the development of the University’s Student Mentor Scheme. / Equality & Diversity Student mentors have been identified and trained alongside the existing mentorship scheme at the Reading Campus.
4.9 / Students on placement and curriculum visits / Sept 2007 / a) Review guidance given to employers receiving disabled students on placement to include specific reference to the needs of dyslexic students etc. / Draft guidance in production.
June 2007 / b) Examine ways in which work placement opportunities for disabled students might be developed further. / Issue identified for action.
March 2007 / c) Review guidance for disabled students on curriculum visits. / Issue identified for action.
4.10 / Outcomes of assessment / June 2007 / Monitor the outcome of assessment for disabled students against data for total student population and include outcomes in academic review and monitoring activity. / Management information pro-forma in development.

5. Curriculum

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
5.1 / Programme approval / June 2007 / a) Review programme approval arrangements to ensure that issues of access to the curriculum for disabled applicants are appropriately addressed. / The issue of access to the curriculum is currently addressed in validation processes monitored by the Head of Academic Development.Relevant guidance for staff is contained within the validation documentation and in the programme handbook for students.
5.2 / April 2007 / b) Demonstrate and report on how the views of disabled students have been included in the programme and module approval process. / Issue identified for action.

6. Training and Awareness

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
6.1 / Training plan / Autumn 2007 / Develop a training plan for all categories of staff to actively promote equality and the elimination of discrimination in respect of all aspects of student diversity issues. / Training needs being identified.
Link staff identified as a priority for training.
Induction training for new staff includes session on disability and equality issues. Awareness training and impact assessment training offered as part of annual (published) staff development programme.
6.2 / Awareness / June 2007 / Identify a range of materials to promote awareness of disability, produce a related dissemination plan. / Some key materials already available.
6.3 / Best practice / Autumn 2007 / Identify and disseminate best practice models in promoting equality and the elimination of discrimination in respect of disability. / Examples of best practice in curriculum delivery identified and dissemination plan being produced.
6.4 / Disclosure / March 2007 / Review advice provided about the disclosure of disability for students and staff. / Under discussion by Student Services and Registry Services.

7. Employability

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
7.1a / Careers and Employment Services / March 2007 / a) Further develop opportunities for part-time employment for disabled students. / Support for funding part-time employment for disabled students already in place.
Contact made with appropriate support agencies.
Awareness of issues pertinent to the employment of disabled students within the CES team promoted
Action taken to identify TVU disabled students and provide appropriate information, including disability focussed employment events, initiatives and opportunities.
Employers with sound recruitment practices and significant achievement in supporting disabled applicants and employees identified.
7.1b / April 2007 / b) Invite disabled people who have been successful in their chosen career path to talk to students about their achievements. / Investigations have been undertaken to find appropriate case studies and publish on the website.

8. Social and Extra Curricula

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
8.1 / Disabled Students’ Society / Feb 2007 / Discuss with the SU the possibility of establishing a Disabled Students’ Society. / Following discussion at the Student Experience Group the SU confirmed support for student wishing to set up autonomous societies.
8.2 / Promoting Social Inclusion / July 2007 / Examine the degree to which disabled students feel socially included in the University and identify actions to promote inclusion. / Issue identified for action.

9.Physical Environment

Target / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
9.1 / Premises development / March 2007 / Ensure needs of disabled students and staff are appropriately considered in all campus development plans. / All projects are considered from a number of perspectives, including the needs of disabled people.
9.2 / Car Parking / March 2007 / Review car parking arrangements for disabled students and staff. / A travel strategy is being developed; this will include parking arrangements for all staff and students.
9.3 / Transport / Jan 2008
(amended timeline:
Phase 1 Jan 09
Phase 2 Summer 09 / Review the University’s transport arrangements for students and staff / A Travel Plan capital project with consultancy support has been developed. A team-based approach to unify existing cross-campus service organisation and provide a single strategic direction has been taken. This supported by a Stakeholders Steering Group.
9.4 / Signage / Feb 2007 / Review signage policy to ensure accessibility to disabled students and staff. / Signage at all sites is under review. Buildings with inadequate signage will be upgraded first. All projects include a requirement to provide clear and consistent signage.
9.5 / University Events / Jan 2007 / Ensure that the needs of disabled people are specifically considered in the organisation of University Events. / Needs of disabled people already specifically addressed in main university events including the organisation of the University’s Awards Ceremonies.

10. Human Resources

Priority / Target Area / Timeline / Goal / Progress to date
10.1 / Impact Assessment / Within the first year of the scheme & Ongoing / Ensure that all Human Resources policies and procedures are impact assessed in respect of their impact on all equality issues. Develop a rolling programme of impact assessment ensuring the involvement of disabled people in this process. / Priority policies have been identified for impact assessment and a light touch impact assessment has been conducted on our Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures. Impact assessment to be part of development/ review process (in place).