Mr. WrightTEAM SPORTS – SoccerLower Gym/Soccer Field
Course Summary/Goals: This is a physical education class with a focus on the skills and strategies of soccer.
Materials: Your student will need to suit-up for class everyday with proper PE attire.
- Athletic Shoes
- Shorts/Sweats
- T-Shirt/Sweatshirt
Classroom Expectations: Students at Thomas Jefferson High School will take pride in their efforts and will put these guidelines into action each day.
*Be responsible*Cooperate with others
*Make an honest effort*Respect the rights and property of others
Assessments: The following are types of assessments used in this class. Please note completion of all fitness tests is required in order to receive a “C” or higher.
- Skills Tests with MYP Rubrics
- Written Tests with MYP Rubrics
- Fitness Tests- Mile Run/Walk or Pacer, Push-ups, Curl-ups, Sit & Reach
- Various worksheets regarding fitness concepts and goal setting
- Demonstration of skills and rule knowledge in a game setting
- Long term and consistent demonstration of participation, safety, and improvement
- Consistent demonstration of cooperation and responsible personal and social behavior
Grading Procedures:
The Federal Way Grading System:
- Each course has a set of learning standards (priority standards). These can be accessed on the FWPS website (
- Individual assignments are linked to one or more priority standards, and the score for that assignment will be averaged with all other assignment scores in that priority standard, resulting in an overall score for that standard.
- The class grade is the result of the average of all priority standard scores.
- Please check your child’s grade frequently using the district app or ParentVue.
- You may need to contact the counseling office to get the password for your student.
Thomas Jefferson High School Grading System:
In the grade book, students will be graded on a 1-4. 1 = Below Standard, 2=Approaching Standard, 3 = Meeting Standard and 4 = Exceeding Standard. As there is no “0” score available, a “1” will also be given to students who do not turn in an assignment. Class grade barriers are as follows: A = 4.0-3.5, B = 3.5-3.0, C= 3.0-2.3, F= below 2.3
Teaches will make an effort to note in the grade book if an assignment is missing to help parents and students keep track of what is missing.
Reassessment Policy:
- TJHS students will have multiple opportunities to achieve mastery of a Priority Standard. This includes re-taking portions of tests (Policy 2420P), recognizing that students learn at different rates and times.
- Students are guaranteed at least two attempts for each priority standard. Retakes will hold the same value as the original test.
Prepared for Class: The majority of activities and assessments in class require physical movement and demonstration. Therefore it is the expectation that you come to class prepared on a daily basis to engage in those activities. A properly prepared student is wearing shorts or sweats, t-shirt or sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. If a student is not prepared according to the previous guidelines, they will receive a non-suit. Upon the second non-suit, the student will receive a phone call home, for the 3rd non-suit, the student will receive 2 hours of administrative detention and will continue with progressive discipline for subsequent non-suits.
Formula for Success: The majority of activities and assessments in class require physical movement and demonstration. Therefore it is the expectation that you come to class prepared on a daily basis to engage in those activities. A properly prepared student is wearing shorts or sweats, t-shirt or sweatshirt, and athletic shoes. If a student is not prepared according to the previous guidelines, they will receive a non-suit. Upon the second non-suit, the student will receive a phone call home, for the 3rd non-suit, the student will receive 2 hours of administrative detention and will continue with progressive discipline for subsequent non-suits.
Attendance, Participation, and Being on Time:
Attendance and participation are critical aspects of physical education class. By attending class, the student gains new knowledge and observes proper skill demonstration. By participating in activities, the student increases their fitness level and develops skills to be more proficient in the activity therefore increasing their ability to meet standard during assessment. Due to safety concerns, students not properly suited cannot participate in any physical activities.
Our school wide tardy policy will be enforced. It is a tardy if you are not in the locker room when the bell rings or if you are not in the main gym completing the “Do Now” when the instructor begins taking attendance. Due to locker room supervision issues, any student arriving late to class cannot suit up in the locker room.
- Arrive to class suited-up and prepared to participate.
- No electronics during walk & talk and not allowed without teacher permission.
- Be positive with your words and actions. Use appropriate language.
- Conduct yourself in a safe and responsible manner.
- Proper use and care of facilities/equipment is expected.
- Interaction with staff members and other students conducted in a respectful manner.
- All students are required to remain in the locker room or directly outside the gym until dismissed by a teacher or the bell.
- Positive Sportsmanship. Encourage other classmates.
- Backpacks and personal belongings remain in the locker room during class time
Daily Routine:
All students should arrive before the bell rings. You have 6 minutes to change your clothes into appropriate clothes for physical education. Upon exiting the locker room, find the “Do Now” on the white board, report to the main gym and walk and talk. At the conclusion of the period, your teacher dismisses you 5 minutes before the dismissal bell to change back into your school clothes.
Locker Room Behavior Expectations:
- All students receive a lock and assigned locker.
- Be respectful of other students’ space.
- Lock your lock and check it by spinning the dial and tugging on the lock.
- Keep your area clean.
- Report your missing lock ASAP.
- Leave classmates’ possessions alone.
- It is your responsibility to secure your valuables.
- All backpacks and personal belongings remain locked in the locker room.
Medical/Health Issues: For illness or injuries that prevents you from class participation a parent/guardian note is required the day of the non-participation and is good for 3 days. For illness and injuries beyond 3 days a doctor’s note is required. Please advise your teacher of any medical issues or areas of concern regarding your health.
Academic Integrity:
At TJ, academic integrity is a guiding principle in all classes. Students must be diligent in protecting their academic reputation and avoiding all forms of plagiarism, academic misconduct, collusion, and cheating.
District policies apply. Each student is accountable for his/her own actions. To be successful, each student must treat others in a respectful manner. When a student does not uphold the rules, there will be a fair and clear process to resolve the situation. The student, teacher, administrator and parent will work together to resolve situations and assign consequences as needed.