Meeting Video Tier I
Tier I Team Meeting Set Up & Script for Video
Meeting Times / Team Purpose / MembersTier I Team
Mondays (monthly)
Conference Room / Develop and implement Tier I systems & interventions for academic and social success
Monitor fidelity of implementation of Tier I systems & supports
Monitor academic and social progress for all students
Screen, select, & refer students in need of Tier II & III supports / Facilitator-
Minute Taker-
(Reading Specialist)
Data Analyst-
(Math Specialist) / Team Members:
School Psych-
Teacher Rep-
(4th grade)
Team Agreements / Respect
- Before meeting, complete tasks, inform facilitator of absence/tardy, avoid side talk
- During meeting, avoid side talk, stay focused
- Start and end meeting on time
- Question fidelity of implementation
- Make data based decisions based on precision statements (what, where, when, who, why & how often)
Think about feasibility, social acceptability, & contextual fit
Team/Problems / Decisions to be made / Discriminations
1. Tier 1 Team (3rd Monday)
Meeting- Jan 18
- Review Systems Overview
- Review old problem physical aggression on bus
- Identify 4th grade Math CBM- refer to grade level team (Grade Level Team)
- Implement rest of bus plan
- Identify problem send to Tier 2 start precision problem statement
- Team Purpose
- Roles
- Team Moving through PS process
- Team using decision rules
- Admin leaves for quick emergency comes back and gets caught up. continue without admin
- A problem is documented in the organizational/ housekeeping section of meeting minutes due to being referred to a different team (Grade Level 4)
- Talk about safety issue and urgency
- Link R+ (bus bucks) to precision statement (wanting to sit in back rows of bus)
Tier I / Primary Level of Support
Social and Academic Performance & System Evaluation and Student Outcome Guidelines
Used for monitoring system implementation effectiveness of school wide academic and social performance
Target (Goal)/Review Cycle
Questions to Answer
perplan/goal / Behavior
Monthly review cycle
Implemen-tation Fidelity / Are systems of support in place and being implemented as planned? / Aim for 70% implementation fidelity (e.g., TFI-I review quarterly, staff reporting 80% implementation fidelity/ review monthly, students/families/community members’ input/ review annually)
Current Levels / How many months are problem levels at or below the national median or expected for each grade? / Aim for 8 of 10 months to be at or below the national median across a school year/review monthly
Trends / Is there a gradual increase or decrease in problem levels across a 4-month period of time? / Aim for consistent and/or decrease in problem levels across time and grade levels/ review monthly
Are there peaks in problem levels or dips in academic data that are 15-20% higher/lower? / Aim for consistent and/or decrease in problem levels across time and grade levels/review monthly
Student Proportions / Are Tier I interventions working for 80-85% of students? What percentage of students are receiving Tier II and Tier III supports? / Aim for 85% of students having no more than one major ODR across time and grade levels/review monthly
Groups and Individual Students / Do any students need Tier II or Tier III supports? / Aim for no more than 15% students requiring Tier II supports and no more than 5% of student requiring Tier III supports/review monthly
Use information to create A Big Picture-Overall Status Statement (Primary Statement) regarding Behavior and Academic performance in relationship to national data and to trigger further queries of data.
Tier I New Problem / Tier I Progress Monitoring Guidelines
- Check levels of implementation fidelity
- Look for increase/spike in errors/problem behaviors
- Review of skills expectations after extended absences
- Use previous year’s data trendsfor prevention planning
- TFI-Tier I to measure the systems procedures processes
- Fidelity checklist for participating staff
- If less than 85% of students are succeeding review implementation fidelity before adjusting the plan
- Make sure the problem is defined with precision and solutions with contextual fit
- ConsiderTier II or III supports for students with 2+ referrals
Tier I Team Members
Anne- Counselor / FacilitatorErin- Reading Specialist / Minute Taker
Katie- Math Specialist / Data Analyst
Cody- School Psych / Team Member
Eoin- 4th grade / Teacher Rep
Rhonda- Administrator / Team Member
Nad- Parent Representative / Team Member
Tier I Team meeting. Conference room/ seven participants sitting around table. Agenda, team purpose and group agreements posted on white board behind team. Tiered decision guidelines on table. One laptop open in front of MINUTE TAKER. Previous Meeting Minutes on table in front of FACILITATOR. Second laptop open in front of DATA ANALYST. Data projected (off camera) so all can see.
CHARACTERS: Anne- Facilitator, Erin- Minute Taker, Katie- Data Analyst, Cody- School Psych, Eoin- Teacher Rep, Rhonda- Administrator
Alright everyone it’s 3:00 so let’s get started. We have a new team member joining us today. Let’s do quick introductions and review our team purpose, meeting format and team agreements. Joining us today is Nad, our parent representative.
Lapse of time (identify roles)
Katie, would you go over that information?
Sure. We have those posted to refer to. We have our team agreements and primary and backup roles identified. We use meeting minutes to help guide our sequence of agenda items. We start our meetings with previous meeting minutes, Erin updates and revises those minutes and distributes them by the next day. We look at data within the first five minutes of each meeting. We adjust our agenda sequence if Rhonda has some scheduling conflicts.
Lapse of time for team member introductions
Thanks. Today we are going to review our bus problem, update on classroom defiance problem, the winter universal screening data for math and reading, and our organizational and housekeeping list (show agenda). Let’s start with the previous bus issue. Erin, what was our problem and goal?
Fourth and fifth graders on bus 512 have a recent spike in physical aggression incidents on bus ride after school since coming back from winter break. Bus driver believes it’s because they are fighting over who sits in the back seats. Our goal is for fewer than 1 ODR per week by February 1 on bus 512, Fewer than 2 ODRs per month by March 1 on bus 512.
Okay, what was our solution?
We had two parts- fourth and fifth grade teachers were going to review bus rules with all students and, Rhonda and the bus driver were going to meet and assign bus seats.
Katie, what do our current data look like for ODRs on the bus?
Split screen- ODR data graphs/team video
Well it has not changed since last week. We are still having too many incidents. The total is now 16 since returning January 3, this is up from 9 last week. We are averaging about 1-2 per day.
Voice from opened door
Rhonda we need you for an emergency
Administrator Rhonda
Rushes out of room
Let’s keep going and catch her up later. The bus problem doesn’t sound too good. Katiewere the solutions implemented with fidelity?
Four of the eight teachers reviewed the bus rules with their students, so we have 50% fidelity. Reasons they wrote were- “I just didn’t get a chance last week.” “Ran out of time, will do it this week.” “I thought I had until next week.” “I forgot.”
Show fidelity forms with those notes in video
Makes sense, we only gave a few days to implement, and we know scheduling is a challenge, but isn’t physical aggression a safety issue?
Everyone agrees/nods
Rushes back in
I’m sorry, I had to leave, what did I miss?
Eoin, can you give us a quick update of what we were talking about?
Sure…. We are talking about the bus problem and Katie showed the fidelity data that look good. But only 50% of the staff completed those for us. We are struggling with the urgency needed due to physical aggression being a safety issue.
Thanks. Definitelywe need to get on this one. I’m glad our teachers are being accurate when reportedimplementation fidelity. It helps when we review the current levels of the problem to know if the solution was implemented. I will talk about our general implementation timelines at our next staff meeting. Cody and Eoin, at the Tier 2 grade level meeting this week, will you remind fourth and fifth grade teachersto review the bus rules with their students?
Yes, I’ll do that when we meet on Wednesday.
Yep. No problem.We will also remind the teachers they typically have two weeks to implement a solution unless it’s a safety issue in which case it becomes a priority.
What’s the status with reassigning bus seats?
We tried to meet last week, but kept having to reschedule. I met with the bus driver today before her afternoon route. We reassigned all the seats and she is going to start that tomorrow. We did not go over bus bucks because we ran out of time. But we are scheduled to meet again on Wednesday.
Okay. Mrs. Tippet, did you get all that down?
Split screen- meeting minutes /team video
Yes, I added partial implementation and teachers will review this week, bus bucks start after meeting on Wednesday. I also noted- no change in data (because the trend has remained the same) and continue current plan.
I’d like to suggest that we encourage the bus drive to double the value of bus bucks sometimes. If it is done intermittently. Maybe once or twice per route daily?
Cody I love that idea I have my substitute teachers do that as well!
All let’s try it. Rhonda, please add this to your meeting agenda with the bus driver.
Got it.
Perfect. Does anyone have anything else to add to this?
I want to look at the reason for the problem again
Scrolls to problem in meeting minutes and says
They want the back seats in the bus.
Hum… then we ask why again.
Are they fighting in the back seats?
Yes, the back 5 rows, 20 seats.
How about students trade their bus bucks for one of those seats?
Since bus bucks are given for appropriate behavior, I think it is a great idea. We need to keep it simple and predictable and include the bus driver.
The bus driver and I will talk about feasible options next Wed. Cody and Anne, can we meet briefly after this meeting to talk more about this idea AND what to do about the safety issues resulting from the physical aggression?
We can try to wrap up a bit early and use the extra time to get started.
Did you send anything home to the parents of bus 512? It might be a good idea to let them know about the fighting so they can talk to their kids about it too.
That’s a great idea. I’ll draft a letter to send home by Wednesday. Thanks,Nad.
Alright, now let’s move to our universal screening data. Katie, how do our data look?
We are actually doing really well as a school! Our…
Sorry to interrupt the meeting, but Rhonda- you have an urgent parent phone call that needs to be taken.
Into walkie-talkie- Okay thanks I’ll take it in my office.
To team members- I’m sorry everyone, I have to take this. Continue without me, I know we have agreed that you can make reasonable solution plans without me. I’ll read the meeting notes and find Anne if I have any questions.
Okay thanks. [pause] Good luck.
Split screen- bar chart for 3-5th grades MCOMP/team video
I pulled up our Math Computation data for 3rd, 4th, and 5th. As you can see our students are doing pretty well. Third has 81% on or above grade level, fourth has 72% and fifth has 79% of students on grade level for MCOMP.
DA closes bar chart and projects box/whisker plot graph
The issue is with these five students in fourth grade who were at grade level in the fall but have not made any growth on the winter benchmark. We need to look at them more closely to see if they need additional intervention and supports.
The expectation in fourth grade is that math computation skills are automatic and used in harder math concepts. We need to make sure these students get some more support so they don’t fall further behind.
Okay, so it looks like these five students need to be discussed during the next grade level Tier 2 meeting.
I will remind you to add them to the agenda. What other data should we gather before we meet?
Well you’ll want to make sure attendance and behavior are not an issue. So send the attendance rates and ODR data for each student to the fourth grade data analyst.
Will do. Did we get a precision problem statement started for the team?
I have, “Five 4th graders’ MCOMP scores did not progress between fall and winter and scored in the at-risk range in the winter. This is thought to be because…” That’s all I have right now. The grade level team needs to drill down in those data to figure out why these kids are not succeeding.
Good start. Also add the current levels for each student. Joey- 26, Emma- 27, Francisco- 27, Ben- 26, Anya- 28.
Got it. Since we are sending this problem to a different team, I’ve noted it in the organizational/housekeeping section.
Scroll and show.
In the solution I’m adding that this is moving to a the 4th grade level meeting. What date is the next fourth grade meeting?
They have one this Wednesday January 20. I’ll email them today, so they have enough time to gather more information before they meet.
Good. Anyone want to add anything else? [silence-pause before speaking again]. Alright let’s move on to 4th grade reading. How are our reading data looking?
(pulls up box/whisker plots for R-CBM 3rd-5th grade)
Reading data for R-CBM in fourth grade has improved since the fall. Look at the boxes they moved up between fall and winter and our whiskers have shrunk on the bottom. I think those Direct Instruction reading programs are really helping our students receiving Tier 2 supports.
The fourth grade is already looking at the one student.
Good, now let’s talk about nonsense word fluency data with our first graders. Katie, will you pull up the NWF data and then we will….
(video cuts off mid sentence)