Library Unit 1 – Grade 3

Title of Unit / How to Live, Learn and Use the Library. / Grade Level / Three
Subject / Library / Time Frame / Approx Dates – September – November 2014
Developed By / Leeanne Infantino
Essential Question:
How does the Library Media affect Literacy?
Rationale: Why is it important to learn these things?
This unit leads students in an exploration of the Library. Students will understand the purpose of the Library in the physical sense. Students will learn how to have a love of Literature and will utilize the features that the Library can provide with information and stories. Students will become aware of their own storytelling ability. A greater knowledge will be developed about the Dewey System and OPAC online borrowing system.
Common Core
RL.3.1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers
SL.3.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
SL.3.2. Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
SL.3.3. Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail.
SL.3.6. Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
Information Fluency Continuum
·  Connects ideas in texts to own interests .
·  Begins to explore and examine the various genres based on
personal interests.
·  Begins to explore and examine the various genres based on personal interests.
·  Connects ideas in texts to own interests.
·  Identifies and uses the organizational structures of a nonfiction
book to locate information .
·  Selects and uses multiple appropriate print, nonprint,
electronic and human sources to answer questions.
·  Uses prior knowledge and understanding of overall topic to
make predictions about what the new information will reveal
·  Formulates questions about the topic with guidance.
·  Questions text during reading or listening.
·  Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion. / ·  Uses visuals and multimedia to communicate meaning.
·  Shows respect for and responds to the ideas of others. #3
·  Searches the online catalog (author, title, and subject) with assistance to locate materials
·  Uses bookmarked Websites to find appropriate information
·  Asks “What about this topic would I like to learn more about?”
·  Identifies the ten major Dewey areas and what main topics are included in each.
·  dentifies own strengths and sets goals for improvement
·  Gathers information related to personal interests.
·  Begins to explore and examine the various genres based on personal interests.
·  Understands basic cybersafety.
·  Demonstrates responsibility and awareness that library resources are to be shared among the entire school community.
·  Observes Internet safety procedures including safeguarding personal information.
Key Teaching Points: includes specific grammar and punctuation study.
·  Introduce Dewey and catalog search for folktales or fairy tales (398.2)
·  Illustrations are worth a 1000 words: describing characters, settings and events
·  Rules of the Library
·  Areas in the Library
·  Library rules
·  Online catalogue called OPAC
·  Teach check in and check out procedure - own books
·  Review everything for new students
·  Search by title author and subject – OPAC
I can think and wonder…..
I can ask questions after reading the title of a text….
I can ask questions about an illustration in a text….
I can make inferences based on illustrations or the text….
I can find the illustration that relates to the text….
I can interpret information in visual features such as illustrations or diagrams…. / Read Aloud and Literature Discussion/Mentor Texts
·  Online catalogue called OPAC
·  Dewey system and catalogue
·  Out and About at the Public Library – Kitty Shea (E Book)
·  The Library – B.A Idoena (E Book)
Vocabulary to model, imbed in conversation, encourage and notice:
Include metalanguage for students to use to talk about their learning and thinking.
Dewey, catalogue, describe, discussion, library, online, illustrations, author, information
Thinking about theme: ….
Thinking about characters and meanings:…..
Catalog.OPAC / Assessment/Final Product: How will you know your students have learned this?
Students will create a Poster on book care
Individual Assessment on OPAC will be carried out on all students 1:1
I will record observations of their participation, engagement and responses.
Do they remember Library rules, do they know the various areas in the Library?
Evaluating their Library book returns.
Listening charts for booktalks
Essential Question: How Does the Library Media Affect Literacy?
Evaluation: What worked well, what needed to be changed, what resources were helpful?
They enjoyed learning about the Library and the various sections within. / Learning Environment: How will this learning be visible in your room?
Students will be observed learning about the Library expectations, rules and areas. Their stories will be recorded within folders. They have their library notebooks with booktalk charts and reflections will be accessible in the room
·  Online catalogue called OPAC
The ‘what’ of teaching & learning..
(What format will the teacher use to present content?) / ACTION & EXPRESSION
The ‘how’ of teaching & learning…
(How will you present the content? Through…) / ENGAGEMENT
The ‘why’ of teaching and learning…
(What activities will students do to demonstrate their learning?)
·  Texts
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Guitar / ·  Interactive Read Alouds (text, video)
·  Shared Reading
·  Access to multi-media
·  Graphic Organizers
·  Acting out the Characters and story lines / ·  Compare and contrast
·  Make inferences
·  Describe Library characteristics
·  Main idea and supporting details
·  Questions and questioning
·  Analyzing information
·  Sequencing
·  Check in and out using OPAC