St. Thomas the Apostle Parents Club
Minutes of the October 4, 2007 Meeting
In Attendance: Wendy Carelus, Maria Steiner, Alice Browne, Lorraine Shuart, Diane Cullen, Melissa LaMagna, Terri Leno, Megan Smith, Carol Dolan, Laureen Von Elm, Nancy Wadis, Barbara Binkus, Sharon McKoy, Ann-Marie Nazon, Claudine Noce, Tracey Cole Brown, Monica Morello, Catherine Holloway, Jennifer Artusa, Marisa Pecorella, Cindy Thomas, Petal Scantlebury, Ana Lord, Lorraine Gallant, Eileen Kelly, Ellen Harold, Maureen Noonan, Barbara St. Louis; Eileen Vogel, Valerie Ulicny, Ann Marie Cullen, Maryann Vella, Patty Henre, Amanda Corrade, Beth Lauro, Angela Clarke, Mary Marcella, Donna D’Sclafani, Ann Reidy-Doyle, Eileen Fox, Annette Watterson, Rosanne Nalipinski, and Renee Ciculese.
President’s Report:
- Playground update: Mr. Miller is looking into fire safety.
Past Events:
- Gift Wrap is going well.
- The block party was a success.
- Bus Trip to Riverhead was lots of fun but may need to be downsized next time in order to raise money.
- The incentives have been put into place for the candy sale (e.g. ToysRUs and Webkinz raffle, NUT card).
- Catherine Holloway is running the Avonfundraiser for a 30% return on sales.
- Alice Browne received 23 subscriptions for the fun magazine.
Up coming events:
- Melissa LaMagna is running An Evening of Giving where parents pay $10.00 to shop at Roosevelt Field Mall where stores will be selling at a discount ($7.00 goes to St Thomas).
- The annual Halloween Party is being run by Ellen Harold and Eileen Kelly. There was a time change so that children could eat before they go. The price was raised from $5 to $6 per child.
- The Craft Fair is set for the 17th. Cindy Thomas and Petal Scantlebury are running it. Volunteers are needed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Submitted by Alice Browne.
- The income listed from the candy sale was from last year.
- The craft fair income is from the vendors.
- The Family Fun Magazine has already generated $130.00
- We haven’t received the bill yet from the gift wrap sale.
- 61% of the parents paid their dues.
- The Riverhead Trip incurred a loss of $40.00.
School Board Report:
Reported by Laureen Von Elm.
- Sal LaMagna and Brian Batzer are applying for a grant with Best Buy so that they can purchase electronic equipment.
- Recommendations given by Middle States have been met.
- School needs a new PA system.
Class Parent Coordinators:
Reported byMegan Smith and Terri Leno.
- First meeting tonight -- went well.
Corresponding Secretary Report:
- Lorraine Shuart picks up and delivers mail to parent club chairs.
Fundraising Report:
- Lorraine Gallant is starting something new. An incentive has been added to go to Gino’s -- there will be a raffle in Dec, March , and June.
- Terry Leno is looking into what movies are available to see (The Bee Movie).
- Diane Cullen is the official coordinator of Boxtops for Education.
- The committee sponsored Back to School Night which was successful.
Pizza Day Coordinator:
- Class sponsored pizza days begin in November.
Melissa Connolly
- Designed newsletter and has begun sending out mass emails to parents.
- Melissa is looking into Hofstra basketball night.
New Business:
- Parking lot needs arrows to direct traffic.
Correction from last month’s minutes: The chairs of the Craft Fair committee are Cindy Thomas ANDPetal Scantlebury. The cost to rent a table for the Craft Fair is $60.00 not $50.00.
The next Parents Club Meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2007.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Cullen
Recording Secretary