Prof. dr. H.A.J. Struijker Boudier
Business addressHome address
Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyChateau de la Borie
Universiteit Maastricht87110 Solignac
P.O. Box 616France
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
Tel +31 43 3881420Tel +31 (0)629078332
Birth date and place
February 8, 1950, Arnhem, the Netherlands
1961-1966Secondary School (HBS-B), Arnhem, the Netherlands
1966-1967St. Andrews School, Middletown, Del, USA
19671973Studies in Chemistry/Biochemistry/Pharmacochemistry Radboud University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
1975 Ph.Dtitle (cum laude), Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands; thesis entitled Catecholamine receptors in nervous tissue
Current position
Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, Maastricht University
Research and professional experience
19731976Fellow Dutch Organization for Scientific Medical Research (FUNGO/NWO), Department of Pharmacology, Radboud University of Nijmegen Medical School, the Netherlands
1976-1977Postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, USA (director: prof. A.C. Guyton)
19771980Assistant professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Maastricht Medical School, Maastricht, The Netherlands
1980-1984Professor of Experimental pharmacology at the University of Maastricht Medical School, Maastricht, The Netherlands
1984Four months sabbatical stay in various laboratories in the USA
1984-1999Chairman, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology and Professor of Pharmacology, University of Maastricht Medical School, Maastricht, the Netherlands
1988-1994Program Director of the Division on Hypertension of the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)
1991 (Jan-Nov)Visiting professor at the INSERM Unit 141, Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris, France (director: Prof. dr. B.I. Lévy)
1994-1999Chairman of the Board of the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)
1999-2006Scientific Director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)
2006 – 2015Professor of Cardiovascular Research andPharmacology, Maastricht University
Membership societies
Member of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Member of the Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft
Member Deutsche Liga zur Bekämpfung des hohen Blutdruckes
Member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Farmacologie
Member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Farmacologie en Biofarmacie
Member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysiologie
Member European Society of Microcirculation
Member of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Farmaceutische Wetenschappen
Fellow of the InternationalCollege of Angiology
Member of the European Society of Hypertension
Member of the International Society of Hypertension
Fellow Council for High Blood Pressure Research, American Heart Association
Member of the French Society of Hypertension
Member of the French Pharmacological Society
Editor scientific journals
Editorial Board of Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Editorial Board of Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie (until 1996)
Editorial Board of Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology
Editorial Board of Gynaecological and Obstetric Investigations
Editorial Board of the Journal of Hypertension(1990-1996; 2001-2004)
Editorial Board of the Journal of Vascular Research
Editorial Board of Kidney and Blood Pressure Research
Editorial Board of Journal of the Renin-Agiotensin-Aldosterone System
Editor of Microcirculation in Cardiovascular Disease
Associate Editor of Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology
Advisory Editor of Pharmacological Research
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
Editorial Board of European Cardiology
American Journal of Physiology
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
Basic Research in Cardiology
British Heart Journal
British Journal of Pharmacology
Cardiovascular Research
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
Clinical Science
European Journal of Pharmacology
European Journal of Physiology
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Journal of Hypertension
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of Vascular Research
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
Supervisor of Ph.D. students
1980J Smits: The antihypertensive effect of propranolol
1982F Min: Computersimulatie en wiskundige modellen in het medisch onderwijs. Het RL-computersimulatiesysteem
1982R Evenwel: The development of spontaneous hypertension in rats
1983J Kleinjans: Stimulation of renal adrenergic mechanisms as a model for the development of hypertension
1986J Mooij: Studies on the pharmacokinetics and antihypertensive action of verapamil
1987M Daemen: Local drug administration. An experimental study on its possibilities and limitations
1987H Nievelstein: Hemodynamic effects of antihypertensive drugs in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats
1987J le Noble: Microcirculation in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
1988B Janssen: Sensory renal nerves and hypertension
1989R Schoemaker: Experimental heart failure in rats. Hemodynamic studies on pathophysiology and therapy
1989J Drieman: Drug targeting to the kidney. N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl derivatives as kidney-selective prodrugs
1990J de Vries: Atrial natriuretic peptides, their role in cardiovascular homeostasis
1991C van Krimpen: Cardiac remodeling and angiotensin II after an experimental myocardial infarction
1991Th Rentmeester: Loreclezole. A clinical evaluation of its safety and efficacy as anticonvulsant
1992M Nelissen: Local renin-angiotensin systems and peripheral ischemia
1992M Messing: Antihypertensive drugs and the microcirculation
1992R Hermans: Comparative metabolism of warfarin and acenocoumarol:stereoselectivity in oxidative and reductive biotransformation routes
1992H Boonen: Excitation-contraction coupling in small arteries. Role in hypertension
1993L Van Bortel: Beyond the tension of hypertension. Focus on non-antihypertensive aspects of antihypertensive treatment
1993JW de Jonge: Diuretic drug cessation in general practice. Withdrawing diuretic drugs prescribed for ankle oedema
1994P Schiffers: Intra-arterial growth control. Slow variations on a classical theme
1994M Huijberts: Vascular dysfunction in experimental diabetes
1994J Wijnen: Exercise and cardiovascular risk reduction
1995N Palmen: Biological effects in human erythrocytes in vitro exposed to xenobiotics
1995M Kool: Large artery properties. Relation to cardiovascular risk factors and therapy
1996BJ Heesen: Pharmacological modulation of vascular abnormalities in experimental diabetes
1997F le Noble: The renin-angiotensin system and arteriolar growth. Consequences of vascular architecture for the development of hypertension
1997P Eerdmans: Sympathetic nerves and alterations in vascular structure and reactivity
1998J Oosting: Circadian variability of the cardiovascular system in hypertension
1999A van Gorp: The realtionship between structural and in vivo dynamic mechanical properties of the thoracic aorta in rats with aging and in hypertension
2000F Crijns: Functional and structural determinants of vascular dysfunction in experimental diabetes
2000J de Hoon: Migraine and anti-migraine drugs. Focus on cardiovascular aspects
2000A Spooren: Erythrotoxicity of aliphatic hydroxylamines
2000J van der Heijden-Spek: Large artery properties and cardiovascular risk: a population study
2001J Maas: Invasion and angiogenesis in endometriosis. Experimental studies in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane
2002E Balkestein: Polygenic determination of cardiovascular risk. A population study on arterial structure and function
2007M Baumann: Transient prehypertensive treatment: an additive option against hypertension?
2013B Heijnen: Linking the Renin-Angiotensin System to Immune Mechanisms: the Key in Hypertension Development?
2015R Altara: Novel inflammatory Biomarkers for the early identification of heart failure.
2016K. Hermans: Wnt/Frizzled Signaling in Myocardial Infarction
Scientific services
As of 1978Member of Ph.D. thesis review committees in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Sweden, and Switzerland
1979-1983Secretary Dutch Hypertension Society
1980-1982Vice-dean of Research at the University of MaastrichtMedicalSchool
1983-1987Chairman of the Hypertension Committee of the Dutch Heart Foundation
1983-1987Member of the Scientific Council of the Dutch Heart Foundation
As of 1984Consultant to several pharmaceutical companies in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, and Japan
1985-1991Member of the Scientific Council of the Dutch Kidney Foundation
1986-1990Member of the Board of the Dutch Council for Medical Research (MEDIGON)
1990Member of the Organizing and Program Committees of the IUPHAR 1990 Congress, Amsterdam
1990-1997Chairman of the Dutch Pharmacological Society
1990-1997Member of the Scientific Council of the Radboud Foundation
1991-1997Member of the Committee on Medicines of the Dutch National Health Service
1991-1997Member of the board of the European Federation of Pharmacological Societies
1992-2006Member of the Dutch Health Council
1993-1997Chairman of the grant review committee Organ Systems of the Dutch Council for Medical Research
1996-2000Program coordinator of the yearly meetings of the European Council for Research on Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Diseases
1997-2003Chairman of the NWO program for Stimulation of Innovative Drug Research (STIGON)
1998Member of the Organizing and Program Committees of the International Society of Hypertension Congress, Amsterdam
1999 – 2005Chairman of the jury of the Saal van Zwanenbergh Foundation.
1998 - 2005Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the French INSERM Organization
1999-2006Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration
2002 - 2004President European Council for Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Research
2003 - 2011Member of the Scientific Council of the European Society of Hypertension
2003-2007Member of the Scientifc Council of the Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller (Paris), member of the Jury for the “Prix Liliane Bettencourt for the Life Sciences”
2005- 2007Officer at Large, Council of the European Society of Hypertension
2005 – nowMember of the Second Scottisch Enlightement Society, Edinburgh
2006 – nowMember of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Foundation for Circulatory Health, Imperial Collelge, London, UK
2007 - 2009Vice-president Council of the European Society of Hypertension
2007 – 2012Chairman of the Platform of Dutch Cardiovascular Research Institutes
2007 – 2014Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France
2008 – 2012Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz Institute for Arteriosclerosis Research, Münster, Germany
2009 – nowChairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Paris Cardiovascular Research Institute, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
2009Member of the Mid-Term Review Committee of the Dutch Top Institute for Drug Research
2010-2013Member of the Scientific Council of the Leuven University Cardiovascular Research Institute
2011-2012Member of the external review committee of Dutch Medical curricula
2014Member of the End-Review-Committee of the Dutch Institute for Drug Research
2014Member of the external review committee of the Rotterdam Cardiovascular research Institute
2016Chairman of the review committee of the Leiden Academic Center for Drug research
1994Fellow of the InternationalCollege of Angiology
1998Member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities
1999International Fellow of the Council on High Blood Pressure Research of the American Heart Association
2000Fellow of the American Heart Association
2001Lecturer of the Year of the Belgian Hypertension Society
2001Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Liège, Belgium
2002Recipient of the Prix Descartes-Huygens, French Government
2003Member of the NetherlandsAcademy of Technology and Innovation
2004Visiting professor Collège de France, Paris, France
2010Appointed as Knight of the Order of Oranje-Nassau by the Dutch Queen
H. Struijker Boudier has been invited as lecturer during congresses, workshops or in other laboratories more than 500 times. Some of the major lectures include:
1992Key-note lecture at the 14th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Madrid, Spain
1993EUPHAR key-note lecture during the Joint Meeting of the French and German Pharmacological Societies, Lille, France
1994Key-note lecture during the Joint Meeting of the Dutch and German Hypertension Societies
1996Key-note lecture during the 6th World Congress for Microcirculation, Munich, Germany
1999Lecture during the Gordon Conference on Angiotensin II, Oxford, United Kingdom
1999Key-note lecture during the Journées de l’Hypertension Artérielle, Paris, France
2001Key-note lecture during the meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, San Francisco, USA
2002Key-note lecture during the meeting of the Danish Hypertension Society, Vejle, Denmark
2004●Presidential lecture 9th Annual meeting European Council for Cardiovascular Research. Nice, France
- Two lectures as visiting professor at the Collège de France, Paris, France
- Opening lecture, 8th International symposium on Resistance arteries. Angers, France
2010Plenary lecture, 20th European Meeting on Hypertension. Oslo, Norway
2013Plenary lecture, 28th Mexican Congress of Cardiology, Mexico City
2014President of the Artery 14 meeting, Maastricht
2015Plenary lecture, 25th European Meeting on Hypertension. Milan, Italy
2016Plenary lecture. Latin American Conference on Cardiometabolic Disease Management Sao Paulo, Brasil
2017Plenary lecture 26th Meeting of the Indonesian Heart Association. Jakarta, Indonesia
H.A.J. Struijker Boudier
Scientific interests and achievements
Struijker Boudier was trained as a chemist (1967-1973) and developed an interest for the biomedical sciences during his Ph.D. training (1973-1975) in the Pharmacology Institute of the University of Nijmegen, at that time headed by professors Ariëns and Van Rossum, pioneers in the area of molecular pharmacology. His thesis research led to the first documented description of the existence of more than one type of dopamine receptor in nervous tissue (papers 4 and 5 of the bibliography). At the same time he developed an interest in more physiologically oriented questions, leading to the research on CNS mechanisms of blood pressure control (paper 6). The crossroads of pharmacology and physiology have remained a major focus of his whole career.
During a post-doc training in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics of the University of Mississippi under the chairmanship of professor Guyton he learned the systems biology underlying complex physiological systems and the way drugs influence these. This combined training in molecular pharmacology and systems biology had a profound influence on the new pharmacology group he started to set up at the University of Maastricht in 1977. The major theme of the early years (1977-1985) of this group was the hemodynamic analysis of antihypertensive drug action and the pathophysiology of hypertensive disease. Struijker Boudier’s group made fundamental contributions to unravel the mode of action of beta-blockers (papers 29,36), diuretics (paper 39), and calcium antagonists (paper 59). Their early approach gave the insight that renal vasodilatation is a predominant factor in long-term antihypertensive drug action. On this basis, new drugs that act as selective renal vasodilators were designed and proven to be effective (papers 54, 55, 58).
On the pathophysiology side, his early interests were primarily in the role of nervous reflex control (papers 37, 48). The pivotal role of renal nervous reflexes in the control of kidney function and blood pressure was described in a series of studies between 1985 and 1990.
Around 1990 the pharmacology group at the University of Maastricht reached maturity and became the basis of three independent, but closely collaborating teams. Jos Smits developed a team with a special focus on the pharmacology and pathophysiology of cardiac and peripheral ischemic disease. Jo De Mey led a team working in vascular pharmacology with a special focus on vascular development and the relation between structure and function of the arterial system. Both teams have included molecular and cellular approaches to study pathophysiology and drug action. Struijker Boudier’s own interest shifted gradually towards truly long-term mechanisms of cardiovascular control. Structural alterations of cardiovascular tissues, or "cardiovascular remodeling", became the central theme of this research. The pharmacological counterpart of tissue remodeling is tissue repair: the use of drugs to alter, in a favorable way, the architecture of tissues. This line of research started with the realization that the microcirculation is the primary site of both pathogenesis and target organ damage in hypertension (papers 112 and 113). It led to the hypothesis that suppressed angiogenesis is the basis of the vascular abnormality underlying hypertension (paper 145). This hypothesis triggered major research efforts in different laboratories, including his as reflected by a series of papers after 1992.
Again, the pathophysiology research went hands-in-hands with drug research on treatment of vascular abnormalities in hypertensive disease. A particular focus was on the long-term structural actions of drugs interfering with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (papers, 151, 158, 185, 186).
In order to better understand the biomechanical basis of cardiovascular remodeling and repair, Struijker Boudier spent a sabbatical year, in 1991, in the INSERM unit of dr. Bernard Lévy in Paris. This sabbatical was the start of a fruitful collaborative program on vascular mechanics and on how these are influenced by drugs (papers 152, 186). It was also the basis for a new group in Maastricht of clinical pharmacology that was set up in close collaboration with Luc Van Bortel, who is now professor of Clinical Pharmacology in Ghent. This program focuses on large artery mechanics in pathophysiology and during drug therapy. The research profited tremendously from close collaboration with the CARIM Ultrasound group of Arnold Hoeks and Rob Reneman (papers 155, 165, 180-182) and Jan Staessen’s epidemiology group in Leuven (papers 230, 231). Recently, this collaboration led to the recognition of genetic risk factors for vascular disease in a large population study (papers 234, 235, 249).
Aside from a 40-year long interest in cardiovascular pathophysiology and drug treatment, Struijker Boudier has maintained a strong interest in biomedical technology and its influence on the "condition humaine". He was introduced in that field in the 1970s by dr. John Urquhart, with whom he has kept a life-long collaboration. They pioneered the application of the osmotic minipump, of which dr. Urquhart was a co-inventor, in new designs of long-term pharmacological experiments. Together they wrote the Dutch version of a popular book on risk measurement in technological societies (37 in the book section of the bibliography). Struijker Boudier was also one of the co-founders of the biomedical engineering curriculum and research program in the 1990s as a joint activity of the University of Maastricht and Eindhoven University of Technology. This program now trains some 100 students per year in a bachelor/master program of biomedical engineering.
Struijker Boudier held the chair of Pharmacology at the University of Maastricht from 1980-2000. During that period, he trained some 40 Ph.D. students as well as many students and post-doctoral fellows from abroad. Seventeen of these students are now university professors in The Netherlands or abroad.From 1999-2006 he was the Scientific Director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute in Maastricht. This institute is an international center of excellence in which more than 250 basic scientists, clinicians and technical support staff work on the pathophysiology and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and its related risk factors. He was responsible for the scientific program as well as for the international collaboration. Since 2006 he is senior professor of Pharmacology and Cardiovascular Research. He has a number of memberships of advisory boards of international research institutes and served as a member (2011-2012) of the review committee of the Dutch universities’ medical curricula. He was elected as member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities in 1998; as international fellow of the High Blood Pressure Council and the American Heart Association in 1999. He received a doctorate honoris causa of the University of Liège (2001) and the Prix Descartes-Huygens of the French Government (2002). In 2010 he was appointed as knight in the order of Oranje Nassau of the Dutch Royal House. After his official retirement in 2015 Struijker-Boudier remained active as emeritus with the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology as well as the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht. In addition, he is frequently asked as speaker in expert groups dealing with the emerging epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in developing countries, in particular in Asia and Latin America. Since early 2017 Struijker-Boudier and his wife live in France in Chateau La Borie near Limoges where they develop a cultural center focussed on contemporary art.